Diary Of The Prom Queen’s Sister

Chapter 6

Lizzy!” I look up to my sister.

“Tiff?” I almost faint.

“Yeah! Come give me a hug!” She yells and then runs and grabs me in a tight hug.

“Why are you here?” I ask guardedly.

“You know why.” She whispers and then pulls me to my bedroom. She sits down on Tyler’s bed.

“I need you to pee in this cup now!” She says I look at her like she’s crazy.

“You flew all the way here for this!?!!” I say crazily.

“DUHHH!!” She says loudly shoving the cup in my hand.

“Now go.” I smile getting an idea.

“Sure but brb I got to go see Trent.” I say she shakes her head.

“You’re still fucking him like a slut.” She states instead of asks I wanted to slap her but instead I hurry out of the room with the cup and go to Trent’s room.

“Why do you have a cup?” He asks as soon as I walk in. I explain what happen with my sister.

“Does she know you just smoked weed?” He asks I shake my head no he smiles.

“Dude you should like fuck the drug test up , here.” He says and shoves a needle with something in at me. I shake my head.

“I don’t do heroin.” I say looking at him like he’s crazy.

“Squirt it in the cup after you pee in it damn I wish we could make it seem like your pregnant.” Trent says I laugh.

“There’s a pregnant girl in my English class.” He says I smile.

“Let’s go.”


“Here you go sis.” I say as I come back into the room.

“Took you long enough.” She says.

“Eeew it’s warm.” I smile it was my pee Ashley’s pee and some heroin. It was the craziest thing I ever did and I highly doubt it would work.

Pretty disgusting when you really think about it so just don't think about it!

I nearly wanted to just dump the pee on my sister’s head but she just smiles and hugs me but I take a step back.

“I’m done covering for you sis.” I say seriously. Her bright blue eyes stare at me like I’m worthless.

“Oh please you think you can say no to me I’m the one who did all that stuff not you I'm the bad ass me! Not you.” She says getting in my face.

“Yeah but you didn’t have the fucking balls to own up to that shit! so who’s the fucking badass now.” I say getting in her face I could tell I took her off guard.

“I’m the oldest I run—“She starts I cut her off.

“You don’t run shit you’re a crazy psycho bitch who needs help and I hate you.” The words flew out of my mouth and I felt free like nothing could stop me but....

then she tackled me to the ground.

She punches me in the face but that was the only hit she got cause then I flip us over and kept punching her I ignored the blood I was seeing and her screaming I yank at her hair. And then I hear wrinkles voice and Trent’s voice and then someone yanks me harshly off her.

“GET THE FUCK OFF ME!” I yell to who ever got me off I elbow that person in the stomach I hear a grunt. I turn to see Dr.york.

“Shit..Sorry.” I say realizing how crazy I was acting. Wrinkles suddenly grabs me by my ear.

“Come with me!” She says dragging me out I don’t protest. I look at everyone rushing to help my sister.

In the end I got fucking arrested so right now I’m sitting in ceil with gum with no flavor in my mouth. Seriously who goes to jail for fighting there own sister plus not to be kidish but that bitch started she’s fucking crazy!

“Aye you, your dad bailed you out come-on.” The cop says and lets me out. I sigh annoyed I walk over to my dad.

I hug him tightly needing someone…someone to care about me.

“Damn’t Liz why did you beat up your sister?” My dad asks looking confused.

“She’s crazy daddy! I swear she started it.” My dad looks down at me and then sighs.

“I believe you.” He mumbles out. No you don’t I say in my head.

“That guy Trent outside is he like your boyfriend or something?” My dad asks I smile.

“Actually yeah he is!” I say happily finally accepting that I liked Trent.

“Well..uh..Be safe.” My dad says as we walk towards Trent.

“Aren’t I always?” I ask half jokingly. But even though I was joking the ‘no the fuck you don’t ‘look on my dad’s face hurt because if he only knew it was her.

“Hi I’m Trent—“Trent starts but my dad cuts him off.

“Let’s skip the introduction and get straight to the good part, don’t fucking hurt or take advantage of my daughter in anyway if you do I’ll kill you I was in a mob I know how to make it look like an accident if you---“I quickly cut my dad off.

“Dad gosh calm down me and Trent just started dating we haven’t done anything yet.” I lie smoothly. Trent smiles at me. My dad shrugs. And then we say our goodbyes.

“Please stay out of trouble honey bun.” He whispers to me.

“I’ll try daddy.” I say. He and Trent do an awkward goodbye and then I and Trent were on our way back to the academy that now I had to go straight to Dr.York and then Saturday’s and Sundays community service in the morning detention in the evening so basically I’m fucked.

“So where dating?” Trent asks smiling hard. I chuckle and nod.

“Yeah I mean if you still want to...be with me...” Trent looks at me and laughs.

“Of course I do!” I shake my head happily.

We got to school and I went to dr.york’s office who was happily waiting for me.

“Your sister is bi-polar it’s obvious the mood swings acting out depression…She needs to seek help immediately.” Dr.York says in his geek mood.

“Tell me something I don’t know.” I say annoyed. Dr.York rolls his eyes. He bends over and winces and then I remember how I elbowed him in the stomach.

“Oh shit let me see your stomach.” I say and quickly walk over to him. I unbutton the white button down shirt he had on and lift up his undershirt.

“Shit it’s bruised doc.” I say and press down on he winces. I stare at the bruise but then I feel his eyes on me. I look up to see lust in his eyes. And then I notice how close we were and how I had my hand on his bare skin.

“Whoa wait I thought you were gay.” I say backing up into his desk.

He suddenly closes the gap between into.

“I’m bi.” He says and then presses his lips on to mine.

I wanted to stop him tell him that I’m with Trent. Finally in love but instead. I kiss him roughly taking my anger from my sister out on him. And I knew that when we were done I would regret it.