Sequel: Band Meets World

My Warped Summer

In Case of Emergency Dial 411

Scarlet's Point of View

As we entered our bus to drive our way to San Diego, I caught sight of the dark clouds just as the rain started to pour. Soon the light rain turned into heavy gusts and I started to wonder where Allison was.

“Uh guys, where’s Allison?” I looked around.

“Probably with Vic,” Genevieve rolled her eyes.

“Ok!” Emma cleared her throat before anything got too far. “I’m sure she’s safe. I think I saw her get onto PTV’s bus. Let’s just focus on getting rest before our next set, ok?”

And with that, everyone quickly got comfortable in the cold bus.

As I pulled on my hoodie I noticed my phone.
12 missed calls
5 messages
Oh God. Oh God Oh God Oh God no.
My parents.

I headed toward the private back room. Picking up my phone I slowly dialed my parents’ number.
One ring before they picked up.

“What do you think you’re doing! Where are you?! Scarlet Wren Smith!” my mother yelled.

“Mom please just unders - “


“Mom! Dad! I know, I’m sorry, but you have to understand! Have you seen me perform!” tears were coming down my face.

“Yes and your reckless behavior is too much. Scarlet, this has been way too far. We’ve been seeing you steadily decline in school, in social behavior, and in ethics. This is too much, Scarlet. You abandoned us. If that’s the way you want to leave, then you can come and pick up your stuff from the garage when - if - you come back.”

My stomach dropped, “What?”

“You’re old enough. Consider yourself ‘on your own’.”

And with that, my parents hung up on me, as well as my life.

Before I could even put down my phone, I felt the tears streaming down my face. What have I done? Why have I been so stupid? I should’ve known.

I felt myself sinking to the floor. I gripped the carpet as the tears stung my eyes and I brought my knees to my face. The bus lurched to a stop and I felt my stomach turn over. I heard some shouts about flooding from the front of the bus.

I should’ve known how my parents would react. But I didn’t think they would disown me. Why do I always mess this up?

As I grabbed a pillow from my bunk, I noticed something from under the pillow small and shiny fall to the carpet.

A habit I had sadly kept. I carefully picked up the small blade. I stared at its glinting surface. It was teasing me - taunting me. I stood up and held it out in front of me.

It had been so long since I had done anything to myself. The longer I looked at it, the more it seemed like my pain would go away. I bit my lip and I started crying harder. Please don’t do this, Scarlet. No, no. I kept repeating in my head, but my hands wouldn’t cooperate with my mind.

“Scarlet?” I looked up to see Kellin in the doorway. “Scar, what are you…”

I couldn’t keep it in. I completely broke down and collapsed back to the floor.

“Kellin, I’m s-so sorry. I didn’t do it. I promise. I’m so so sorry. I just – I just-“ I stuttered.

He rushed over to where I was in a heap.

“It’s ok Scar, it’s ok,” he pulled my hair back and wrapped his arms around my curled up self.
We stayed there for hours it seemed, just him holding me and rocking me back and forth and my staccato bursts of crying.

“I’m so so sorry,” I finally whispered.

“I know, I’m just a little scared, but I’m glad you didn’t go through with it.” He calmly responded.

“You know that crap I said I went through before? Well, now you know.” I looked at his face, ashamed.

“It’s ok, I’ll be here for you, ok?” he folded both my hands in his. “You don’t ever have to do that again. Not if I’m with you.”

He pulled a blanket off the bunk and wrapped it around us.

“So is it ok to ask what started this today?” he said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Ok I am so so so sooooooo sorry it took so long to update ;_; I give you all of my loves in apology for how long it took. But anyway, I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter! Stay tuned for more intensity to come o_o ~christi