Status: Active!!


Fully Recovered

A few days in bed was making me crazy but I needed the well needed rest. Now Mr. McCain has me up and walking around but he said it will be a while before I can get on a horse and endure a long journey without being in too much pain. I met his son Mark and like me he was an only child but at least he still had a parent in his life. I had no one…

Mark would sit with me and talk while he took a break from doing chores and I found out his mother died when he was very young and he can’t remember much about her except for what his Pa has told him and from the picture he showed me, she looked really pretty. I told Mark about my parents but not how they really died. I just told him that they died in a fire. Mark was my first real friend I had ever made.

When I was well enough to do things on my own, I knew it was time for me to go. I needed to get to town and find a job so I could make enough money to support myself.

I walked out on the front porch before anyone was up and watched the sun rise over the hills in the distance. I always did that when I lived in Oklahoma. I turned around when I heard the front door open.

“Good Morning Lucas.” I said smiling before looking back over as the sun came over the hills and hit me right in the face warming me up.

“Good Morning Emma. Why are you up early?”

“I always wake up to see the sun rise.” I said simply but he never questioned it.

“How about some breakfast?” I nodded and we went into the house and I sat down as he prepared the food. The smell of the food brought back the memories when mom would be up when I was and cooking. Mark appeared from the bedroom dressed and he sat down at the table. Lucas finished breakfast and all of us eagerly dug into the food. When everything was eaten, I helped with the dishes.

“I think it’s time I left and went on my way to finding some work.” I said and Lucas looked up at me.

“You don’t have to leave if you don’t want too. I need some help here if you’re willing to work.”

“I’m more than willing to work Lucas.” I said smiling.

“Good we need to survey the fences and see if any needs to be replaced.”

“Alright. When do I start?” I asked eagerly.

“Right now. Come on Mark.” He grabbed his rifle and I went into the bedroom and strapped on my holster and we left the house and saddling up our horses. We rode around the land and seen a few things that needed to be taken care of and I made a mental note of it. I was always a hard worker. Lucas stopped which made me pull back on the reins making Shooter stop in her tracks.

“What is it Pa?”

“There’s a cougar in the area.” Lucas said getting down from his horse and grabbing his rifle.

“You 2 stay here and watch the horses.” I pulled my gun from the side of my horse and got it ready. Lucas walked towards some rocks and I saw the cougar perched and ready to pounce. I took aim and fired 2 shots and Lucas looked up and moved as the animal fell to the ground dead.

“That was some good shooting Emma.”

“Thank you. My dad taught me how to shoot and I guess I get lucky sometimes.” I said smiling and putting the gun back to the side. We continued around the property line before heading home for the night. I was really lucky to be here and have someone giving me work and a place to live.
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another chapter for ya!