What Time is It? Love Time

Chapter 6

"Wake up Annie, we have to go fly kites and swim in the lake today!" I heard the familiar voice of my dad. I opened my eyes quickly. It was my dad and he was all normal! He wasn't Ice King anymore! And I was back in my house in my room! "Dad! Your back! You aren't Ice King anymore!" I said excitedly while jumping out of bed and hugging him. "It was so terrible! Mom left and took me with her and then you let her and she froze me and you were crazy and blue! You weren't yourself! And then there was a Candy Kingdom and a Bubblegum Princess and there was a boy named Finn and he was the last human but he wasn't cause I'm human and he had a talking stretching dog that was funny and then there was and Fire Princess that burned me and a cloud like preppy girl and-" I was cut off. "Whoa slow down it wasn't a dream, but its ok babe I promised I would protect you and I always will." It didn't sound like my Dad... It sounded like Finn... And who is he calling babe? I am not his girlfriend. Though I wouldn't mind it hehe- NO PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER ANNIE! HE HAD A GIRLFRIEND AND DIDN'T TELL ME! AND SHE HURT ME! I though to myself. "Finn?" I asked and pulled away looking down at the bed. "What am I doing here?" I asked and felt really cold all of a sudden. "Finn? NO YOU ARE'NT WITH FINN YOU ARE MY WIFE NOW MINE I TELL YOU MINE!" I looked up following the voice that sounded like Ice King. "WIFE?! NO I AM NOT YOUR WIFE YOU'RE MY DAD!" I yelled back jumping off the bed and running towards the door, but he flew in front of me. "Not your Dad! Ice King Jr.'s dad haha hahaha" He laughed and turned me around and there was a little kid about five or so standing there rubbing his eye with one hand in his footy pajamas. He had brown hair and I couldn't really see his eyes because they were half closed. "Mommy, why are you yelling at daddy?" he asked me tiredly. "What? No no NOOOO I AM NOT A MOM AND I WOULD NEVER AT THIS AGE AND WITH HIM! NOOOOO!" I screamed and bolted up. "I-it w-was a dr-dream." I said quietly to myself. I was sweating and shaky. "Are you ok Annie?" I heard Princess Bubblegum's voice outside my door and knocking. "uh umm yeah just a bad dream." I said as she walked in. "Do you want to talk about it? All of us heard you screaming all the way down in the dining room." She asked caringly. "UHH NOOO!!! But umm thanks for caring hehe, but I'll be fine." I told her. "I'll be right down. I just need a shower." I told her. "Ok, see ya down there! Oh and Finn called they said they wanted to invite you to their house later. "F-Finn? M-me? H-his h-house?" I stuttered. "yeah I'm going to so don't be nervous silly so hurry up and get ready while I explain to the other Princesses that you are alright." she said while walking out and closing the door. I sighed and got some clothes and walked into the bathroom. I got undressed turned on the water and got in. The hot water on my burn hurt, but I tried to ignore it. 'Finn and Me? Together? no that can't be... Besides I can't focus on dating a guy that I don't even really know when I have to try to get my dad back.' I thought while lathering the shampoo in my hair. 'That dream though... I mean I wasn't totally mad at him when he called me babe... I was confused more than anything. But now that I think of it I wouldn't mind it.' I thought some more. I thought about my dream, my dad, and Finn while I was getting ready. Why do I feel like this towards Finn? I mean this is way into the future so... Wow I must be old but appear young. Would I be a pedophile if I liked him? No cause I'm only thirteen. I wonder how old Finn is he doesn't look older than 13 or 14. I put on some short shorts, a tank top that says 'YOUNG AND WILD AND FREE', rainbow flats, Black Veil Brides bracelets necklace and earrings, a rainbow beanie, and nerd glasses. I made sure my hair was straightened and looking good before I put the rainbow beanie on. I walked out of my room and headed down stairs to the dining room. I sat down realizing all the princesses were still here. "Hi ladies." I greeted as the waiters came in with a lot of food and set it down on the table. "My lady, it is Strawberry Tea today." Peppy said with a cup of tea holding it out to me. I took the tea and tasted it. "Wow this is really good! Thanks" I said as I continued to sip my tea. I finally put it down and looked at all the food. I put biscuits and gravy on my plate, then 2 eggs, sausage, bacon, and a bagel with strawberry cream cheese. It was delicious. "That was really good, may I be excused to go brush my teeth? I'll be faster than a bunny." I said while smiling like an idiot. "of course you can" PB said. I got up and ran up to my room and to the bathroom and quickly brushed and flossed my teeth. I walked back down only to say goodbye to everyone. "Ok, so now that everyone is gone we can go to Finn and Jake's house. We'll go on the Marrow. CACAW!!!" she screamed the