Diary Of The Prom Queen’s Sister

Chapter 2


Before I could even get far two big oversize guys grabbed me and well took me to the wrinkles building.

“Get off me Shrek!” I yell as the guy yanks me in the door.

“Your teacher called me to tell me you been making problems.” She says I sigh and roll my eyes.

“That lady was a huge bitch kept hitting my hand like I’m—“Wrinkles cuts me off.

“Watch your mouth around me young lady, Also You need to go see your therapist I know your use to Dr.Ann but she’s not here so you’ll have to get use to Dr.York.

“She better not—“I couldn't even finish my sentence because yet again wrinkles interrupts me.

“He is a nice therapist actually and I told him all about you so go head and head to his office in court C room B.”

Hahaha court C room B get it? Seriously are my jokes that bad?

“He?” Hmm...Well I guess I should get there then. I hurry and leave you see guys are fun to tease around so ima see just how far I can get this Dr.York to go. Will there be a rape charge needed Nah...Probably not if he’s good.

I decided not to knock and just walk in. I was a little shocked to see a good looking guy probably in mid 30’s. He had jet black hair and light brownish oranges eyes that were really unique he had a perfect smile and I could see some muscles hidden threw his light blue button down shirt.

I lick my lips involuntarily.

“Ah...Ms.Baker nice of you to join me you can sit down.” He mutters and he looks threw his file cabinet for I don’t know exactly what.

He sits down and he had two files in his hand. He smiles friendly at me and I smile back and lean back on the comfy black couch. I put my hands be hide my head and look up at the ceiling.

“I want you to read this file for me.” He says in a nice husky voice that I would seriously like to hear moaning my name I mean well fuck it yeah I said it I mean this guy is sexy.

“All of this.” I say looking over the file and then I see it and I sit straight up looking at the doctor angrily.

“Why do I have to read shit about her?” I ask suddenly getting angry. He nods and takes the file out of my hand.

He writes something down on his notepad.

“Are you in therapy willingly or no?” He asks I lean back on the chair.

“Does anyone ever really do anything willingly?” I ask back just doing this because I felt like it.

“I don’t know you tell me.” He says thinking he can get me to talk. I look over and see a ring on his ring finger.

“You married?” I ask he smiles.

“It’s a promise ring.” I nod.

“That sucks.” I mutter and look around the room.

“You know seeing a therapist like this is starting to make me feel un normal.” He chuckles a little at my comment and I smile.

“What exactly do you think is normal?” He asks. As he twist the silver band around his finger. I shake my head a promise ring huh.

“I don’t know being your self.” I answer truthfully. He looks a little shocked but continues.

“Well aren't you yourself?” He asks I didn't feel like getting to deep into my self today so I switch up everything.

“So Doc tell me something do you ever do stuff to please others? Just so they can be happy or do you do it for them to be angry or something?” I ask he stares at me as I sit up.

“Is that what you do?” He asks I sigh.

“I think you should at least answer my question.” He smiles.

“I guess we could do that today.” I roll my eyes at how reluctant he sounds.

“You act like I’m your wife asking you to try bondage or fucking me threw the back door or something all I want is for you to answer so easy questions.” He chuckles but nods.

“When did you loose your virginity?” I ask bluntly.

“Whoa I don’t really think that’s appropriate.” I roll my eyes at him but nod.

“So what exactly is appropriate David?” I ask he looks a little confused at how I know his name.

“Are we doing role play?” He asks I smile seductively.

“Only if you like it like that.” He shakes his head catching on.

“You know I didn’t mean it like that.” He combs his fingers threw his hair.

“A girl can dream can’t she David?”

“Alright! Um..That’s it for today.” He says writing down more stuff. I glare at his book then look up at him.

“What did you write down?” I ask he shakes his head.

“I’m not supposed to tell.” I pout and he sighs.

“I was analyzing everything you do.” He mutters I smile.

“Well what did you come up with?” He shrugs but I stand up and cross my arms waiting.

“Uh...You walk around with this anger that has something to do with your sister and well you get neglected by I guess your family so much that you turn to guys for negative attention.” I stare at him blankly for a minute then turn and pick up my bag.

“I analyzed you too doc.” I say softly as I leave out.

“What do you mean?” I shrug and turn to him.

“Your gay.” I wink at him as he just stands there like he was caught with his pants down. I walk down the hall. I had missed most of the day since it was my first day and I had gym now but the gym uniform was hideous so I’m sure I wouldn't go even if I had 5 minutes left.

I walk to my dorm room and walk in to see Hunter and Tyler sitting on the couch watching TV.

I throw my bag in the corner.

“Seriously do you guys skip every class?” Tyler shakes his head.

“We were working on a project everyone in our class had the day off we have this huge science fair project." I roll my eyes.

“BORING!” I yell out.

I suddenly feel my cell phone vibrate I answer the call as I sit on the floor next to hunter we seriously need more furniture.

“What up!” I yell into the phone I suddenly hear my mom’s voice in the phone.

“Your sister came to visit today she asked how you were a-and I didn’t know what to say since you never even talk to me anymore.” -__- Ugh what a pathetic bitch I mean does she always have to make me the fucking bad guy.

“Mom! You disowned me remember and maybe I would call but I don’t want to be on the phone forhours talking about how good Tiffany is damn and you know what did Tiffany tell you how she’s pulling all these all nighters?” I ask

“No.” My mom answers.

“Ask her.” I growl back my mom sighs.

“I don’t understand why you always have to be a trouble maker can’t you be happy for your sister?” My mom asks I shake my head.

“Mom let me talk to her.” I hear Tiffany say in the background and then that sad betrayed feeling sinks in like it always does.

“Liz seriously enough now shut up and act like a nice daughter you’re making mom upset.” She says I roll my eyes.

“Seriously how can I make her upset all I did was tell her to ask you how you pull the all nighters what she can know about my problems with alcohol but when it comes to the fucking prom queen and her pills It’s secrets.” I could tell Tiffany was angry on the other line.

“Seriously sis you’re pissing me off.” I wanted to say oh yeah just like that guy or oh yeah well why don’t you just drink on it.

Instead I hang up the guys were staring at me I just got up and went in the bathroom. And then that suffocating feeling took over me like someone was sitting on my chest and I couldn't let my lungs expand I started to see black spots. Breath Liz Breath.

You see my sister wasn't perfect she was the one who did everything bad but hey I’m an idiot for taking the fall for her the first time I did it was when I was like 7 and she was 11.

She thought it would be funny to take my dad’s gun and shot our neighbors dog well she missed the dog shot our neighbor in the leg. She cried so hard saying mom would kill her and I guess after that I took the blame for everything.

The stealing the drinking and driving. And the biggest on the suicide note. I didn't write it she did but I took the fall. I took the fall for everything. And now she was perfect one but I knew my parents thought I was a screw up from birth since I mean my mom did have to have a C section.

My sister was perfect to them she was the prom queen I like to throw that in her face since I mean she did cheat and I helped her she would have lost to the runner up if it wasn't for me I helped her study she told me how she paid for essays cheated on test I’m surprised she made it this far I mean come on I use to do the bitches homework.

I’m the perfect one not her but the time for everyone to know that has been expired so now I have to fail every test and live the fucked up life she put me in I did all this so at least one of us could be the good daughter but now it was old.

I sigh as my sister texts me.

‘You better not tell.’ It said I laugh. That’s what she always said after I took the blame for her every time…

I guess now it was my time to decide should I take the blame I mean seriously how long can I take all the bullshit from everyone when this wasn’t who I wanted to be this was who Tiffany made me…
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I already have this entire story finished on another website if you want the link message me.