What Time is It? Love Time

Chapter Three

*Annie's POV*
"Bye Marcy! I'll see ya later!" I yelled. When I first met her she was a little girl about seven or eight and I tought her how to play multiple instruments including the Harp. I loved her so much and now she's all grown up now and she is an amazing singer and she's still amazing at bass guitar. "So hehehe. That was fun huh?" Finn asked nervously "yeah it was. Thanks Finn, she's probably the only close person i have already known alive. Well she is a vampire after all haha." I fake laughed looking down. Without even thinking I turned and hugged Finn. "I really mean it... Thank you. You don't know how much this meant to me. With everyone gone... Or well changed like my mom I'm going to have to get use to all the changes in the world and you've already helped me a lot... You and Jake. You're my new hero Finn." I sighed calmly trying not to cry but failing letting a couple of silent tears spill as Finn hugged back. He was a few inches taller than me so the way we were hugging was that my arms were around his neck and his arms were around my waist and my head was at his chest. I looked up to see him blushing. "Don't cry please! I swear by my code of honor that I'll always protect you no matter what." He said wiping my tears away. "I can tell we're gonna be the best of friends" I smiled at him and then laughed cheerfully knowing my life would be even better. "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!!" I yelled as i ran. Finn looked confused at first then started laughing and chasing me back to
Candy Kingdom. We finally got to the gate of the Kingdom and I tripped over Cinnamon Bunand fell on the hard candy ground face first. "ANNIE!!!!" I heard Finn yell as i got up from the ground. "Owwie my face." I complained rubbing my face. I saw Finn getting closer. "Sorry Cinnamon Bun! I hope you're ok, but I can't let Finn catch me." I apologized and bowed politely as if I were in Japan and i ran fast. "Annie! Wait are you ok?" Finn yelled running after me and jumping over Cinnamon Bun who was still laying down. "Ya, I'm fine! but I'm not gonna let a little fall get me caught!" I yelled back laughing with an eye closed smile. Finn started to speed up as well did I when I saw this. I got to the castle and didn't stop as I ran to my room and Finn followed. I opened my door and plopped down on my bed catching my breath. Finn came in shortly and jumped ontop of me pinning me down. "haha gotchya I win! What's wrong? Tired already?" Finn teased. "Nope not even close" I replied with a smirk. I flipped him off my bed and pinned him down with one hand and giving him a noogy with the other as we wrestled. We stopped after about an hour of wrestling because we heard giggling. I looked up to see Princess Bubblegum at the door. "PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM HEY!!!" I yelled pushing Finn's face and running to her. "Why don't you join us?" I asked when i approached her. "No thanks wrestling isn't my thing but I would like to throw a ball for you." She announced. "A uh Ball? where?" I asked "Here in the Castle to celebrate your coming and a new friend for the Candy people. All of the Princesses will be there." she said excitedly. "Oh that kind of ball I thought you meant like the ones you play catch with haha." I laughed. "No, silly! a ball at which you dance at." She explained giggling. "Oh cool, you don't have to do that." I said nervously scratching the back of my neck. "But I want to! and we will even invite Marceline too. and you can make new friends with everybody. Won't it be great Annie?" Bubblegum was very excited. "sure, but can I play my Ipod there I have awesome songs on it." I asked "OF COURSE YOU CAN!" She squeeled. "Well I gotta go see you tomorrow Bubblegum and Annie!" Finn said excusing himself. "Bye Finn" we both said at the same time. I hugged Finn and kissed him on the cheek and saw him blush. "Thanks for everything hero." I said softly. Finn left and Bubblegum entered my room and sat on my bed as I closed the door. "So when is this ball?" I asked sitting next to her. "Tomorrow night. And do you have any dresses?" she asked. "uh, yeah I do." I went to the walk in closet and pulled out my favorite dress. Black, Strapless, goes to my mid thigh and poofy at the bottom and comes with a cute belt that has a white flower and blue jewl in the middle of the flower. "Put it on! I bet that looks great on you!" Bubblegum exclaimed as i went in the big closet and changed with some knee high boots with heels on them. I put my hair into a messy side bun and curled my bangs with my finger so it would be curly and i applied some lip gloss black eyeliner and eyeshadow and mascara to go with. I opened the closet door. "Wow so thats what took ya so long it looks so beautiful!!!!! You should wear that tomorrow!" the princess exclaimed. "if you say so.. and thanks." I said feeling a blush on my face. "You're so adorable! and it's late so I'm going to get some beauty sleep good night." She said with a yawn walking out of my room "Night Bubblegum." I replied. It was only eight thirty so I decided to take a shower and get all the make up off my face. I changed into PJs and fell asleep quickly.
