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They Don't Know About Us


With the mob of girls came the paparazzi and I can tell you now, the paparazzi in New York are the most obnoxious people I have ever met in my life.

“Look over here! Sweetheart, what’s you’re name? Can we get a kiss!” they yelled in between flashes.

Harry just smiled. I on the other hand fought to keep my temper in check. Harry reached under the tabled, grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Again, I melted. I wish I could control it all, but it was all out of my control. Fortunately, the police were called and the photographers were forced across the street, off the restaurant’s property.

“Well that was fun,” Harry said taking a bite of the sandwich he ordered.

“Totes,” I agreed.

This whole situation was just getting better and better. We hurried to finish our sandwiches and get out of the area.

“Well I guess I’ll get you home now,” he said pulling his coat tighter to his body.

“It’s okay. I can walk myself back,”

“No, let me take a taxi with you,” he said walking to the side of the street and trying his best to hail one.

I laughed. He had no clue what he was doing.

“No more like this,” I said waving my hand in the air. Almost immediately a yellow cab pulled up the curb. I slid in followed by Harry.

“168 West 25th Street please. And go down 23rd. I’m not a tourist,” I said as Harry slammed the door shut.

“You really know the city don’t you?” he said impressed.

“I do. I’ve loved New York ever since I visited when I was kid,”

“I think I love this city more than London,”

“I’ve never been. Looks dirty,” I joked. “Just kidding,”

He smiled. “No it’s nice. Just nice to get away for a while,”

The rest of the cab ride was pretty much silent. Just the occasional point out the window with an explanation of where we were from me. We pulled up to the curb outside my apartment building.

“$20.50,” the driver said.

I fumbled around looking for my card when a hand stopped me.

“I got it,” Harry said pulling out a fifty and handing it to the driver.

“Damn thanks,” the driver said.

We both slid out the door.

“Thanks. Maybe you’ve got a good side after all,” I said with a smile.

“I’m just the average English gentleman,” he said playing up his accent.

I laughed. “Do you want to come upstairs?” I said and immediately I regretted it. “I mean if you want,”

He smiled. “I wish I could. I gotta get back to the studio,”

“Oh okay. Thanks for lunch and the cab again,”

“No problem. I guess I’ll see you sometime soon,”

“Yeah. I guess I’ll talk to Steve,”

He paused for a second. “Why don’t you just get my number? Steve’s a prick anyway,”

I pulled out my phone and gave it to him. He typed in his number and handed it back. “Call me later,” he said.

I agreed as he walked off, probably to hail another cab or at least try to. I walked back through the door to see Chris enjoying himself.

“Have a good afternoon Miss Hudgens?” he said holding back a smile.

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, Chris. Thank you,” I smiled.

Katie of course was waiting for me back in the living room. She held on to every detail of my day with Harry. She wanted to know everything. And for the first time since I met him, I felt like he could actually be a good guy.