Sequel: Band Meets World

My Warped Summer

Out to Sea

Allison’s Point of View

“What’s going on?” Scarlet says, trying to keep her voice even. She’s still in shock from the whole Kellin fiasco. I just cannot believe him. I swear if I lay eyes on that son of a bitch again I’ll-

“Emergency band meeting,” Rob says, interrupting my borderline homicidal thoughts. “Everyone in the tent.”

He opens up a flap of the tent and ushers us inside.

“Alright girls, first things first,” he says as we sit down. “We’ve gotten picked up by Fearless Records.”

“Oh my God!” Cassie squeals as we jump up to hug each other. Fearless is a big label. Getting signed to them could mean a ton of new opportunities.

“Alright, enough touchy-feely,” Rob says, managing to pry Emma off his side. “There’s more. As a welcome, they’ve offered to fund and shoot our very first music video.”

This results in more squealing. Scarlet gives me a giant smile, accompanied with goofy dance moves. My best friend, ladies and gentleman.

“What song is it gonna be for?” I pipe up, looking at Rob.

“Out to Sea,” he say, looking down at his clipboard. “One of your new ones.”

“Wait, we haven’t even recorded that one yet,” Emma says, looking terrified.

“Oh that,” Rob says, suddenly remembering something. “They want you to record a whole new song. You know, after all that crap that happened with the old members, we just need a fresh start.”

“Amen to that one,” Cassie says, sitting down once more. “Alright, let’s get brainstorming.”

Several more band meetings and a recording session later, we show up on set, ready to film.

“Ugh, can you believe how Alex tripped me the other day?” Says Scarlet as a lady fixes her hair. She has not been able to shut up about Alex these past few weeks.

“Um first off, you tripped over a rock,” I reply, shrugging on a black leather jacket. “And he tried to stop you from falling.”

“But didn’t you think it was weird how he just showed up there?” She continues, eyes wild.

“Scar. He was walking right behind you,” I say.

“Still... That boy is fishy I tell you,” she says. “Fishy!”

I sigh. There is no helping her.

“Alright, I think you’re finished,” the lady says, revealing Scarlet’s edgy side braid.

“Great, thanks!” Scar says, hopping out of the chair.

“We ready?” Rob says, noticing we’re finished.

“Yep,” I say, slipping on the most unreasonable heels I have ever seen.

I wobble over to the set, a big black backdrop with concrete floors. Cassie, Emma, and Katelynne were already in the center, messing with their instruments.

“Alright,” the director calls, clapping his hands together. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

As we get ready to start filming, I spot a familiar face off in the corner. Oh God no. Scarlet’s gonna flip.

“What. The Fuck,” I hear Scarlet seethe beside me.

Looks like she already spotted him. There was Kellin Quinn, standing there on our video set. Katelynne rushes over to give him an enormous hug.

“Ugh,” I say, looking away. “This is not okay.”

“Damn straight it’s not,” Scar replies, swinging her guitar strap over her shoulder.

A few seconds later, I spot Vic coming to Kellin’s side. Katelynne finally takes her spot back in the center. Scarlet shoots her a look of pure hatred.

“Come on,” I say, pulling Scar’s arm. “Let’s shoot this thing.”

Well, at least one good thing came out of Kellin being at our shoot today. And that was the fact that we were completely badass. Who knew maniacal anger could benefit so much? With the all the emotion and music, it was just empowering. This music video is going to rock.

Once the shooting wrapped up and we were free to go, Scar and I walk over to Vic.

“Hey great job you two,” he says, giving us both high fives.

“For newbies,” Kellin says, appearing in front of us.

“For anybody,” Vic counters.

A long awkward pause followed as Scarlet struggles to compose herself.

“Kellin,” she finally croaks, with a nod of her head.

“Scarlet,” he says with a confident smile.

“Well,” Vic clears his throat. “We better get going. Great job girls.”

He gives us each a hug and turns over his shoulder to leave, with Kellin by his side.

“Well, glad that’s over,” I say, finally letting out the breath I had unknowingly been holding.

“Same here,” Scarlet replies as we walk out to the car. We join Cassie in the back seat. “So much tension.”

“Speaking of tension,” Emma calls from in front of us. “I hear All Time Low is coming to that press thing today.”

We were driving to a sort of press conference going on at Warped. Since we are in California, a ton of different magazines and radio stations come in to interview a bunch of different bands.

“Uggggh,” Scarlet moans, leaning back in the seat. “Of course they are.”

“Hey, lighten up, this should be fun,” I say with a laugh. “I bet we won’t even see them.”

“Hey, it’s Andrea from Clever TV, and we are here with the winners of the band wars.”

I don’t know what this ‘band wars’ thing is, but I do know I am now sitting in the middle of Scarlet and Alex Gaskarth.

“You voted, you got it,” Andrea continues, giving dramatic pointing motions to the camera. “We have with us Alex from All Time Low and Scarlet from Girls In Skirts.”

“And Allison,” I smile, waving to the camera.

Scarlet forced me over here. The whole conference was going so well until she found out she had to do a special interview with Alex. There was, ahem, ‘No way on earth she was doing an interview alone with that sack of douche.’

“Ooh, we have a bonus member now,” the interviewer laughs. “Alright, you guys. So girls, you just released your new single Out To Sea. How do you think it’s doing?

“It’s doing great,” Scarlet says calmly, unlike her hysterics before sitting down. “We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback.”

“What do you think, Alex?”

“Oh,” Alex says, caught off guard. “Um. I haven’t heard it yet actually.”

He settles back in his seat, looking very uncomfortable.

Once we got into the swing of things, Scarlet and Alex could barely tolerate each other. I swear, they couldn’t even look each other in the eye to answer a question. Scar still seemed a little on edge, but she was putting on a good show for the cameras. It was actually going fairly well until-

“You guys are so cute,” the interviewer interjected toward the end of the interview, gesturing at Alex and Scar.

I look at Scarlet and her face is mortified. Alex is equally stunned. He gives a small laugh.

“Thanks, I know,” I say, giving a dramatic hairflip.

Alex and Scar both let out a sigh as the interviewer then wraps up the interview.

“Good save, Ally,” Scarlet says as we get up to leave. She gives Alex a glare for good measure as we head back to the bus. “Ugh, I can’t believe that interviewer. Trying to cause drama like that. And to think I’d like Alex?”

She gave a gagging motion.

“Amen,” I laugh as we walk back to the bus.
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Twenty-five chapters, you guys this is crazy! It's been a blast writing it so far. So, Christina and I have been talking... And what would you guys think about a MWS sequel? Warped Tour is almost over, and we have some really exciting ideas. :D Be sure to tell us what you think! Love you all!

- Katie ^_^