Super Trouble

Chapter Two: The Explosion

Sitting in her room, Jamie stared out the window down at the people walking down the streets. Lois and Clark had already left for the Daily Planet. She wasn’t looking forward to going to school. It was the one place that she couldn’t be herself. She would always force a smile as she walked through the halls of Metropolis High. Giving up on avoiding the unavoidable, Jamie stood and walked into the living room, with her backpack in her hands.

“Ready?” Conner asked, looking at her and Jake.

Conner was Jake’s and Jamie’s 21 year old adopted brother, who went to college at the University of Metropolis. He had come into the family as a clone of their father. Sharing their father’s black hair and pale eyes, no one knew that Conner was adopted.

Jamie and Jake nodded and walked to the door behind their brother, both feeling as though they were walking to their deaths.


Sitting at the lunch table with his friends, Jake watched his sister as she smiled and waved at a few kids who walked past her and her crowd of friends. Unlike him, his sister was popular. She had the money, the heritage, the looks, the smile, and the attitude that could make anyone love her. Though Jake had almost the exact same things, he was mysterious. He refused the invitation to join one of the sports teams, which resulted in the jocks in this school making him their newest target to bully. It had subsided for the most part, but Jake knew that it was because his sister had done something to intervene. He was still lost in thought, watching his sister and her friends when someone slammed into him from behind.

“Watch where your going, Loser,” Jess Luthor, snapped as he walked by.

Jess Luthor was the illegitimate son of Lex Luthor and one of Luthor’s many mistresses. His father refused to claim him, though everyone could see the resemblance between the too. He had the same shape and coloring to his blue eyes as Lex Luthor. And though Luthor would still deny it, Jess’s brown hair cut short made the resemblance that much stronger.

Jake watched him as he left and grabbed his books off the ground. He wasn’t surprised when his sister walked up beside him.

“You okay?” she asked, looking at her brother.

Jake nodded and stared after Jess for a moment. “I just want to hit him, full strength, one day.”

Jamie smiled at her brother and leaned towards him. “Then you would leave a whole where ever you would hit.”

Jake smiled a little as he looked at his sister. “How are you enjoying life as Miss Popular?”

Jamie rolled her eyes at her brother’s question and lifted an eyebrow at him. Do you really need to ask? she thought, knowing her brother was listening to her thoughts.

He smiled and touched her shoulder, shifting his powers to her for a second so she could hear his thoughts. We could always just fly away.

Jamie smiled at that and shook her head. Dad would find us and drag us back.

Jake nodded and removed his hand from his sister’s shoulder and started to walk off until he heard her gasp in a breath and saw the vision that played through her mind. Turning he stared at her as they both experienced the vision.


The fire was everywhere, burning everything in it’s path as it covered the small room in flames. The sound of a scream echoed off the walls, causing the ceiling to shift, preparing to fall down. A girl hunched in the corner, fear in her eyes as she tried to get as far from the fire as possible. When the ceiling collapsed around her, the girl screamed in pain as a spark hit her leg, burning her skin.


The vision ended as soon as it had come, leaving both Jamie and Jake staring at each other. Jamie blinked for a minute and looked at her brother. We should go change. Now.

Jake nodded and they both walked off, rushing to the bathrooms.

Jamie changed quickly out of her high school clothes, and pulled on her superhero suit before rushing out of the school to meet up with her brother on the school roof.

Jake looked at his sister as she pulled on her mask and he smiled at her. “You’re lucky you move faster than a bullet. Otherwise, you’d be popular for another reason.”

Jamie rolled her eyes, before speaking. “Do you hear anyone in trouble?”

Jake shook his head and looked around them. “Any new visions?” he asked, knowing the answer as soon as she though it.

“No.” They stood in silence for a bit before the whole school building shook after following the sound of an explosion. “Didn’t see that one coming, did you?” Jake said, before flying into the air and going around to enter the building.

Following close behind him, Jamie came to a stop when she saw someone sneaking off as if trying not to get caught. She flew towards him, while letting her brother take care of the fire.

Inside the burning classroom, Jake looked around, trying to find the girl from his sister’s vision. It was hard to see past the smoke and flames which gave the room a strange appearance. The sound of a scream filled the room, and Jake turned in the direction, barely making out the shape of someone hunched in the corner of the classroom. He quickly flew towards her, but a piece of the ceiling came crashing down on top of him, knocking him breathless and onto the ground. Jake stood up, trying to his breath back and to relocate the girl, but he had lost where she was now.

“Where are you?” he called, hoping to place her by sound.

“Help me, please.”

Jake turned in the direction and flew towards the sound, finding the girl. He got over to her just as the roof collapsed on top of them.


