Status: I'm backkkkkkkk, (:

Daughter of the Dark

Malfoy Manor

When summer came to it's close, My uncle, Igor Karkaroff, came to my bedroom as I finished packing and told me, "it's time. The car is ready. Good luck, and do not disobey the Dark Lord. He's given the Malfoy boy a significant task, and with the planning in process, he's bound to be on edge. Tread lightly, dear Acacia. Your mother would be proud of the beautiful young woman you've become." My uncle Igor had a sad smile upon his face as he escorted me down the stairs of his home, to a car at the curb. I wondered silently what has brought this talk on, but decided not to question. I hugged my uncle, and promised him I'd do the very best I could, and got into the car. I'd arrive in London in a few short hours, and decided to get lost in thought until I reached the dreaded Malfoy Manor where I'd spend the next week lying around and tip toeing around death eaters.

A few days after my father assigned Draco's task of fixing the Vanishing Cabinet and killing Dumbledore, he called me in to his study.

"Acacia, come," the Dark Lord called to me as I opened the door. I did as I was told.

"I need to ask you to do something for me. And I expect nothing but compete cooperation, and none of your smart mouth," he said, smirking. His sick face disgusted me; this man was NOT my father.

"Yes, my Lord?" I inquired boredly. Here we go again, I thought.

"You know of Draco's task, yes?" He asked me, petting Nagini's head as he sat in a high-backed arm chair. I nodded. He continued, "I am worried that he will fail to see the seriousness in completing the Vanishing Cabinet. You see, I've heard that Mr. Malfoy is often tempted by young females when he is at Hogwarts. He is a new death eater, you see, and I can tell he's terrified out of his mind. Just how I like them...." He paused to let out a dark chuckle. "By any means, I want you to.... seduce him. And then make sure he completes his task, with you as his consolation prize." He smirked again, and I wanted to scream.

"But my Lord, is this necessary? Draco has shown loyalty since his ceremony, why should you have any reason to doubt he will complete the Vanishing Cabinet?" I asked, annoyed at the thought of having no choice but do this.

"You will do as I say, Acacia. You and Draco are a part of a much bigger plan, one that will be revealed to you in due time. Until then, you are to do as I ask. Draco needs someone he trusts to better convince that this is the best thing for myself and my followers, which as you know, he now is. We MUST get into Hogwarts, daughter, and you are our best chance," his voice said firmly, his face determined yet still hideous. I really had no choice but to do this. "You're dismissed. Don't screw this up, Acacia, your life depends on it," he added.

I nodded and left the room silently. I felt defeated. There wasn't anything I could do to stop this. And what were his plans for Draco and I? How do Draco and how pertain to Harry Potter? I sighed, and walked up the stairs to my bedroom, wanting to get away to clear my head. We'd be leaving for school tomorrow, so I magically packed all my belongings and school things I'd bought earlier that week, and quickly changed clothes. I grabbed my phone, and walked down to the dinning room for lunch.

As I walked down the hallway to the stairs, I ran into a certain platinum blonde, icy blue eyed young man we all know as Draco Malfoy. Draco and I had never really been good friends, just acquaintances. Since I'd came to the Malfoy Manor just days before, we'd hardly spoken. He looked ahead, a distracted look on his face, and walked into his bedroom. I sighed and continued walking. How was I supposed to make this guy see that the worst thing that could possibly happen to the wizarding world was something he needed to do, to possibly save both of our lives? I pushed the thoughts out of my head as I entered the dining room to eat lunch with Narcissa Malfoy and Mrs. Zambini.

I ate lunch boredly, munching quietly on a potato soup and a bread roll, and listened to the easy chatter of Narcissa and Mrs. Zambini as we sat in the bright, elegant dining room. I would have to say, even though this house held within it so much evil, it was quite beautiful. My thoughts were interupped by the sound of two boys shuffling down the stairs and into the dining room. Draco and Blaise Zambini.

Blaise looked at me and nodded, "Karkaroff." They sat down as house elves brought out their plates. The two had a quiet conversation amongst themselves, very aware of their mothers' presence. I was really... well, bored. It was always like this, everything so proper, and when you weren't doing this, you're trying to avoid Lucius and the Dark Lord at all costs. In a way, I was really glad to be getting back to school.

I finished, leaving quickly. I had really nothing to do but kill time, so I went up to my room to read a muggle novel about vampires.

The next day, it was finally time to go back to Hogwarts. Although the 'task', if that's what you'd call it-I'd call it being whored out by my father-, plauged my mind, I was going to make the best of the situation, because that's just what I do. I've been delt a shitty hand in life, and I refused to dwell on it and be constantly unhappy.

"Acacia!" I was greeted as I was about to board the train by my best friends, Eliza Nolty and Jared Kingly. Eliza was around five-foot-seven, with long black hair and big brown eyes. She was fairly pretty. Jared Kingly had always been a heartbreaker around Hogwarts with the Slytherin girls, with his height of six-two and tan skin, he was built from Quidditch, brown tousled hair and hazel eyes.

"Hey guys," I greeted them with my best smile. I'd always been confident, and not to sound cocky or anything, but I'd say I was pretty. I had long curly blonde hair and green eyes, and a face that wasn't bad to look at. I'd always been quite petite, getting it from my mother.

"You look tan. How was your break?" Eliza asked me.

"I spent alot of time out by the pool enjoying the weather. You know my uncle, there's never a thing to do at his house. I guess I should be used to it. Breaks are so wasteful, there's people to be having fun with, way too much gossip to catch up on," I beamed. I was finally starting to come out of the funk I'd been in from being around my father. Normally, I was a social butterfly, and that'd made me very likable at Hogwarts.

Eliza laughed and agreed. The sound of a horn blowing interrupted us, and we grabbed the trunks by our sides, and boarded the Hogwarts Express. We soon found an empty compartment, and prepared for the lengthy ride to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
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Second chapter! Woo! As of this moment, I have 12 readers, 5 subscribers, and a comment. That makes me waaaaaaay happy, and I'm glad you liked it, if you liked it. More feedback, faster updates! I'll post another chapter in a couple of days, but I could get busy, you know, finals and the holidays are coming up. But anywho, I'll stop rambling for those of you who are actually reading this still. Haaa.