*Next Morning*
I woke up and slowly climbed out of bed and changed into some plain jeans and a "I heart Tokyo" T-shirt and some converse. I brushed the tangles out of my hair and put my hair in low piggy tails. I went down stairs yawning and rubbing my eye as i entered the Dining room and sat at the table. "Here you go madam, I hope that blueberry pancakes and eggs are ok. What would you like to drink?" Peppermint Butler said as he came out of the kitchen with a plate filled with two pancakes and three eggs made into a smiley face. "aww that's adorable! may i call you peppy?" I asked "if you wish and would you like some milk or tea?" Peppy asked "tea!" I said excitedly. "Surprise me everyday with a new type of tea if you would please." i said politely. "Of course my lady" He replied cheerfully as Princess Bubblegum came through the dining room door. "Good Morning Annie!" She said also cheerful... 'Why is everyone so cheerful in the morning and all the time?' I thought to myself. "Ohayo gozaimasu" I replied in japanese. "huh?" both Peppy and Bubblegum asked at the same time. I stood up and showed my T-shirt. "Its the formal way of saying Good morning in Japanese. In the past where I come from there was this country called Japan and it had so many shows that I loved and I even learned they're language and I went once with my Dad." I explained. "Oh I see, you have to tell me all about the human race! And stories about you're relatives and human friends and I want to know as much as possible." Bubblegum enthused. "Uhmmm sure but we have to get everything for the ball ready today." I said "Yes, we can get started after breakfast." she said. After breakfast we made invites and sent them with a messenger and had the cooks prepare the food and drinks while we put up the decorations. "Ok its almost seven! we have to get ready for the ball" PB said quickly as we rushed upstairs to get ready. I put on my dress, heel boots, make up and my hair just as i did the night before except the bun was neater and my bangs were curled with a curling iron. I put the finishing touch of the lip gloss and went down stairs to the ball room and everyone was already there. As i walked in the room everyone stopped and looked at me I saw Finn blushing and PB ran up to me and dragged me on stage. "Everyone this is another human her name is Annie! I'm sure everyone will come to know her. Now party on." PB announced as I plugged my Ipod into the speakers and put on Good Time by owl city and Carly Jae Jebson. I stepped down from the stage and started dancing by myself as a cloud like person with a star in the middle of their head came up to me. "Hey there so I'm like Lumpy Space Princess but you can call me LSP like everyone else in this joint. Your dress is like so lumping awesome and the same with this song." She said "Thanks LSP I'm Annie just like PB said before." I smiled "Yeah I know everyone has been talking about you and I was like I have to meet this non Lumper." she said "Oh, haha yeah I didnt realize everyone was talking about me." I replied. the party went on and i danced with Finn and Marcy and met alot of people. "IIIIMMM here Princesses now come to me!" I heard some one say and looked at the door as everything got quiet. The guy was blue had a long beard and wore a crown. "ICE KING YOU WERE'NT INVITED!" Finn and Jake yelled. Wait that crown looked familiar. I ran up to the old guy and looked up at his crown "Annie! get away from him!" Finn yelled "Where did you get this crown it looks so familiar." I asked. Then I was suddenly grabbed by Jake and he stretched me and Finn to my room. "What's going on who was that guy? And why did his crown look like my dad's crown?" I asked "Annie that guy he is or was your dad... That crown made him like that and we gave him the videos back that proved it. I didnt want you finding out this way." Finn explained looking down. "That is not my dad. My dad has glasses and he doesn't even sound like my dad." I shot back defensively. "I know you don't wanna believe it but we don't know how to fix him... the crown made him like he is and he kidnaps princesses so he can try to marry them and he tries to hang out with me and Jake. And he is Simon Petrikov. and he will try to kidnap you too. You can even ask Marceline." He explained more as tears filled my eyes. No no no no this cant be true. "Who do you think you are you vowed to protect me and then you play a cruel trick on me?!" I yelled crying. "It's not a trick i promise and i am protecting you now." he tried again but i didnt know what to say.
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So if you didnt see the dedication in the description then i will happily announce it again this is dedicated to Smile41D!!!! Thanks for replying to the question and sorry for not updating for a while but I will try to upload soon so if you comment or subscribe or both I will dedicate the next chapter to you! and comment and tell me what you think of the new puppies in Adventure Time :D Til then my little rainacorns