Stripped in Winter's Cradle.

Cradle of Winter.

I held Elizabeth's hand in the silence...

Last night could have been a dream. We had escaped from the hustle and bustle of prom night, all to be alone together in the woods. With her at my side, we went as far as to the edge of the forest, stopping upon a wide, treeless overhang. Massive strips of mountains stretched ahead of us, and we took each others palm, cherishing in the beauty of the moment. The skyline couldn't have been any more tastier, as it broke violently into majestic pieces of bluish violet, and it seemed like forever while Elizabeth and I stood sitting on that cliff until the crimson skies began to fade into blackness, while we rolled along with the drifting clouds.

Darkness only deepened the cold, hitting quickly, and the stars managed to hide from us behind an invisible barrier. We left the cliff behind, and a nearby clearing of ice covered with pine needles and dead leaves became our temporary bed; time passed in a blur while we drifted off into one another's conversations, ending with our lips softly pressed together, cheek to cheek. She slept so soundly in the breeze, and I kissed her cheek, pulling her closer to my leathery chest...

No matter how hard I could have held her, it didn't matter. She didn't wake up, and it took her away.

Strands of sunlight seeped through the thick groves of evergreen, as the morning stirred in its white night gown. Snow still fell in light blankets upon the dampened earth, and I let its flakes gather upon her pale, lifeless face.

The forest gradually began to bury her, and I cried tears of despair as the trees loomed over with their crooked, icy fingers...desperately trying to comfort me. Wind whispered a lullaby into my ear, and it carried the frozen tears of the wood upon my pallor, while we blew away, my heart cracking into pieces from its chilly caress.