Status: For My Almighty Sex Ferret!

Hush. Hush.

Sh Baby.

As Manson tossed and turned, he couldn't go to sleep. Not with his baby whining in the other room. Again, he closed his eye's tight. Trying to block out the desperate sounds of his baby not being able to sleep. The baby was quiet rowdy earlier. Screaming and yelling, as he played with his toys. Manson heard a thud on the wall. Then another.

Trent wasn't. Then another thud. then a loud bang.

Manson got up, his bare feet hitting the cold wood floor. It made him wince. Not being used to the unusual feeling of the cold floor. The lanky singer walked into his baby's room. The baby was throwing his toys out of his crib against the wall. Each time one of them connected, it made a loud Thud.

His baby looked over, seeing his 'daddy' standing in the door way. The baby's binky fell out of his mouth. Trent wasn't expect the older man to walk in his room, with a stern look on his face. But it fell when he looked at his baby. Dressed in footie pajama's, that were black with red stripes.

The older man sighed." Sweetie, you have to go to sleep" He said walking into the nursery. Toys scattered the whole room.

"Nu Uh" His baby whined. Hugging his black teddy bear closer. Making his daddy sigh.

"Baby, you have to." His daddy said. Stroking his black hair. But the baby wasn't having it. He wasn't tired. He wanted to play.

"Nah!" He screamed. Smacking his daddy's hand away. He wouldn't be sugar coated into going to sleep either.

"Trent. You have to go to sleep. It's passed midnight. I'm tired, and i can't sleep with you making noise." The lanky man said sternly. It was early for him to go to sleep. His baby knew this. It was a tiring day though. Tomorrow would be the same.

His baby still threw stuff. Until he was left in an empty crib. Only his teddy bear, and blankey in the crib with him. The baby rubbed his eye's. But, he wasn't going to sleep. He wanted to stay up with his daddy. So, they could have a special bond like they used to. But, his daddy was tired.

Trent knew this.

But, wasn't letting it sink in. So, he just slapped his daddy's hand away again. Turning to face the window next to his crib. Before he could do anything else, he was lifted up out of his crib. He didn't know what to do. So he just squirmed, in his daddy's arms.

They walked down to the next room. The younger man was laid on his daddy's bed.

"Stay" Was all the older man said, before he walked out of the room. Leaving his baby. Then rejoining him with a bottle.

He then walked to his baby. Picking him up when he sat down, then sitting him on his lap. He then put the bottle in Trent's mouth. The baby began drinking. He didn't want to though. He didn't want to be tired. At least if he fell asleep, he would be asleep with his daddy.

The older man rubbed his baby's face, smiling. "You're such a good boy" He cooed.

Trent just wiggled, drinking the last of the warm milk. He yawned as it was taken it out of his mouth, then sat on the nightstand. He then straddled his daddy. Burping unintentionally. He really hated that. Again, he yawned seeing his daddy's face. It looked so tired, so worn out. Really, he didn't mean to keep him up. He just couldn't sleep.

He wiggled around again. Once again, he was lifted up, and put on the padded table. The cute little footie pajama's were slipped off of his body. Cold air making him shiver. Then his cute little paw, three inch diaper was taken off of him. He felt his daddy wipe his bum and groin. Then was slipped into another diaper. The same kind.

The baby looked at his daddy, then sat up. "Daddy, Can I sleep with you tonight?" He whispered. Cheeks turning fire truck red.

"Of course baby." his daddy said. Smiling. Pushing a red binky into the baby's mouth.

His baby smiled, as he was once again, for the third time that night. Picked up, and put into the king sized bed. He grabbed his teddy bear, pulling it close to his chest, turning towards the wall. Long Arms wrapped around his waist.

"Hush a'bye baby" His daddy sung sweetly and softly into his ear.
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This was my first. Infantilism Virgin. My cherry has been popped. Hopefully you guy's like. :3
For my Almighty Sex Ferret! XD <3