Status: In the making! Though I have no idea where I want to take this story...


Chapter One

She noticed the smell of blood just a second before she opened her eyes, they were opened wide in terror as she felt the rope tied around her slender, scarred wrists.
She would've screamed, but her throat was too dry.
Forcing herself to calm down she realized she was tied to a bed, soft and silky cloth was caressing her naked body.
She flinched as she noticed the lack of clothing upon her petite body.
Though her eyes were opened, she wasn't able to see, no light made it possible.

Her stomach suddenly twisted in fear, not the terror she already felt, but a deeper fear, her instincts telling her to hide, even though it wasn't possible.
She shivered as the room temperature sunk, cold wind shrouding her body, goosebumps rising on her tender skin.

She felt something touching her back, a...hand, but not quite, it felt almost as if smoke was stroking her back. The hand pulled back and she felt the mattress of the bed that she lay on sink in a little with the weight of a second body.

'I see you're a awake now'
A soft, male voice snarled next to her ear. She shivered, scared and immobilized. She didn't feel any body heat from the person who was obviously close to her.
'Now, now, don't be so scared young lady, you're here for your own good. So, shall we switch on the light and untie your pretty body?'

She tried to escape the renewed touch of this strange man, yet the hands had gripped her arms too fast, firmly holding her down, loosening the ropes around her wrists.
'Now, now....relax little girl'
Who was this person? The touch of his hands were icy and she wasn't able to keep her body from reacting to his temperature, meaning, certain body parts were more present than they were before.
'A little cold, hmm?' The voice sounded amused, not even just slightly amused.
She blushed, squeezing her eyes shut, maybe she was only dreaming after all.
'Ah, I'm very sorry to disappoint you, but you're not dreaming, nor hallucinating, this honey, is all real, and not even as bad as it seems.
Though he had removed the ropes, she wasn't free to move under his tight grip, she struggled, but failed to free herself. Her body was aching, and all of a sudden she was feeling dizzy, sapped of energy.

Her muscles relaxed and she just lay there, terrified.
She opened her mouth in order to beg the man to let her go, but no words emerged, instead only a soft whimper escaped her chapped, dry lips.
She registrated the smell of blood more strongly now, at the same time as the strangers lips brushed over her cheek.
Oh comes from him... she thought.
One of his cold hands was placed on her hip, and with on swift movement he rolled on top of her slender body, holding her arms beside her body, supporting himself so he had a good look at her face.
Or at least that's what she thought, because she still wasn't able to see a thing, only a dangerous glinting from where his eyes probably were positioned.

'Please...', was all she managed to whisper before he pressed his blood stained lips onto hers, she whined, not because the touch was uncomfortable, but because she liked the touch, it made her want more, even though she was convinced this must be against her will....right?

'Maybe, maybe not' came the answer, his nose slid down, across her neck to her breast, she tried to turn away, but his tongue already caressed her sensitive nipple, she moaned, blushing immediately in shame of her body's enjoyment.
His hand slid down, between her legs, she pressed her thighs together but it was no use.
She opened her mouth again, she didn't want this!

Oh God please, no....

She heard a small laugh, it caused her to shiver in it's menacing, amused tone.
She wriggled but there was no escape, he stroked the spot he knew was most sensitive before sliding one finger into her.
She couldn't suppress the moan, he couldn't suppress the grin.

Next thing she knew his head was between her legs, his tongue touching very private, very sensitive parts of her.

'If you're honest with yourself, you're enjoying it, aren't you?' He had to know, he felt all that she felt, read all her thoughts.
He was able to manipulate her into enjoying the sickest pleasures there were, but he didn't force into liking his sweet torment, that she did all by herself.

She panted, all she wanted was her shame to end, she couldn't deny how much she liked the forbidden touch, but on the other hand, it went against all she had ever learned in her life.

Her senses were numb, too overwhelmed she was by the intense experience, he thought she could make out a further sinking of room temperature, but her own body was too heated up to be sure, she felt she heard whispers, thought she might feel as though a thin layer of ice covered her body, but how could she know?
Did she just hear someone hiss her name? Terror tied her stomach into a knot, so firmly that she had to cringe, just a second later the world became ever darker than before, and her senses abandoned her finally.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was about to fall asleep while writing this, so I apologize for any mistakes you might find, if you do, point them out kindly.