Status: Trying to make a come back on this story....please be patient...

The Lady Marshal

Pushed To The Edge

For as long as I could remember it’s just been me and my mother. She never really told me about what happened to my father but I had to find out the real reason my father isn’t with me and mother from the school children here in Barlow. Evidently, my mother was had too much to drink with some of the men over at the Saloon here in town and said more than she meant too. My father isn’t here because he left when I was born. He didn’t want a daughter but a son he could call his own and teach him things he couldn’t teach a girl. Every day at school was the same. I would get teased and pushed around before school, during lunch, and after school when I would walk home. I’m tired of all this crap people do to me because of the decision my father made.

Now being 18 and out of school, I’m still getting pushed around and teased by the children that I went to school with and I’ve had enough. My mother is in town while I sit here at the house waiting for her but I’m not waiting anymore. I went into my mother’s room and found some scissors and started cutting my hair off short. I wanted to do this so no one would know it was me and maybe people would leave me alone. I looked at myself in the mirror and was satisfied with the short hair and I cut a few more inches off so it would be even. I opened a trunk that had some of my father’s clothes in there along with a sidearm he had left. I changed into the clothing and put on the hat and gun belt before putting on his boots. It was kind of strange how I could wear my father’s clothes and they actually fit. I left my mother’s room and went into the kitchen and pulled open the cabinets and found a box of bullets for the gun and loaded it before putting the other bullets into the saddle bags I had gotten from the stable earlier in the day. I slung the bags over my shoulders and went out to the stable and saddled one of the horses and led the animal out of the barn before getting onto it and riding out of town.

I had read in the paper while I was in town that Soldiers were coming to Raleigh, North Carolina to recruit some men for the war so I decided I would try and sign up. I was pushed over the edge for far too long and now I’m going to do something with my life that I want to do and to get away from the people here who make me feel worthless every day that I’m alive. This time I won’t take anything from anyone.