Adikki in Minny

The one and only chapter

Nikki's plane touched down in Minneapolis and she felt like she was about to throw up. She wasn't airsick though, she was nervous. As soon as she was through customs she would be meeting her boyfriend, Adam, for the first time.

She grabbed her luggage and began literally shaking as she walked down the long terminal hall to the arrivals area. She spotted him right away. Tall, with a cute sign that said "Victoria" (that's her real name) and a huge grin on his face. She couldn't help but run over to him and throw her arms around her.

"I can't believe we're finally meeting!", Adam said as he lifted her up and spun her around. Nikki just smiled back as he put her down. Slowly, he tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her softly.

"It's really you", she murmured.

They talked all the way to his dark green van (not like a mom minivan like a rectangular shape you know?). He payed the $32 for parking and pulled onto the highway. He began pointing out landmarks on the way, like the Xcel Energy Centre, home of the Minnesota Wild.

After about 15 minutes of driving and chattering non-stop, they pulled off the highway and into an Applebee's parking lot. They were seated in a booth and handed menus by a nice blonde waitress.

"What can I get y'all to drink?", she asked.

"I'll have a kiwi lemonade, please", Nikki smiled.

"Bud light for me, please", Adam replied.

They were also ready to order their food. Nikki got a salad because she was a vegan now. Adam got the steak and mashed potatoes with gravy. They didn't order of the 2 for $20 menu because it was their first date.

They couldn't stop smiling at each other while waiting for their food. They talked about Adam's job with the Wild and Nikki's school (whooooo). They talked about their families and what they liked to do and everything in between.

When they had finished their dinner, Adam left a good tip because he is a good person and the service was excellent. They got into the car and drove towards downtown Minneapolis and stopped in front of a pier. Snow was falling gently.

"This is my favourite place", Adam said as they walked out on the boardwalk over the water.

"It's beautiful", Nikki agreed.

"You're exactly like I imagined, Victoria".

"What do you mean?", Nikki blushed.

"I take that back. You're better".

They kissed until it got too cold, and decided to go home. (Adam ate a mint before he kissed Nikki so he didn't taste like meat). When they arrived, Adam turned on the fireplace and layed pillows on the floor. He made hot chocolate (the vegan kind) for both of them and then sat beside her.

"One day when I have a house I'll have a real fireplace, but this is okay for now, I guess", Adam said, almost apologetically.

"I think it's perfect. It's definitely warming me up", Nikki assured him.

After a while the room became too hot and Nikki looked over coyly at Adam before pulling off her shirt. His eyes widened and he scooted over to kiss her.

~~~~~etc etc etc etc~~~~~~~

Nikki knew she was in love.
♠ ♠ ♠
100% true