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They Don't Know About Us


My nose was pressed up into the glass before security could move the mob around enough to where I could unstick myself from the window. Unfortunately I had spent enough time peering into the window to make my encounter with Harry more awkward than coincidental.

I tried to shake off the awkwardness and by the time I had finished the grocery shopping I had almost forgotten. I decided taking a taxi home would be a good idea, but boy was I wrong. Apparently New York was in some kind of frenzy over One Direction. How could I not have recognized Harry? He was basically plastered all over Manhattan along with the four other boys he was seated with earlier.  As the taxi swerved its way back to my building I saw them again. This time from afar, but it was unmistakably them. They were on a stage in the middle of Times Square, surrounded by thousands of people. Again mostly teenage girls.  I stared at him again and thought of how attractive he was. I tried to snap myself out of it but I couldn't. Then I could smell that smell again in my mind. It must've been his cologne or something but that scent wouldn't leave my mind. Thankfully I was whipped back into reality once the taxi had reached my apartment.

I gave the cabbie some cash and rushed back upstairs to do some investigating. I quickly put the groceries away and ran back into my room. I hopped back on the bed a did a quick google search of Harry from One Direction. Oh the information I came across. He was my age thankfully. Probably a millionaire by now. And he was currently in New York doing a week stint of various performances and interviews with the rest of those boys. I decided it would make me feel better to dig up some dirt on him to finally rid my mind of him. Unfortunately that was not the case at all. Across the homepage of was a drunken picture of Harry and myself, making out outside a downtown club against a brick wall. My stomach turned. I read the caption underneath. "Harry caught with his knickers down with the latest in a string of American hookups. Looks as if this one didn't even realize what was going on." I cringed. Now I was that slut. I can't believe I got so drunk that I didn't even realize the paparazzi around me. This would only happen to me.

I shut the lid down on my laptop and collapsed backwards grasping a pillow and shoving it under my head. I was almost asleep until Katie shouted for me from the other room. I slowly dragged myself out of bed and found that we weren't the only ones in the apartment. A tall bald man in an expensive looking suit stood on the threshold of the door.

"What's going on?" I asked.

He pulled out a picture from his pocket. It was the same one that I had seen online earlier. "Is this you?" he questioned.

I cringed again. "Yeah. Why do you have this?"

"I work for the band and right now I'm on damage control. Can we start with your name?" he asked.

"Why do you need to know?" I said. He was almost as rude as Harry had been that morning.

"Because Harry has to keep up the single life. Most of his fans are girls under the age of 16. We have to keep up the innocent image,"

"Fine. My name's Charlotte Hudgens. I'm of age so there's no problem there. I don't want anything from you or him. All I want is those pictures off the Internet and them to be out of New York City," I ranted.

"Well it would be nice if we could talk about some more damage control. We need to put an image out there that last night wasn't a one time thing. We need the public to see you and Harry as good friends that took it a little far one time," he explained.

"So what are you saying?" I asked a little confused.

"I'm saying I want you to stage a few pictures with Harry. Just while he's in New York. Then you won't ever have to hear from us again,"

"Stage pictures? Is this what being famous is all about?"

He shrugged. "Just give me this week to fix this whole situation and then you'll be rid of this."

I thought for a few seconds. I guess there wasn't much harm in this. I just didn't want the public to find out who I was. I didn't want the massive crowd of teenage girls stalking my everyday life.

"Alright. But only this week,"

"Thank you Ms. Hudgens. We will be in touch soon," he said seeing his way out the door.

"And this story gets more and more interesting doesn't it?" Katie joked coming back out of her bedroom.

I rolled my eyes.