Status: Trying to make a come back on this story....please be patient...

The Lady Marshal

War Can Make A Woman Into A Man

I rode non-stop from Barlow, Kentucky to Raleigh, North Carolina and got there in time to catch the line of people who were signing up to join the war. I was nervous as hell as I stood in that line waiting to get up to the desk so I could sign my name to the volunteering list. No one in the line seemed to notice that I was woman and by the time I got to the front of the line, the recruiting soldiers didn’t suspect me as a woman either.

“Sign your name and step over there to get your weapon.” The man said and signed my name and went over to the other place where 2 more soldiers were passing out weapons and bullets to people who came up. I took the rifle from the man along with some bullet and slipped them into my pocket. As we boarded a wagon, a soldier gave us uniforms according to the size of the person.

When the wagon was filled up, we were taken to a nearby fort where we were dressed into our uniforms and then shipped by the railroad to where the battle for all of us would begin. The boxcar I was in was cramped with men and being the only woman in the whole car wasn’t so bad because no one would look at me.

The train came to a stop and the doors opened and we piled out of the car with our weapons and we were showed where to go. We all lined up with our weapons on our shoulders and put onto the battlefield in a matter of minutes. A commander had us taking aim and firing when he said too and I did hit a few people but others were dropping around me. I pulled a few wounded people from the battle grounds and some wounded too. When the skirmish was over and we had won the right to the land, we got a little time off before we were marching to another battle ground. I did the same thing I did at the first battle and my shooting was better than the other times I had to shoot.

2 Years after I joined up, the war was over and I made my way back to Raleigh with the other soldiers and some of the wounded but the dead were buried on the grounds where the battles had taken place. I learned a lot over the 2 years I had killed other people and I can’t believe in that time frame that no one even noticed that I wasn’t a man but a war can make a woman into a man.