Sequel: Band Meets World

My Warped Summer

The Interview

Scarlet's Point of View

I was just pulling my hair back into a ponytail when Allison came bursting through the door.

“Scarlet!” Allison squealed. “Is it true? Is it true? Tell me it’s true.”

I grinned, “Yes, Kellin and I…well.”

“Kellin and Scarlet kissing in a tree –“

“You are so immature, Allison!” I threw a pillow at her.

She laughed, “Anyway, apparently there’s this interview for AP Magazine. And they had an online vote for the fans to see what band they wanted to see interviewed and who they wanted from each band…”

She trailed off. I gave her a clueless face.

“Scar…you and Kellin were nominated,” she could barely contain her smile.

My eyes widened, “You’ve got to be kidding.”

She pulled the pillow up to cover her mouth and shook her head.

“Well – when is it?” I asked.

“Downstairs in the lobby 5 minutes from now. It’s just gonna be a few minutes for the interview. Then Vic and I are next.”

“Well what are we doing! Let’s go,” I leaped to the door and pulled it open.

“This should be interesting,” she said as she passed by into the hallway.


Before I knew it, I was seated next to Kellin on the lobby couch facing the interviewer from AP.

The interviewer, Bryan, started, “So I’ll just let you two introduce yourselves.”

Kellin grabbed the mic, “I’m Scarlet from Girls In Skirts.” He passed it to me.

“I’m Kellin from Sleeping With Sirens,” I managed to say with a straight face.

Bryan laughed, “On a more serious note, we’ll start with Scarlet. So recently you and Allison Winters joined Girls In Skirts. How did that exactly happen?”

I went on to explain the whole scenario and Bryan went on to ask more questions for me and Kellin. Everything was going well until –

“Lately, everyone’s been noticing you two have been spending some time together outside of Warped. Care to elaborate?” Bryan nonchalantly asked.

Kellin looked at me and I just sat there with my mouth open.

“Well, Scarlet and I have become very close because we have a lot in common,” Kellin saved us.

“Yeah, Kellin’s a real close friend of mine – well not, well I mean, when I say friend, I mean, as in like a friend friend, like more than friends – well ok more than friends I mean –“ Oh God, what am I saying.

Kellin gently took the mic out of my hand.

“I think what Scarlet is trying to say is that yes, in fact – and I’m going to make this an official statement – Scarlet and I are dating,” he coolly handed the mic back to Bryan and sat back satisfied. Meanwhile, I was blushing like a freaking tomato.

“Well that’s that everyone,” Bryan turned to the camera. “It’s official and I’m afraid that’s all the time we have for now.”

The interviewer slowly faded out as I turned to Kellin. What am I even supposed to say?

“Might as well make put it out in the open,” he winked.

I playfully punched his shoulder, “You now owe me twice. Both for public embarrassment.”

“Oh, don’t tell me you’re embarrassed to be seen with me?” he put his face into mock astonishment.

“Scarlet Smith is embarrassed to be seen with Kellin Quinn. Well dang. That’s just my luck.”

Before I could even realize what he was doing, I could feel his hands on my abdomen.

“Kellin what are y – bahahaha,” I was seized with uncontrollable laughter and fell onto my back as he tickled me.

“Kellinhahaha stoppp,” I could barely breathe.


I pulled a pillow from the couch over my face. He stopped. I carefully peeked from behind the pillow.

“That’s what you get,” he smiled his adorable smile as his bangs fell into his eyes.

I pulled the pillow away from my face, “Kellin we are in a motel lobby full of cameras.”

He looked around, still not getting up, and shrugged as he looked back at me. Then he leaned down and kissed my nose gently.

“That was for the cameras,” he grinned.

I sat up and heard someone call me.

“Hey our set is in an hour! We have to get ready!” Emma yelled.

I ruffled Kellin’s hair and followed Emma to our room.

As I walked in, Allison motioned me over to where she was sitting with a laptop.

“You’re not gonna believe this,” she giggled as I looked over her shoulder.

“Is that…” I trailed off.

“You bet,” she said as she scrolled down pages of Tumblr gifs of her and Vic. There were some of Kellin and I as well – oh gosh, there would probably be more now that we did that interview.

“This is hilarious,” she laughed. “We used to be the people making these gifs and shippings. Now we ARE the gifs and shippings!”

She handed the laptop to me, “I don’t even know how fans got these pictures!”

“Well, I definitely didn’t see them,” I said as I scrolled down the pages as well. “Oh my gosh, that is not true! Kellin and I did NOT have sex!”

I read Allison a text post and she fell out of her chair laughing. Literally.

“Wait until you see some of the things fans say about me and Vic!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to upload, but I hope you guys think it was worth the wait! ;) We are now at 10 chapters! Woo! *highfives for Katie* Stay tuned for the next chapter - and merry Christmas everyone <3 ~christi