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They Don't Know About Us


It was late in the night and all I could think about was Harry. I hadn’t had that feeling in the pit of my stomach since high school and I definitely missed it. He had a a certain quality about him that made me love and hate him at the same time. He was unattainable I knew that, but I just wanted to be that girl for someone and maybe I could be for him.
I hugged my pillow tighter and tried to drift away, but it deemed impossible. Then I got a ballsy idea in my head. I reached for my phone on the table next to my bed and found Harry’s number. I checked the time 2:12. He must still be awake. He’s a rockstar for crying out loud. I opened my messages and started a text for him.
You awake? I’m bored. Send.
I cringed. I felt as if I was going to throw up. I checked the time frantically and it was only 2:13. Ugh. Bad idea Charlotte. So bad.
I threw my phone on the pillow next to me and curled up again. As soon as I got comfortable I felt my phone buzz.
You do know it’s the middle of the night.. right?
I smiled. We’re in the city that never sleeps.
This time he replied a little bit faster. Well if that’s the case why don’t you get your ass out of bed and show me around?
I almost jumped. You sure? What time is it in London? Aren’t you a little jet lagged..
I don’t care. I’d much rather hang out with a cute girl than sleep next to Niall.
Okay meet me at my apartment in like 30 minutes?
Alright. See you soon.
What the hell just happened Charlotte. I quickly dressed, throwing my hair up and grabbing a thicker coat to combat the night air. I tip toed quietly out the living room as I imagined Harry was doing the same. I shut the door behind me, being careful to lock it as quietly as possible. However once I got outside, I was reminded of how loud the city was. Horn after horn and siren after siren. I waited a few minutes for Harry to arrive. He was dressed in his same jeans but this time with a fluffier coat and a new hat.
“Hey,” I said, half waiting for another hug but it just turned into an awkward pause.
“Well I guess good morning?” he said giving a little chuckle.
“Are you hungry?”
“I was just about to ask you that. I’m starved,”
I smiled. “There’s a good place three blocks away. Cheap, greasy and open 24 hours a day,”
“Sounds perfect,”
We were silent a few seconds before he spoke again. “You know what I love about this,”
“No fans, no paparazzi and no crowded streets,”
“Do you miss being average?”
He laughed. “Well I was never average,” I rolled my eyes. “I mean yeah I miss being just Harry from Chesire. But I wouldn’t give up this life I have now for anything. I can take care of my parents and I get to see the world. Meet new people,” he said giving a little smirk on that last one.
We finally made it to Check’s Diner. It had been my favorite for my late night study sessions with Katie during first semester. I hadn’t been since, but it still felt exactly the same. Harry flipped over the menu looking a little puzzle.
“What are hashbrowns?” he asked.
I laughed. “Like fried french fries,”
“You mean chips?” he said correcting me with his English slang.
“No not at all. Get them. You’ll probably like them, but you have to order them with cheese and onions and put ketchup on them,”
“That sounds bloody disgusting,” he said making another face.
“Bloody?” I giggled.
“Oh shut up. I know you American girls think it’s hot,”
I rolled my eyes.
“I’ve noticed that about you,” he said.
I was confused. “Noticed what?”
“You roll your eyes at me all the time,”
“I guess it’s just a habit,” I shrugged.
“It’s cute,” he said quickly looking back down at the menu.
I bit my lip as I blushed and sunk down in the seat.
Our waitress thankfully came to break the tension. “What can I get you for drinks?”
I ordered quickly, “Coffee and a waffle with hashbrowns covered and smothered,”
She smiled turning to Harry. “The same,” he said a little frustrated by the menu.
The food quickly came. I squirted ketchup all over it and replacing the syrup on my waffle for grape jelly.
“That’s disgusting,” he said looking at my creation.
“Just try it,”
He took a bite off my plate and chewed it for a few seconds before a look of delight came across his face.
“This is amazing. I have to bring the guys here,” he said quickly devouring the rest of his meal.
Once we had finished, the sun was just beginning to rise. The sky turned a reddish purple. It was beautiful in the city, but I hardly ever saw the sunrise. We walked into the cold air, colder than it was earlier. I shivered a little, but I was surprised when I felt Harry’s arm wrap around my shoulder. It felt good though. Almost familiar. We walked a few blocks towards Central Park. It was already filled with early morning runners taking advantage of the empty park.
“So do you remember the night we met?” I asked.
He nodded. “Sort of,”
I laughed. “I guess I had more than I could handle that night,”
“You did, but so did I. But I remember having a good time with you,”
I blushed.
“You sure do blush a lot,” he said biting his lip.
We took a seat on the bench closet to us. I felt his eyes not leave my face the entire time. I felt him pull my chin towards him and then suddenly, he kissed me. I liked it. No I loved it. His lips were warm and comforting. I felt myself melt into him. I kissed him back and in that moment, that was it. I was stuck.