Super Trouble

Chapter One: New Heroes

~17 years later~

Flying above the city of Metropolis, Jamie watched as everyone rushed to their destinations, unaware of the most recent dangers that her family had saved them from yet again. The dangers in this city never seemed to rest. Leaving her mind open for any premonitions, Jamie listened for any signs of trouble as she watched below her. She loved what she did. Her mother wasn’t thrilled that her children had choose their father’s profession, but she understood that it was in their blood to protect the city they loved.

When the sound of a scream pierced through the silence, Jamie directed her attention towards the sound and flew full speed in the direction the scream came from. A robbery was currently in progress and the robber had a gun pointed at the young couple in front of him. When a shot was fired, Jamie moved quickly, catching the bullet in her hand and staring at the robber as he processed what had happened.

“The Seer?” he said in disbelief, calling her by the name that had been giving to her through her mother’s news columns.

Jamie smiled at him and brushed her black bangs out of her eyes. “Don’t you know that when playing cops and robbers, the robbers always get caught?”

He glared at her and shot at her again, getting angry when the bullet had no affect on her. He tossed the gun on the ground and ran, hoping to get lucky enough to get away. He had barely turned around when he slammed into Jake, Jamie’s twin brother.

Jake was dressed in the red tights and a blue shirt. His black hair fell in his blue eyes and his blue shirt was cut to show off a small part of his chest. His wore a gold mask, protecting his identity in the same way his father wore glasses. Like her brother, Jamie wore a tight blue shirt that fit to her body. She wore a red skirt, and a blue mask that matched the color of her eyes. Her long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

Jake looked at Jamie and then at the criminal. “Seer, if you wouldn’t act so tough, all the boys wouldn’t run,” he joked, smiling at her.

Jamie rolled her eyes and stared at him. “Just do your job, Brain boy,” she said, calling him by the nickname she had given him.

He glared at her and grabbed the criminal. “It’s Mr. Brain boy to you,” he said, before flying off.

She smiled and watched as everyone cheered for The Channeller.

When she started to fly off herself, she felt a hand take hers. She turned to look at the couple. “Thank you,” the woman whispered to her, brushing her blond hair behind her ear. “We don’t know what we would do without you.”

Jamie nodded and smiled at her. “Just doing my job,” she said, before flying off.


When Jamie got home after the busy day of protecting the city, she walked over to where her mother sat behind her computer desk, working on her most recent article. She leaned in and kissed her mother’s cheek, before hugging her. “Hi, Mom,” she said, smiling.

Lois reached up and touched her daughter’s cheek, and slid her glasses back into place. “Hi, Sweetie. Was it quiet today?”

Lois Lane was known throughout Metropolis for being a brilliant writer. Her stories about Superman caught many readers’ attentions, and sold more of the Daily Planets’ newspapers. Her brown hair and brown eyes made her look like she was in her twenties instead of her mid-forties. The only sign of her age was the laugh lines around her mother’s eyes.

“Yeah, a little too quiet,” Jamie said, before looking around. “Where’s Dad?”

Lois smiled and looked at her daughter. “In the kitchen, attempting to cook dinner.”

Jamie groaned and looked towards the door. “I’ll go help him.”

“Please do, before he burns the house down,” Lois said, continuing to work on her newest story.

“He could always put any fires out with his ice breath,” Jamie commented as she walked into the kitchen. She smiled at the sight of her father, bent over the stove. “Want some help, Dad?”

Clark looked up and smiled at his daughter. Like his daughter and son, his hair was jet black and his eyes were pale blue. He had a smile that made many woman sigh, and a boyish charm that shows his country heritage. The gray hair at his temples just seemed to make him look more handsome. Her father wore glasses when he was out in the open to hide the fact that he wasn’t the clumsy man that people knew and loved. He was Superman, Earth’s greatest protector. An icon to children everywhere.

“I could always use help from my little girl,” Clark said, as he hugged his daughter before turning back to attempt cooking again. “How do you turn this on?” her father asked, pointing at the stove.

Jamie smiled and walked over and pressed the buttons needed to turn the oven on. “I’m guessing mom said ‘no power’,” Jamie said, smirking at her father.

He smiled and nodded. “She thinks that I should learn to use modern technology and overcome my farm boy ways.”

Jamie smiled and kissed her father’s cheek. “You’ll get the hang of it,” I tell him, smiling before walking out.

Clark stared at his daughter. “What? You’re not going to help anymore? What happens if I start a fire?”

Jamie smiled. “That’s why you have cold breath, Dad. Put it to use.” She walked out, listening to his low laugh behind her.