Status: I'm backkkkkkkk, (:

Daughter of the Dark

Welcome Back

As we found a compartment on the train, we talked animatedly about our breaks, Eliza spending hers in Paris with her father, and Jared in the United States in California. Jared was in the middle of a hilarious story about how his cousin Balarie tried to hit on a police officer to keep her drunk ass from getting a ticket, and how she'd failed miserably, when the compartment door slid open and in walked in Marcus Flint, Blaise Zambini, Millicent Bulstrode, Draco Malfoy, and the ever pug-like Pansy Parkinson. I sighed inwardly, and put on a smile.

"Hi guys!" Eliza squeaked, hugging on Flint tightly. They'd always been really good friends, which I don't know why because in my opinion, he's kind of an asshole. He patted her head with a smile, showing off the famous British crooked teeth. I thought about my own smile, and was grateful to be half Russian on my mother's side.

The group all sat together, talking and laughing as the train rushed along the countryside. I stared silently out the window and wondered how I'd make Draco... well, whatever I had to make him. Could I make him fall for me? I doubted he'd ever given me a second thought. What was my game plan? You're guess is as good as mine.

An intercom came on, telling the students that we were approaching Hogwarts soon after, and decided to go change into my robes. I looked myself over in the mirror, clipped at green barrette in my hair, and left quickly to find the train starting to unload.

We all sat in the Great Hall as Dumbledore gave his speak, the first years were sorted, and everyone caught up with each other. Rumors of a Welcome Back party in the Slytherin common room that evening reached our area of the table and soon became all we could talk about. I thought to myself that this would be my first opportunity to talk to Draco. We left the hall as we completed our dinner to go to the dungeons to get ready. Eliza and I parted with Jared, who was too busy hitting on a pretty black haired fourth year, and went to our dormitory to get ready.

"So I need to tell you something, Eliza, and you have to promise me you won't breath a word of it to anyone," I told her as we entered our dorm. It was spacious and beautifully decorated in Slytherin green and black, with two four poster beds with black draping around each one for privacy, an average sized bathroom with a walk in shower. The Slytherin commons were rumored to be decorated the best in Hogwarts.

"Sure, Acacia, you know you can tell me anything," she replied reassuringly. I knew I could trust Eliza, because unfortunately, her parents were death eaters as well, and she had been raised in that lifestyle.

"The Dark Lord has given me a task," I said carefully, judging her reaction. Her face dropped.

"To do what?" she asked somberly.

"Well, you know that Draco has to complete the Vanishing cabinet. The Dark Lord thinks Draco won't do it. So he wants me to... utilize myself into pushing Draco closer to the Vanishing Cabinet..." I told her, trying my best not to reveal that the Dark Lord was my father.

"So what you're telling me is... The Dark Lord wants you to seduce Draco and get you to convince him to complete the Vanishing Cabinet? That really... is stupid. That's a stupid task. There are other ways for him to make sure Draco would complete the task. No, Acacia, there's something coming. He's got something planned for you and Draco. Beyond the Vanishing Cabinet." She ranted. I looked at her closely. I hadn't really thought about it this way...

"Well, I'm stuck. If I don't do what we wants, he will kill me. You know. Anyone who stands in his way of destroying Harry Potter will die." I said truthfully, desperately.

"We'll figure this out. But for now, let's just... have a good time. This is our last year to have fun before the war begins and everything goes to shit. We'll figure this out," Eliza patted my hand reassuringly, and I was grateful to have such a good friend.

We started getting ready for the party, me in a cute dress and Eliza also in a [url=} dress[url]. I did my hair magically, leaving it in my natural blonde ringlet curls, did light makeup, and I was satisfied. We emerged down the stairs to a beautifully decorated common room blaring with music and my fellow classmates.

"Acacia!" Blaise called to me as he stood near a table covered in Fire Whiskey, Butterbear, snack food, and a ton of plastic cups. He held a plastic cup in his hand, and I could tell he'd been drinking for a little while.

"Hiya, Zambini. Nice party, eh?" I beamed, and took a cup that had been offered to me. I took a long swig, and listened to Blaise talk animatedly over the loud music of Linknin Park's In the End. He rocked back and forth to the music, and Eliza ran off to find someone to dance with. I looked quickly around the room, my eyes searching for Draco, but he was nowhere to be found. Damn. I guessed I would have to have myself a good time enough I came across him.

"Blaise! Dance with me!" I told him excitedly, as I Almost Told You That I Loved You by Papa Roach came on. He smiled, put down his drink and dragged me to the dance floor.

We grinded and gyrated our bodies together to the music in a crowd of people. I found Eliza with her back pressed against a tall seventh year whose name I thought was Alex. His hands were on her hips and his face was pressed against her neck. I rolled my eyes in good fun, and she flipped me off.

I was about to say something, but my mind froze when I saw Draco walst in hand in hand with with a drunk Pansy Parkinson, but as I looked closer, it looked as if he were trying to get away from her. I took that as my opportunity to swoop him up. He dragged
Pansy towards the black leather couch in front of the fire place, then left her to head towards the bar. The song ended. Perfect chance. I left Blaise and slowly, rocking my hips side to side, I walked towards him.
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Hi guys! I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated, I had finals, and then went out of town for the holidays. I'll try and update again today if I can! Hope you guys like this one.

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