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They Don't Know About Us


The next morning I woke up to a few missed calls and one angry voicemail from Mr. Clean or by his real name Steve Jepson. He told me I was needed at the recording studio at 2 sharp. I looked at the clock in my room. 1:30. Shit. Well I guess I should get ready now.

I quickly showered and usual leggings and boots which were a staple in the springtime chilly weather of the city. I hated to admit it but I did try a little extra knowing I was going to see him today.

I took one last look in the mirror before walking downstairs saying hi to Chris as he opened the door for me in the brisk April air. It hit me like a ton of bricks, turning my nose pink and forcing my hands in my pockets, tensing my body and making my walk to the subway much more uncomfortable. I scurried to the train just as the doors closed. It was a few stops until my destination so I decided a quick phone call to my little sister would be a good idea.

“Hello?” Haley said.

“Hey little sister. How’s it going?” I asked.

Unexpectedly she screamed back into the phone, “Since when are you dating HARRY STYLES?”

I was not ready for that. “Dating? I’m not dating him! I just kissed him one time. How do you even know this?”

“You’re all over the internet. Everyone is trying to figure out who you are!”

“Well don’t say anything about that to anyone. I don’t need a bunch of little girls like you stalking me to my apartment,” I laughed.

“I’m not little anymore, thank you very much. I just got my license,” I could almost see her sticking her tongue out.

“Well congrats, but I’m about to get off the subway. I’ll talk to you later?”

“Get me tickets to their concert!” she exclaimed.

“Ha alright,” I said pressing the end button and shoving my phone back in my pocket.

I didn’t realize they were this popular. I just hope my parents haven’t seen those pictures yet. That would earn me a one way ticket back home. I just knew it.

The train pulled to a screeching halt and several people pushed their way on and off. I quickly ran towards the stairs realizing I was already 10 minutes late. Oh well. The studio was located in a part of New York I loved. Everything was mod and contemporary. The studio itself was in a building I had admired before. Completely black brick and several large windows showing off the boys from the ground. I was surprised their loyal crowd hadn’t made it here yet.

I walked through the front door to the lobby area.

“Can I help you?” said a young woman behind a desk with her boobs a little more than exposed.

“Yeah my name’s Charlotte Hudgens. I’m here to see Steve,” I said, a little distracted by her cleavage.

“Oh okay,” she said a little annoyed. She typed nonsense into the computer and then directed me down the hallway. “It’s the last door on the right,”

“Thanks,” I said, flipping my hair behind my shoulder.

Each door in the hallway was completely glass and I could see that not only was One Direction recording here today, but several other artists I recognized were here. I felt that I was gonna faint by the time I got to the room the guys were in. I could see Harry in the booth, eyes closed, mouth wide open, singing his heart out.

Steve caught my eye and motioned for me to come in.

“Told ya,” said a dark haired boy pointing at me and laughing.

“What?” I said.

The other boys just laughed. Harry still hadn’t noticed I was here.

“Charlotte, welcome. I’m glad you could make it on time,” he said looking at his watch and nodding.

My face turned a little red.

“Charlotte, I’m Louis,” said a shorter guy, wearing shorts in the middle of April in New York.

I shook his hand. “Hello,”

He then pointed to each of the other band members: Liam, Niall and Zayn, the dark haired one that had laughed earlier.

“And you already know Harry I’m assuming,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, I guess I do,” I said smirking a little, pursing my lips a little more.

With that Harry took off his headphones, laying them on the music stand in front of him and walked back into the main room.

“Oh hello love,” he said pulling me in for a hug.

“Um, hi?” I said keeping my arms by my side.

“Oh come on. You were a lot nicer the other night,” he joked.

“Yeah well you were a lot better looking then,”

The room filled with ooh’s and laughter. Harry’s face turned bright red and flicked them off.

“Classy,” Louis said throwing a pillow from the couch at Harry’s head.

“Boys, relax,” Steve said intervening.

“Oh Steve, you relax. We’re just mates messing around,” Niall said grabbing Harry by the shoulder.

“Niall you’re next in the booth,” Steve said glaring at him.

I looked around. Not gonna lie, these guys were even more attractive in person, not that I would ever let that be known.

“So lunch?” Harry asked.

“If we must,” I said staring back at him.

“We’re off then Steve,” he said grabbing his hat and coat.

“Make sure you guys eat outside and a VISIBLE, Harry,” he warned.

I just wanted this “date” to be over with as soon as possible. We walked outside and I was delighted to see that the air had warmed up a little. We were mostly silent until a few fans began to recognize him on the sidewalk. He took a few pictures and signed a few posters until we were finally able to move along.

“Must be a shame making girls cry everywhere you go,” I said.

“Well not all of them cry. You didn’t,” he winked.

My knees went weak. I just rolled my eyes. “You know you’re really cocky,”

“I am? Didn’t notice,” he said taking a step into a small restaurant. “Two please, and outside preferably,” he said to the hostess. She looked as if she had just seen a ghost. She fumbled around for two menus and then directed us to a table on the patio facing street.

“Enjoy Mr. Styles,” she said smiling right at him.

“Thank you. I will,” he said winking at her. She looked as if she was going to pass out right there, but instead she just walked away, her mouth stuck wide open.

“You must really love all this,” I said opening my menu.

“And you don’t? Everyone loves a little fame. You’re the talk of New York right now,” he said a little condescendingly.

“No actually I hate all of this. It’s all completely fake. The only reason any of these girls want to be with you is because you’re in a boy band,”

“Ouch,” he said grabbing his chest, “You really know how to hurt a guy,”

I glared again.

“You know you really shouldn’t make that face,” he said.

“And why would you care?” I asked, glaring again just to spite him.

“Cause you’re a pretty girl. You shouldn’t make those faces,”

My cheeks turned hot.

“I knew it,” he said smirking and looking down at his menu.

“Yeah, you knew what?”

“You like me,”

“No. I really don’t,”

“Yes you do, Charlotte,”

“Oh I see you figured out what my name was,”

He stared at me for a few seconds before answering. “I always knew you name Charlotte. I even know your whole name. You told me the other night,”

“Oh really? Prove it,”

“You’re Charlotte Elizabeth Hudgens. You grew up in Charleston, South Carolina and you’re a student at FIT,”

I was a little shocked, but why would he act like he didn’t know my name that morning?

“I’m impressed. Now why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself besides the obvious,”

He smirked again, but he wasn’t able to finish before a hound of teenage girls came up to the table. And just when I was beginning to forget who he really was.