Sequel: Band Meets World

My Warped Summer

International Douchebag Day

Scarlet's Point of View

Oh geez. I clutch my forehead as I slowly sit up. I open my eyes just barely seeing that I’m in my bunk on our bus. How did I even get here? I thought we were at a party? I almost gag at the taste in my mouth.

Inch by inch I move out of the bunk. Big mistake.

“Fuck!” I shout as I cover my face from the blinding sunlight coming through the window.

“Look alive, sunshine,” Emma grins at me trying to hide her laughter.

“I am alive. I just feel really dead,” I moan. I take a peek but only manage to keep my eyes open if I squint at the floor. “What even happened?”

I feel my jaw as well as all my internal organs drop as Cassie explains what I was doing with a certain who last night.

“Oh my gosh,” I whisper. “I am in some deep water. Oh my gosh, ohmygosh, ALLISON!”

“Yesh?” Allison’s head pops out of her bunk with a smile.

“Did you...just hear...” I trail off.

“Um, I kind of saw and heard,” she bit her lip.

“What is wrong with me?” I groan and fall back onto my pillow.

“Look, Scar, it’s fine,” I suddenly hear Katelynne’s voice. “You were both drunk, so maybe he doesn’t remember it?”

“Let’s hope to God he doesn’t,” I say as I sink my face into the pillow.

The next hour went by in a blur as everyone got dressed and I tried to get ready with Allison’s help. Apparently we had a set in 45 minutes. Great.

I stuck on my Converse and smoothed out my skirt in the tiny bathroom mirror. I pulled on a bandeau with a grey deep cut tank top as well.

“Alright everyone, we have 30 minutes,” Rob yelled from the front of the bus. “We’re just pulling into the Phoenix, Arizona venue so we need to move FAST.”

Soon we found ourselves backstage ready to start.

I quickly put my sunglasses on as I spot Alex at his equipment tent a few yards away from the stage. He looks pointedly at me and I think he shouted my name at some point. I avoid turning my head or looking in his direction.

I can already hear the crowd of people shouting along to another band. I shake my hands out and wiggle my fingers as I bounce up and down. I glance at the set list to see we’re playing after Pierce the Veil and after us came All Time Low. Ugh.

I pull off my shades and face everyone else.

“You guys ready!” I yell over the music.

“Hell yeah!” Emma shouts and drums at the air. Everyone else woops in agreement.

I spy a backstage guy with a video camera filming us so I jump in front of him to stick my tongue out and make a rock sign inches from the camera lens.

The next band runs on stage and I remember I need a sturdier pick. I quickly run over to a small table near the back wall – it’s loaded with all kinds of guitar equipment. I flourish my hand over the 3 rows of picks. I pick up one that feels good enough. It has some kind of name on it though. I squint my eyes to try and read the Sharpie when I hear a slight cough behind me.

“Um, I believe that’s my pick,” Alex says as I turn around to face him.

“Oh,” I mumble and quickly turn back to the table.

“So I was wonderi -” he began.

“Can you please not talk? I’m trying to find something here,” I snapped.

Even I surprised myself. In fact, I felt like I was being harsh towards Alex for no reason. I mean of course I had reason but it was a feeble reason. He had talked bad about Kellin, but I could understand and sort of believe what he was saying. I couldn’t control my anger towards him for some reason. It’s as if I hated him for being right.

“Okay then,” Alex sounded like he had been hurt.

I chose a pick that was strong and headed back to the group. We had 5 minutes before going on.
Fortunately, the 5 minutes flew by and we all found ourselves in front of a giant mass of people stretching all the way back to the tents.

“How is everyone today!” Allison yelled into the mic. Everyone responds with a scream.

We quickly jump into our songs and command the crowd with every movement and word. I can see Alex waiting side stage as well as the rest of ATL watching us play. I can feel his eyes burning into me and it makes me nervous for some reason. I don’t like this feeling.

“Thank you and if you like our music make sure to buy a CD if you want!” Allison shouts before we get off stage.

“And if you don’t like our music, the CDs make great coasters!” I yell.

We run off stage, sweaty and tired.

“Great set, girls!” Rob tells us and pats us on the backs as we head over to the water table.

“Coasters,” Cassie laughs when we all finally get hydrated. “Way to support your own band.”

We all laugh and head over to the merch table. There are dozens upon dozens of fans in a line for the table. We all settle ourselves, but Katelynne and Cassie are going off to practice more. So Emma is at the far end, Allison is in the middle, and I’m at the other end. We’re actually pretty far apart.’

“I love your music!” a girl squeals. “Can you sign my arm?”

“Sure,” I grin and pull a black Sharpie out of my boot.

“Thank you so much!” she scoots along to Allison.

Next is a really buff guy with no shirt on purposefully flexing his muscles as he asks me to sign his t-shirt. I could almost smell the douchebag radiating off of him. I roll my eyes when he winks and turns to Allison.

After him are two girls with plain white snapbacks.

“Hi, I’m Jessica! We love you so much!” one says.

“Your guitar solos are amazing!” the other grins.

“Thanks,” I smile back. “You guys are amazing for coming out to see us!”

“Yeah, we wouldn’t miss your set for the world!” Jessica says.

I see her expression changes suddenly as I see her looking behind me. I look at the other to see her jaw drop in shock.

I turn around and my stomach drops. Oh, hell no.

“Um hey, Scarlet,” Alex mutters not looking at me. “Rob said that he needs you girls in a few minutes for something.”

I pretend like I’m busy signing the next fan’s shirt.

“I’d like to hear that from him first,” I glower.

“Well you can’t because he’s too busy,” he says bitterly. “Trust me, okay. It’s true. I didn’t volunteer to get you, Rob asked me to.”

“Well you can leave now then can’t you?” my eyes narrowed.

“You don’t have to be a jerk to me. I’m actually helping you, you know.”

“I can see that, but you don’t need to have a full conversation with me.”

I look up to see the following fans looking from Alex to me and back to Alex with an awkward look on their face.

“Just go, Alex” I clench my teeth.

“I am going,” he huffs and I hear the swoosh of the tent flap.

I clear my throat.

“Next!” I smile brightly and look in front of me, only to have my smile drop.

“We need to talk,” the Kellin standing in front of me says.

“Jesus Christ, what is it today!” I throw the Sharpie down. “Is it international douchebag day? Can you wait until after the signing?”

“No, I can’t,” he says surprisingly calm. “Look, I think this isn’t going to work. You and me. We jumped in way too fast. I don’t think I feel the same way about you as I used to.”

I bury my face in my hands for a bit. I look up at him.

“Okay,” I whisper. “Okay.”

“Bye, Scarlet,” he turns away.

It was all so quick, I’m not even sure what really happened.

a) Kellin Quinn just broke up with me b) in front of a bunch of fans and c) I may or may not be crying.

“Scar,” I hear Allison’s soft voice and feel Emma’s hand on my shoulder.

“I think Rob needs us,” I get up and make my way to where I see him standing outside yet another tent.
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So so soooo sorry I couldn't update sooner! A lot of stuff has been going on and school stuff since it's getting closer to the end of the year. I hope you guys like this chapter! :) Love you guys and thank you so much for your reads! :D Stay tuned for Katie's next chapter. ;) Btw thank you so much for waiting for me patiently, kitteh. ._.