Love on Christmas

Break up and bad days.

Are you going to break up with heart?, I don't know, come tom,what,tell us now,um,come on tom, come on what, nothing heart, ok,ok hey boys and heart, hey rose,hi rose,so whats up, nothing much,you, same,ok, so..... how are u heart, I'm good you,same,cool,ok then rose, what tom,um,um what tomibear, can we talk,ok,tom whats wrong with you, um I don't love you anymore, WHAT!, um you ok heart,your breaking up with me,yeah,why,because I don't love u I love, who tom,yeah who, um I love you rose, wait what, really,yeah,why her, I don't care anymore I love rose, I love you to tom, really,yeah, cute,not cute I hate it I wish you where die rose,um ok then, I know really, yes really,ok your crazy heart, no I am not, whatever floats your boat, your so unfair tom kaulitz, um ok then, your not unfair tom, thank you, no problem, so cute, I know right, bye guys and tomibear, bye rose, bye rose,bye rose, bye rosecupcake," house phones ring at 3 o'clock in the morning at rose's house, Doctor: yes Brittney she is here, Brittney: why what happen,Doctor: she got in a car acteded,Brittney: oh my god no, Doctor: sorry Ms. Cox,Brittney: ok bye."
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Question time: Will Brittney call tom and tell him what happen? Did heart planed this? And why in the world aren't Britt and Alex married yet? The question will be answer soon. Oh and this a hit for one of the question: what do you mean? good luck guessing Dakota Rose Cox out.

(here something chapter 4 ill be stopping and talking throw it)