Diary Of The Prom Queen’s Sister

Chapter 4


“Finally.” She grumbles threw the phone as soon as she answers I roll my eyes.

“What do you want?” I reply slowly Tiffany was probably doing that evil smile that she always did.

“I need you to take a drug test for me.” She mutters I glare at the wall in front of me.

“What? Why?” Tiffany just sighs loudly.

“Because I’m trying to be on the swim team and there making us do random drug test.”

“What the hell you can't even swim.” I say loudly she chuckles.

“Hell no I’m not taking the test for you go to hell.” I say I could tell she was a little shocked since the phone went silent I glance thinking she hung up until I her voice ring out.

“No?” I nod even though she can’t see me.

“That was a hell no.” I say.

“You know what your letting this bad ass thing go to your head don’t forget I’m the one who did all the stuff your just the weak little bitch who took the blame.” I didn’t reply I just ended the call. And laid down on my bed.

I slowly let sleep take over me.


I slowly walk out of class ready to go to lunch. I was tired when I woke up it felt like I didn't get any sleep at all.

Tiffany called me over 30 times. Ignoring them was hard but I still did it.

I walk into the cafeteria building. They had a subway and McDonalds! These rich kids are lucky. I go to subway and buy a 5 dollar foot long chips and a drink.

I look around the crowded cafeteria looking for a seat.

“LIZ!” I turn to see Trent waving me over I smile and was about to walk over when Tyler got in my way.

“He fucks everyone over Liz he’s not good for you.” I stare at Tyler annoyed.

“Look Tyler I've known the guy half my life okay? He’s not going to fuck me over okay? Now stay out wrinkles files on everyone and find some friends.” Tyler rolls his eyes.

“I have friends.” He points to a group of I guess cool kids all blonde bimbo’s one brunette and some preppy guys.

“And you should wear the uniform before you get detention.” I laugh. Today I had on a black V-neck and khaki skinny jeans and black low top converse.

“What ever bye Tyler.” I walk around him and go to Trent’s table.

“What up love.” He says wrapping an arm around me. Some guy who looked kind of emo looks between me and Trent.

“Are you two like dating?” He asks Trent shakes his head yes I shake my head no.

“It’s complicated.” Trent says slowly. A girl with bright pink hair walks over to the table and sits down angrily.

“What happen?” Trent asks.

“Got detention for my pink hair.” I smile at her.

“Wrinkles is a bitch just skip it.” I say the girl looks at me then down at the paper.

“Easy for you to say wrinkles probably let’s you do anything since your sister was such a saint.”

“More like an insane bitch but nahh it’s the exact opposite she’s harder on me.” I reply the girl nods.

“I’m Tamara.” I smile and shake hands with her.

“I’m Liz.” I say she smiles.

“Nice to meet ya so are you and Trent dating?” She asks noticing his arm around me. Trent drops his arm and places it in his lap.

“Nope! It’s just complicated.” He says starting to eat his food I dig into my sub.

“So you guys going to detention.” The emo guy says.

“Charlie of course not! I say we go to the park or pool or something.” Trent says slowly.

“OR we could go to the beach.”I say. Trent smiles at me.

“Good idea babe.” I nod.

Lunch was over way to quick and soon I was back in class I got my fucking phone taking away since Tiffany kept calling. I was a little happy about that I decided to skip my next class and go to Dr.York’s office to talk about shit that I wouldst write down or say to anyone.

“What up Doc.” I say and burst in the room and sit in the chair. Dr.York looks me over and closes the door.

“You know you have class this period right?” He says like I’m an idiot.

“Yeah no shit!” I say and lay my head back.

He sighs and sits down.

“What do you want to talk about?” He asks I sigh eyeing him since he was looking nervous.I lean my head back weirdo. I breath in and then snap up quickly.

“I smell weed.” I say looking around Dr.York looks at me guilty.