Jamie landed in front of the man fleeing the explosion and stared at him. “Where’s the fire?” she asked and then tilted her head. “Oh, it’s behind you.”

The man watched her. “Move aside.”

Jamie rolled her eyes. “Do you honestly think you can scare me?”

He glared at her before pulling out a knife. “Come on, Hero. Come and get me.”

“You know, this is getting boring fast. So lets finish it real quick.” Jamie felt the heat come to her eyes, and her eyes flashed to red color, before her heat vision came out and hit the knife in the man’s hand.

The man cried out in surprise as the knife heated, and dropped it before looking at her. “Move it, kid. I don’t want to hurt you. It’s Superman I’m after.”

Jamie watched him. “And how do you intend to defeat Superman if you can’t defeat me?” she asked, cautious of his movements.

“With this,” he said simply, as he pulled out a piece of Kryptonite. When it started to glow, the man smiled.

“Luthor figured you were Blue boy’s kid. He wanted me to test the theory with the fire.” He watched as she fell to her knees, getting sick from the rock. “Didn’t expect me to get a little revenge and trap his daughter inside as well.”

Jamie groaned as he walked towards her, trying to fight off the effects enough to get away. “Who are you?” she gasped out.

The man smiled and knelt in front of her, holding the rock closer. “I was wondering the same thing about you,” he said as he reached towards her mask.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” came a voice from behind the man. Jamie lifted her head slightly to see her father standing there.

The man turned and smiled at Superman. “Well, it’s great to see you, Superman. I was just making your daughter’s acquaintance. Did you know she shared your weakness?”

“Leave her alone, Hamilton. She has nothing to do with this.”

Emil Hamilton tilted his head at his old friend. “Interesting that you would think so. I actually disagree though. Both her and her annoying friend have been interfering in the SSoSV’s work. I was asked to kindly dispose of them with your weaknesses, Clark.”

The Secret Society of Supervillains, also known as the SSoSV, was a group of villains that had formed a society in order to defeat the Justice League.

Jamie gasped and stared at her father in disbelief. This man knew her father’s real identity, which means that he could easily know hers and her brothers. Conner appeared beside his father and looked at his sister bent over in pain. “Where’s The Channeller?” Conner asked his sister.

“Inside dead, probably,” Hamilton said, smirking. “If he has your weakness like she does, then he wouldn’t be able to withstand the amount of Kryptonite I had inside that room.”

Conner looked at the burning classroom and rushed over to it. He used his super breath to blow the flames out before looking through the rubble for his little brother. When he found Jake, Jake was holding up a piece of led, protecting him from the Kryptonite and the girl from the flames.

Conner ignored the feelings of weakness that was a result of the pieces of green rock in the room. “You okay?” he asked Jake, as he pulled him and the girl out of their safe place.

Jake nodded and looked towards his sister. “No,” he said, before rushing towards her but Superman grabbed him.

“If you get too close, you could die from exposure.”

Jake stared at his sister and then his father. “She’s not going to last much longer.”

Superman nodded and looked at Emil. “Let her go, Hamilton. This is our fight.”

Emil Hamilton shook his head. “No, Superman. This is the SSoSV’s fight.” Emil then turned and reached for Jamie’s mask once again, only to be knocked away by Jake, who slammed into him at full speed. The Kryptonite was tossed aside by the power of the hit, and Emil fell a few feet away, unconscious.

After regaining her strength, Jamie came slowly to her feet before looking at her father and brothers. They all rushed over to her, pulling her into their arms and into a tight hug. It wasn’t until they realized that the girl from the fire was watching them that they all turned to face her. Her freckled face caused her green eyes to stand out while her auburn hair fell in waves around her head and down her back. Jake was amazed by her beauty.

“Are you okay?” Jake asked, walking over to the girl.

She nodded and looked at them. “Thank you, for everything.”

They nodded and Clark looked at Jamie. “We need to get you somewhere safe to recover.”

Jamie nodded and looked at her brother before flying off with her father. Conner stood back and waited for Jake.

Jake held out his hand to the girl. “I’m the Channeller. May I ask your name?”

The girl gave him a shy smile and placed her hand in his. “Rachel Luthor.”

When the word Luthor passed her lips, both Jake and Conner stiffened and looked at one another.
“Great. All this trouble for a Luthor. Had to be a trap,” Conner said, before flying off.

Rachel stared after him in disbelief before looking back at Jake. “It wasn’t a trap. At least as far I as know, it wasn’t. Unlike Superboy and Superman seem to think, not all of us Luthor’s are evil.”

Jake smiled at her. “Maybe you can prove us wrong then,” he said, before flying after his family.