I Kid You Not


Franks P.O.V

I walked through the bland hallways, ignoring crowds of snobby people as they ignored me in return. I wasn't exactly welcome at this school. Maybe it was because of my attitude, mostly black wardrobe, or the fact that I'm attracted to guys. Yeah, maybe that's it.

I haven't told anybody about that little detail though. I don't know how they would react. Well, actually, I do. But let's just say it would end up with me in the dumpster.

I walked up to my rusted locker and twisted the lock until it opened. I retrieved my text books and then faced the mirror i had put on the side of the locker door. I looked at my reflection and sighed. It was then that I noticed that I had forgotten my eyeliner that morning. I dug down into my backpack, avoiding loose papers and half-eaten lunches. I finally found the makeup and leaned in closer to the mirror to apply it.

I pulled down my lower eyelid an drew on the black eyeliner when big footsteps came towards me. Some one whispered and my locker slammed closed ,hitting my face in the process. I bent down and gripped my face in pain.

The person laughed and high fived someone behind me. "You little faggot." They walked away.

I kneeled down to pick up my backpack and the make-up of mine that had rolled to the other side of the hallway. I stood back up.

"Asshole," I muttered to the stupid jocks, even though they were to far away to hear. I kicked a paper at my feet and head toward my next class.


Tap, tap, tap..

I hit my chewed-on pencil on the desk. I got several annoying stares but whatever. I tuned out my peppy science teacher drone on about genetics and stared at the old clock, willing the bell to ring. I was going to tell Bob. He deserved to know. I mean, he was my best friend right?

The piercing buzz of the bell interrupted my thoughts and I bolted out the door and through the halls, flying through the mass of people until I reached the lunchroom. I paused at the door to catch my breath and to look for Bob. I found him eating a soggy tuna sandwich at out usual table.

I sat across from him. "Hey."

He looked up from his food and nodded. "Sup?"

"Uh..nothing..but i have to tell you something," I spat out before I could rethink this.

"Yeah?" he questioned.

"Well...I think..I think I might not be.." I paused.

"What??" The frustration showed on his face.

"Straight. I'm not straight. Okay??"

"Oh. Okay." He continued eating his sandwich.

"Is that all you have to say?" I asked, confused.

He shrugged. "It would appear that way," he said sarcastically. When he noticed my staring at him, he explained further. "Well...I've been your friend for a long time, and I sorta already figured you were gay. No big deal."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"I wanted you to tell me when you were ready."

I knitted my eyebrows. "Wait...how could you tell?"

"That you aren't the straightest dude in town?" I nodded and waited for his answer.

"Well it wasn't exactly hard to figure out..." He looked me up and down and stiffled a laugh.
I chuckled with him and stole a sip of his coke. "So, there's this guy..." I drifted off.

"Ooh? Do tell."

"It's my doctor," I stated and bit my lip, wishing i could take the words back as soon as they came out of my mouth.

Bob stopped chewing and stared. "Are you serious?" he asked.

I sighed. "Mhm."

Bob shuffled uncomfortably. "I don't know much about this kind of stuff, but I'm always here if you wanna talk, okay?" He put a reassuring hand on my arm before glancing at the clock. "Oh crap. I better go." He picked up his tray and threw it in the trash. "See you later."

I watched him walk away. "Bye." I laid my head down on the cold table and grunted, letting the buzz of the cafeteria take over my mind.
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