“No you don’t.” He says like that’s going to make me say ‘oh no I don’t.’

“Your not a fucking hipness I smell weed believe me I smoked that shit everyday back in middle school.” I stand up and walk over to Dr.York’s desk but he hurries and blocks the drawer I was about to pull out.

“Move.” I say threatening. Dr.York rolls his eyes.

“You don’t scare me Liz.” I smile.

“Music to my ears.” I say and drop to my knees.

“What are you doing?” He says shakily as I unzip his pants.

“Nothing.” I say slowly pulling them down. He hurries and moves away from the drawer pulling up his pants.

“Your so gay.” I say to him and then yank open the draw.

“Looky looky what do we have here.” I say as I pull out a small bag of weed. I smile.

“Want to smoke it?” I ask Dr.York looks at me like I’m crazy but then shrugs.


This school might not be so fucking bad after all.


“That’s not even the worst thing she did this little kid up the street Jimmy rejected my sister on valentines day because he liked me so Tif pushed him off the slide it look like something straight from the orphan movie, She didn't even have to blame me my mom came over yelling ‘Elizabeth what did you do!” The boys arm got broken and I think that was my first charge of assault.” Dr.York stares.

“Why don’t y—“I cut him off.

“What tell people it’s her not me.” He nods.

“Well come on doesn't Tiffany even seem like she could do that I’m shocked your even believing me.” Dr.York shakes his head.

“It’s so obvious now! Your in this world where everything thinks your badass so you go along with it’s like your defense system but you loose your cool when someone says something good about your sister because you know the truth and that’s torture to hear you say this is amazing you have to tell someone.” He says I sigh getting up slowly.

“I told you now take this to your grave.” I say. Dr.York looks at me still a little high.

“This sounds like a bad horror movie but okay.” He says I laugh more than I probably should have because I was still kind of high.

“MUNCHIES!!” I yell loudly looking around for food. Dr.York opens his drawer that was full of ice cream sandwiches that were now melted chocolate chips and more.

We eat a bunch of food and then I look at the time.

“Shit I’m late for Detention!” Dr.York looks at me weirdly.

“You want to go to detention?” He asks I nod.

“Yeah Me and Trent—“ Dr.York looks at me.

“You’re the girl he was telling me about.” He says smiling I look at him.

“Trent talked about me to you?” I ask a little happy.

“Yeah you wont commet he thinks it’s because your sister since she’s such a bitch.” I nod.

“I don’t know I just don’t want to get hurt.” I mutter standing up.

“You wont the guy likes you if not loves you.” Dr.York says I shrug and hurry to the door.

“See ya.” I say he gives me the peace out sign which makes me laugh loudly.

I jog over to detention. To see an old lady laying down the rules.

“Young lady you’re late.” The lady says I shrug taking a seat next to Trent.

“Yeah no shit bitch.” I didn't mean to say that it completely slipped out but the look on her face was so funny and I was still high so I feel out of my seat laughing.

Trent looks at me and mouths ‘are you high?’ which makes me laugh harder which makes some of the people in detention start to laugh.

“Alright shut up!” The lady yells slamming a roller on the desk.

“I hate rulers.” I mumble while crawling back into my chair.

“Not one more sound out of you.” The old lady says. I burp loudly just to annoy her.

“Guess that was a sound.” I say the old lady glares at me.

“That’s it come on in my office.” I stare shocked not because she was taking me away but that she has an office all she probably does is sleep. I’m sorry but I seriously don’t like old people all they do Is hate on the youth.

I watch out the door as everyone in detention sneaks out I knew Trent would wait for me in the car. I had to go get my bikini anyways.

“Blah blah blah disrespect blah blah blah.” I really didn't GIVE A FUCK what the old hag had to say but in the end she sent me back to detention and went to sleep.

I run full speed to my room pushing Tyler out of the way running to my room changing into a pink bikini and putting a long black shirt over top and my black wedges and leave. I tie my hair into a cute messy bun. And try to run to Trent’s car.

