Status: I declare COMPLETE MOTHA***AS!!!

If You Only Knew

He's Too Cute

I stand here staring at Frank blush like crazy, I find the cutest thing in the world. I find myself just staring and I'm making him feel so nervous I can tell because he keeps looking everywhere and moving around. I feel pretty bad.

He won't stop looking at me! Do I have something on my face? I pretend to scratch it, I found nothing. He's just smiling and bold.

Gerard:"Do you want to have breakfast with me?"
Frank:"I just had cereal, I'm good."
Gerard: *laughing* "That's not a breakfast! Come on!"

He grabbed my hand. I repeat He Grabbed My Hand! I screamed on the inside, hopefully not out. I followed him while he was holding my hand. I got an utter feel of excitement. I laughed for the first time, I laughed. He led me to this bakery and let go of my hand unfortunately.

Gerard:"Tell me what you want."
Frank:"I'm good seriously..don't get...." he cut me off.
Gerard: "No is not an answer."
Frank:"uh...i'll take two donuts and chocolate milk."

Gerard smiled at me, I smile back. He got his order which was basically the entire menu.

Cashier: "that will be...$25.95"

I watch him pay for it and I feel bad plus from before to. She put everything in a big bag. I smiled at him as in me being grateful. He seemed pleased that I'm pleased.

Gerard:"Imma take all of this and us to the creek to eat it." He smiles.
I was shocked but didn't deny the request. I went with his idea. So I followed him to his car, which I practically drooled over, 67 Horse Power Camaro. I died knowing he's gotta have some kind of mo.ey for this. I guess he seen ny face and smiled bigger knowing I was impressed.

Gerard:"My dad gave it to me."
Gerard:"Yup, I said the same thing. Now hop in and ill drive you over there."

I didn't resist, so I got in and awkwardly sat there in silence. For fifteen minutes which is the entire drive it was dead silent. We finally made it to his house. I was shocked he lived in this mansion. He's rich alright. We got our of the car and walked into his house, wait mansion. I oohed and aahed over everything. He smiled at my reactions.

Gerard: "Nobody is home, just me and you ."

I froze and shivered knowing its me and him......alone. We started eating in more silence. I didnt care I like silent.

Gerard:"So your from around here?"
I nod and blush because I had food in my mouth. He offered me bacon. I shook my head.

Frank:"I'm a vegetarian."

He replied by giving a shocked face. I smiled at the thought I surprised him now. We talked for a few hours about our life and what we love. I found out he loves to sing and when I told him I played guitar he got excited. It felt......normal, to talk to someone rather than being criticized. It started to get dark and I checked the time, it was getting late.

Frank:" It's gettin late, I need to go home now."
Gerard:"Why? Stay here with me I love talking to you. We relate."
He smiled and I blushed but I needed to get home before I was beat. Something unexpectedly happened.

Gerard:" you believe in love at first sight?"
I was surprised by this question.
Frank:"Well, uh I guess." Not my best answer.

Suddenly, Gerard leaned onto to me, did I mention we were on the most comfortable couch I have ever been on. So Gerard leaned onto me with his face close to mine, grinning. I get excited but try not to make it noticeable. He keeps smiling at me and staring at me with those beautiful eyes. I stare right into them. They are smiling with joy.

Gerard:"Well, I do." he finally answered.

He grabs my legs and put them under him. I hesitate and panic for what he is going to do. He lays on top of me and starts brushing my cheek with his lips. I shiver and dread for what is to come.

I have been waiting to do this, even if it meant I just met him yesterday. He's perfect piece of manflesh. The day I set my eyes on him I knew what I wanted to do with him.