Status: I'm backkkkkkkk, (:

Daughter of the Dark

Daughter of the Dark

I remember meeting my father as if it were yesterday. My nanny, Hilda, called my name from the bottom of the stairs, and I came bounding down the stairs clad in a blue jumper and bouncing blonde ringlet curls. There stood a man in a dark suit and tie in the foyer of my home. He had platinum blonde hair, even more blonde than mine, and extremely pale skin, almost sickly. His face was hard and cold, no trace of a smile or any laugh lines hinting that he'd ever smiled in his life. Hilda's lips were a hard line, her brows knitted together in frustration. I inwardly sighed, wondering what I'd done wrong.

"Acacia, this is Mr. Malfoy. He's a friend of your father's," Hilda told me. My mind halted. My father?

"We've heard of your mother's sickness, and we've come out of the best interest of you, child," the man said, his voice cold. My best interest? What the heck is this guy talking about?

"What do you mean, sir?" I inquired him, wanting to get to the bottom of this.

"I'm here to take you to your father," he said, a smirk gracing his features. My heart halted in my chest.

"What?" I yelled. This... This can't be happening. Oh merlin, I can't breath. I started to hyperventilate.

"Acacia, that's enough. Now go pack," I was told by the nanny who'd taken care of me since my mother got sick.

"How could you do this? My mother would NEVER allow this! I demand to see her!" I yelled, stomping my foot on the hardwood floor.

"Hush, child, and do as your told!" Hilda scolded me. I blinked back tears but remainded silent and still. Hilda's lips seemed to get even thinner, her face getting redder by each second. I was testing her, and I knew I'd get punished.

She lurched forward, grabbed me by the arm and began yanking me up the stairs. I pulled and pulled with all my might but my small frame was no match for this large Irish woman. Please help me... I yelled and yelled, screaming for my mother, but I knew she couldn't hear me. I knew I'd never be saved. Hilda dragged me into my bedroom, used her wand to magically pack all my belongings in a small trunk, and looked at me hard.

"Listen to me, Acacia. You do whatever they tell you to, and you may live. You must do this. Your mother will never be better, Acacia, so you have to go with them. I can no longer help you. Now go," Hilda said. I was so confused and hurt and betrayed, and I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare.

"Please, Hilda, please don't do this to me," I begged, pleaded, tears spilling from my bright blue eyes. I don't want to die. I just want to stay here. I want my mum.

"Enough!" She bellowed, sending me on my way with her outstretched had.

"I won't go. You cannot make me leave my home! You leave!" I yelled at her, the rebellious side of me coming out. She made a face, one that told me I'd regret my words, and pulled out her wand. She amplified her voice by whispering a charm and pressing it to her throat, and her voice boomed down the hallway to Lucius. I heard footsteps. My mind raced.

"Imperious," the blonde man entered the room with his wand raised and cursed me. I was under her control.

From that day on, I'd never have control of my own life again.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just the beginning, and I know it's short. The rest of the chapters will be much longer, this just needed to fill in all the details that will get this thing started.

I appreciate everyone who read this, and I update much faster if I get feedback!
If anyone has any ideas or something good that they'd love to read about in this story, do message me, and I'll give you credit if I use it. I love to write and make people happy. I hope you all like it.

Comments are lovely!
