I Kid You Not


Gerard's P.O.V.

I sighed in frustration as I left the small room, closing the door behind me, allowing privacy to the 16 year old patient. I leaned against the wallpapered wall, staring absentmindedly at a stripe on the opposite wall. After a few minutes, I heard the soft creak of the door opening as Frank entered the hallway. He walked down the long hall to the door at the end, which led to the waiting room. As he placed his hand on the door to push it open he paused, glancing back at me and biting his lip.God he's hott when he bites his lip like that.

He noticed that I was staring and blushed, quickly turning back to the door and pushing it open, walking out of sight. I sighed again and walked down the hall in the opposite direction of Frank, not sure where I was going but knowing I had to put distance between Frank and I. Knowing that I had to go somewhere, anywhere, do something, anything ti get my sick mind off of young, innocent, unsuspecting Franklin Anthony Thomas Iero Jr.

Frank's P.O.V.

I left the small building and as soon as I got outside, I leaned back against the cold hard brick wall, sighing in defeat as I slid down into a sitting position on the equally cold and hard concrete sidewalk. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I must admit, no matter the mental debates I had over the duration of the doctors appointment, it is time to face the truth.

I had fallen into lust with Doctor Gerard Arthur Way.

I pulled my red iPod nano 3rd generation out of my pocket and unwound the headphones, shoving the ear buds into my ears. I switched it off hold and scrolled through the list of songs, stopping on Jesus Of Suburbia by Green Day. I pressed play and slid the iPod back into my pocket as the music filled my head, blocking everything else out. I stood and began my walk home in the brisk autumn air, leaving the very sexy children's doctor in the past.For now...
♠ ♠ ♠
Julia here. :D
Feedback please. It makes Chelsea hyper with happiness.
*self-promotion moment* - I just started yet another story a couple hours ago called Anatomy Problems, so if you guys could check it out it would make me smile. :D
I'm also looking for a co-author for that one, so if you're interested PM me.
*self-promotion moment over*
Chelsea will be updating tomorrow most likely. Especially if you guys comment! (she likes comments...a lot...) lol