Diary Of The Prom Queen’s Sister

Chapter 1


“No chewing gum in class, No loitering there shall be no drinking or smoking of any kind on campus.. blah blah fuckity blah!” The old bitch I mean the nice lady who runs the place I don’t know her name let’s just call her Saggy or maybe wrinkles…Yeah wrinkles. So wrinkles is going on and on about the rules at the over priced piece of land which aka is where I will be the next 3 years of my life -_- you can see the joy radiating off of me.

This was my sisters school not mine and believe me I tried to tell my parents but they don’t understand seriously I don’t think they ever well you know? It’s kind of like I live in my own world and I like it that way beca— Wait the old wrinkly lady is saying something.

“Elizabeth you shou—“ I interrupt her which people seriously need to do more around here.

“Liz my name is Liz not Elizabeth.” I state to wrinkles who sighs loudly.

“Alright Liz will you have your class list so I’ll let you get settled in oh! Also since you came in so late notice we put you on the side with the boys there was no other room, so sorry you will have to share with a boy. I gave all the guys a lecture so they shouldn't bother you but from your record you should be okay.” I wanted to flip the bitch off so bad but instead. I slowly stood up and walked out of her 18th century office and walked to the rooms for the guys. I look at the key they had sent in the mail.

Sharing a room with a guy…God I hope he’s attractive. I walk up the steps and slowly stop at room A23 I sigh and decided to knock instead of just walk in.

I hold my huge black bag close and I could feel the cold leather against my skin since I was only wearing a bra and my black leather jacket I had on black denim skinny jeans and random red converse.

I was about to knock a third time when I decided to just use my card.

“I at least tried to be nice.” I’ll remember to tell my therapist that when I go to see him, Oh yeah I’ve been going to a therapist since the first time I sat in front of an jury which was like what when I was 7?

I open the door slowly and walk in. I smile the place was nice it was like a little apartment. The room was really dirty we had a tiny living room with a TV which the school did not give us so I guess my roomy got it the living room had lawn chairs and a table straight from Wal-Mart and that was as far as furniture went. If you keep going straight you will go to the bedroom next the bedroom was the bathroom.

“Nice place.” I mutter to myself. I slam the door shut obviously the guy wasn't here. Put as I went into the room we would share I sigh. Bunk beds? Seriously what are we like 4? I can not sleep on this. I noticed he had the bottom bunk fuck my life.

I sigh. My dad put all my stuff away for me already including all the stuff he shouldn't have like my bra and underwear Birth control and pads and tampons but leave it to my dad to try to help me out. I loved my dad he always tried to do what’s best for me and turn me good it’s just I can’t be what he wants that’s Tiffany not me.

I slowly take out my strawberry shower jell and smile I hadn't had a long hot shower in years I smile and almost run to the bathroom. I take a long steamy hot shower. The bathroom was full of steam and I felt entirely clean and in a better mood that was until I noticed.

“Fuck me! How did I forget a fucking towel?” I ask to myself. I search around to find something to cover myself with but couldn't fuck it my roommate was in nowhere land anyway.

I walk confidently out of the bathroom just too practically get tackled to the ground by a hard body.

“What the fuck! I didn't know I was at a fucking football game?!” I scream at the guy on top of me.

“Shit! My bad you’re my new roommate sorry I was just trying to hurry and get something out of my room I didn't mean to...—“He notices my nudeness for the first time and I smile.

“Uh can I borrow that your shirt?” I ask he smiles.

“Yeah your probably should my friend Hunter is in the living room and he’s a huge pervert.” He says while handing me his shirt. I smile and put the polo shirt over my head and it cling to my wet body.

We both stand up and I brush my blonde and jet-black hair out of my face.

“Okay let’s try this again.” I say smiling he smiles back.

“HI I’m Liz your new roommate.” I say he smiles.

“HI I’m Tyler York.”He says I look at him curiously.

“York that sounds to fucking familiar.” I say he smiles.

“Dr.Ann York the headmistress you probably meet her today well that’s my grand mother.” He says I stare shocked.

“Wrinkles? I mean- Uh—Uh...Wow she seemed nice I guess.” I try to lie but he caught on.

“She just does the whole evil lady show for people there first day trust me she’s cool.”I sigh I didn't trust him I didn't trust anyone not even myself.

“Sure she is.” I look at this Tyler guy I guess he did look like Wrinkles they both had shiny brown hair and Hazel eyes with a swirl of green. Tyler had milky white skin and he was really pale he had on his uniform. Oh yeah forgot to say that at this school we wear uniform and it’s some ugly preppy shit to.

A white button down shirt red blazer red plaid tie and red plaid skirt for girl boy's wore the same except they had navy blue bottom. I guess they wanted us to look American red white and blue hahaha get it? Get it??!? Hmm.. tough crowd.

“Dude what the hell is taking so long.” I’m guessing this was his friend Hunter who came over to us and right away started undressing me with his eyes.

“Hi Hunter I’m Liz.” I say putting out my hand he shakes it with a confused look.

“I told her about you.” Tyler says and the confused look leaves Hunter’s face.

“Dude your lucky you get to share a room with her If I was you…”
I didn't hear the rest because I went in the room to get change I close the door. And start to get dreseds I decide to put on a navy blue mini skirt and a white V-neck I put on a red cardigan over top and red heels. I smile and comb my hair. I put on a little mascara and lip-gloss. I grab my black bag and then leave out the room only to bump into Tyler again.

“Seriously this place is starting to seem small.” I mutter Tyler laughs but eyes my clothes.

“So your not really wearing the uniform.” He states I smile.

“Red white and blue seems like I’m wearing It to me.” I say Tyler shakes his head and I walk past him.

“I like what you’re wearing.” Hunter says as I walk past him I chuckle lightly and leave out.

I go to my first class as usual all eyes on me somehow everyone knew I was from the delinquents center and well I didn't really care now they have a warning not to fuck with me.

“She thinks she’s too good to wear the uniform.” A girl mutters to her friend I laugh right in her face and take the seat behind her just for a kick.

“Ms.Baker we are seated in alphabetical order from last names so you would be right here.” The teacher says and points to the first row across right in the middle I roll my eyes annoyed and stomp to my seat.

“This is bullshit.” I mutter. I suddenly get hit on the hand with a ruler.

“What the fuck?!” I scream loudly I turn to see the teacher smiling at me with a ruler.

“No profanity young lady you would think you could at least try to live up to your sister’s reputation.” She mutters and I saw some people nod in agreement.

“I'm seriously getting tired of hearing shit like that—{Slap.}

“Stop fucking hitting me you bit—{Slap slap}

“Seriously is this a fucking game to you? {Slap.}

“How does anyone deal with this shit?! {Slap.} Seriously the hits weren't hurting but I was so fed up with it I snatched the ruler out of her hand and broke it my anger got the best of me as usual.

“Now what you going to do? Shit fuck damn ass cunt pussy dick mother fucker bitch ass threesome incest...” I just started naming dirty shit I could think of the teacher looked pissed.

“GET OUT!!” she screams I laugh and grab my bag and leave out.

I guess that’s when everyone at my new school found out Tiffany’s sister seriously had more than just anger problems but most importantly Tiffany’s sister was nothing like her. But I didn't give a FUCK what anyone thought…Except will Tiffany of course.
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Warning a lot of cursing will be in this story.