“What up!” I yell as I jump in his jeep.

“Nice timing.” He says pointing to the security car around the cornering coming out way.

“Shit gas it man!” Charlie yells I laugh as Trent goes into his whole I need an adrenaline rush mood and waits to the very last minute to shoot out of the parking lot.

“Nice.” Tamara says I smile at her curly pink hair.

“LIFE IS MOTHERFUCKING GOOD!!” I yell out my window and we speed down the streets.

Everyone in the car laughs and sooner than later we were at the beach.

We jump out to see the other detention people were already here.

“We got about 1 hour and 40 minutes before the Mrs. Henry wakes up.” Tamara says I look at her.

“Who’s Mrs. Henry?” I ask Trent answers me.

“The old bitch.” I nod ooooh. I guess Mrs. Henry fitted her I feel bad for Mr. Henry.

“Let’s go!” Trent yells dragging me along. I yank my long shirt off and my wedges.

Everyone dives in the water happily me and Trent have a water fight and attempted to build a castle until some guy stepped on it and Trent beat him up even though I could have done that.

We had 10 minutes left so me and Trent went really far out where the waves were huge.

“SO did you watch shark week?” Trent asks suddenly.

“Oh my god Trent don’t talk about that while were way out at sea.” He laughs but stops as a huge wave come knocking us over. And then I suddenly get a flash back.


“Hehehe guess what I did Lizzy?” Tiffany says running over to me in her bright pink one piece I smile.

“What?” Before she could reply my mom stomped over.

“Who threw my purse in the water?” She asks I look at Tif knowing she did it.

“Tif…” I whisper waiting for her to say she did it.

“Lizzy did it mommy!” Tiffany wails out my mom glares at me and yanks me up.

“GO get it!” She says and pushes me to the water.

“I can’t swim.” I whine she shakes her head.

“Well figure it out, you should have thought of that before you put my purse in the water.” She says. I walk out and get hit by a wave and another one and other I was choking but I still looked for her purse.

We never found it but come to find out everything that was in her purse was buried in the sand only thing Tif put in the water was the purse it self.


“Shit you okay your choking.” Trent says hitting my back hard.

“Yeah I am.” I say spiting out nasty salt water.

“It’s time to go.” He says and picks me up he carries me back to shore I put on my clothes and we head back to school.

We race down the halls slipping and sliding from the water from the beach that was still on us.

We walked in the room and all sat down. Suddenly Mrs. Henry aka the crusty old bitch walks in slowly and then takes in our appearance.

“Where did you guys go?!” She demands. We all sit silently.

“I guess you guys will just like to be here next week and the week after that and the week after that and the—“I cut her off.

“Shut up! Gosh if you weren't sleep you would have seen that the sprinklers went off must have been to hot or something.” I say Mrs. Henry looks at me grimily.

“That was a good excuse Elizabeth but you see there are no sprinklers in this room.” She says. I smile and look up.

“Are you sure I mean I got better eyes then you?” She look’s at me angrily.

“I think you guys went to the beach.” She says like she’s a genius.

“What was your first clue?” Trent asks. I laugh lightly.

“Well….” She actually starts explaining how she figured we went to the beach.

“He was being sarcastic.” I say slowly she glares at me.

“We didn’t go to the beach we went out side and played in the rain.” Tamara says obviously not serious.

“With bathing suits on?” Mrs. Henry asks we nod.

“It wasn't even raining.” She says I suddenly get an idea and steal Trent's water gun that was in his book bag he looks at me questionably.

“Actually Mrs. Henry it was raining see.” I say and start squirting her with the water gun she runs around as I squirt her everyone laughs suddenly her hair falls off and we laugh more talk about wig.

Suddenly wrinkles come in the room. I turn accidentally spraying her.

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I wish i knew how to edit my layout so it look all cool like everyone elses.