Sequel: Band Meets World

My Warped Summer

Taco Talk

“So, I’m sure you girls have heard a bunch of our life stories. Tell us about yourselves - category: embarrassing stories,” Mike grinned just before he bit into his taco.

“Hmm, I can’t really think of anything,” I shove a piece of lettuce in my mouth. I shoot Allison a look. She wouldn't think of it. She couldn't.

Allison slyly smiled back at me.

“Well there was this one time...” she trailed off.

“NO ALLISON. JUST NO.” I waved my taco free hand and started to get up.

Kellin and Jaime sat on either side of me in the circle we had made around a small table outside. Jaime pushed me back in my chair.

“Whoa whoa, let the woman speak!” he yelled and Kellin put his arm around my chair.

Allison then began one of the most mortifying stories of my life.

“Well, there was this one day when we were at Target and we were just going to get some snacks,” she said. “So we head over to the chip section and, of course, Scarlet has to get her Hot Cheetos. So the chip bags are on this long metal rack and at the same time she reaches for a chip bag, she spots the ice cream section.”

“I got distracted ok! Give me that at least!” I yell.

“So in the process of distraction, Scar here accidentally grabs the rack and brings down the whole entire rack of Hot Cheetos. Chips. Everywhere.”

I grumbled as I slouched in my chair with my taco.

“But that’s not the end of it. Somehow while she was falling, the rack ended up on top of her. And it was much too heavy for me to lift by myself. So, I kind of had to get some Target employee to help me lift it off of her. By the time she was up off the ground, Hot Cheetos clung everywhere on her.” Allison says with a laugh.

I give Allison a look, warning her not to tell any more of this horrific accident. She sees it, yet continues telling the last embarrassing detail.

“It was especially bad on her white shorts. Red powder was everywhere. Now, I don’t know if the guy was just stupid or making fun of her, but I swear he purposefully lead us down the ‘feminine products’ aisle. Scarlet couldn't even look him in the eye to thank him afterwards for getting a freaking chip rack off her body.”

“We are never going to that Target again,” I rolled my eyes.

Meanwhile, pretty much everyone was laughing, including Kellin who was almost crying and poking me. But Jaime fell out of his chair and dropped his taco which started making me laugh.

“Jaime! Are you ok!?” I wheezed out.

“Yeah, but the real question is - were you? Though I gotta admire your passion for Hot Cheetos - I love those too.” he smiled.

“I know right! They have just the right amount of spicy in them,” I laughed.

Kellin threw his arms around me, “I gotta go now to practice for our set. See you later guys!” I gave Kellin a peck on the cheek and he walked off to his tour bus.

“So what’re we doing after this?” I said as I leaned down to pick up Jaime’s taco for him.

He pats my hand and picks it up himself, “I have no idea. What do you guys want to do?”

“I think we’re just going to check out the merch booths to see if everything’s in shape. Ya’ll can do whatever you want,” Allison said as Vic gave her a confirming nod.

“Well whoever wants to join me, Tony and I are going to scope out our hometown,” Jaime announced.

“I have nothing better to do, so I’ll tag along,” I said.

Everyone else stayed at the venue while we went out to the city.

Tony and I just walked along the sidewalks while Jaime basically gave us a tour of the area.

“And over here is where I lost my virginity,” he pointed to a small bar.

“Well, that’s definitely something we needed to know,” I laughed.

“Yeah man, way to turn everything dirty,” Tony giggled.

“Hey, I’m just telling you about mi vida,” Jaime explained with a flourish of a hand.

“You can leave the personal stuff for your girlfriend or Vic,” I retorted.

Jaime ignored my remark, “Are there any questions so far?”

I raised my hand.

“Yes, Scarlet Smith,” he pointed at me.

“I’m guessing the girl was drunk right?”

“Oh, you are in so much trouble now, Scarlet,” Jaime started heading for me.

“Tony, save me!” I ran behind Tony and soon we were all “playing” tag around the flower pots and bushes on the street.


All too soon, we got back to the venue to start setting up for our sets (pun intended).

“That was actually really fun,” Jaime said once Tony got inside the bus. “We should do it again sometime.”

“Yeah we should! We could bring along some of the others too next time!” I said.

“Oh. Yeah.... we could bring the others too,” he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand and stared at my Vans. “Well, I guess I’ll see you later.”

“See you, Jaime,” I gave him a quick hug and he leaned back so my feet were off the ground.

“See ya, Scar!” he got in the tour bus and I headed back to Girls In Skirts. Jaime was such a nice guy - strange he didn't have a girlfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
We'll see what happens.... o_O
Anyway, yup, so this is the chapter. Thank ya'll for waiting for this one too heh heh :3 And thank you Katie for inserting the mortifying details for the story (which is based on my true life story). I hope you guys enjoyed it and stay tuned for some more Jaime suspense ._. ~ christi