last part. A giant bird came from no where and landed in front of us. She got on while I stood in awe, just staring at the giant bird. "Well don't just stand there get on!" PB yelled. "O-o-ok" I stuttered. I climbed on the giant bird. And grabbed onto PB's waist and hugged her back as soon as she said "hold on tight." I shut my eyes the instant the bird left the ground. Yeah ok so I'm terrified of heights so what? I cant be the only one. The whole ride there I was thinking "You're not gonna fall you're fine, I'm fine. Nothing is gonna happen Annie." I was too busy in my thoughts to realize that the bird landed. "Hey you can let go now" PB said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh, sorry." I apologized a little dazed. I slowly tried climbing off of the bird but fell. "Annie are you ok?" Finn asked while Jake laughed. I sat up as Finn held his hand out to help me up. I gladly took it but instead of standing with balance I started to stumble back but luckily Finn caught me by my waist. I blushed because we were so close, then the flashback of what happened last night and my dream went through my head. I gasped and pushed away from him then looked down sadly. I don't know what's wrong with me. Finn opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. There was nothing to say. "Well I'm going to break the awkwardness and tell you that Annie needs to find a home for herself. Don't get me wrong I just think that you would feel more comfortable at your own house." she told me as I just nodded. "Well can we invite Ice King? I told him that I would hang out with him today." I asked looking up finally. "Um Jake?" Finn asked. "Please. He won't do anything, I know he won't I was with him yesterday he didn't force me to do anything. To be honest I think he just needs some friends. The only reason he would kidnap a Princess is because of his loneliness." I told them. They thought about it and Finn looked shocked. "Ok, but only cause he might stop capturing Princesses." Jake said. "YES! NOW LETS GO GET HIM!!!" I said excitedly as I started running towards the Ice Kingdom. "Hey wait Annie! The Ice Kingdom is the other way!" I heard Jake yell as I tripped over a rock and started rolling down the hill. "ow ow ow ow!!! AHHH" I screamed in pain from my hurt arm. It really hurt, my eyes were watering from the pain. "Annie! Are you alright?" Finn yelled running down the hill and kneeled beside me. "My burn hurts." I told him. He suddenly grew quiet and stood up. "Come on, lets get something to make the pain stop." He had his head down and looked really guilty for what happened. I just nodded as tears kept creeping into my eyes and started falling. Yes it was from the pain and it was also because of seeing Finn like this.
*Finn's POV*
She's hurt because of me. I'm so stupid. No Finn remember what Jake said last night.
"What's wrong Finn? You seem down." Jake asked. "Annie's hurt because of me. I knew she would kiss me and I wanted her to. And then I wasn't expecting FP to be there and now both Annie and FP hate me." "Its ok Finn you are my home boy and I still love you." BMO tried as I just sighed. Jake walked over and sat next to me on the couch and BMO was sitting on the coffee table. "Finn they don't hate you. They're hurt." Jake replied. "And I'm the cause of it Jake! I hate myself for letting Annie get hurt and for breaking FP's heart! I'm so stupid. I don't know if I can even handle my stupidness anymore! I'm gonna FLIP OUT!" I stood up and flipped the table while screaming and caused BMO to fall off the table. "Finn relax ok everything is going to be fine we'll fix everything alright buddy?" Jake asked comforting me. "Ok Jake." I said starting to calm down while BMO got mad and walked off.
*End of Flashback*
We got to the tree house and walked in. "Jake, where's the tears from the Cyclops's eye?" I asked walking into the living room with Annie behind me. "I think you put it across the bridge." Jake replied drinking tea. "Where did PB go?" Annie asked. "She had to go take care of some royal stuff." Jake told me. "Ok." she replied. "Follow me." I told her as we walked across the bridge and through the door. I found it on a shelf and took the bottle of Cyclops tears down. "Let me see your arm this will heal it instantly." I told her as she gave me her arm. She was pretty quiet. "Finn?" she asked as I took the bandage off her arm. "Yeah?" I asked still feeling guilty. "I'm sorry for causing you trouble." She said as I looked up at her shocked. "You're sorry? But don't be. It wasn't your fault. I'm the one who's sorry. I let FP hurt you when I swore that I would protect you." I told her. "I shouldn't have kissed you. I could've kissed a candy person or something I mean on the bright side they would've tasted really good." She laughed a little then frowned. "Ya know I never asked for any of this. I just wanted to be a normal girl that was going to go to college and become an artist of music, painting, and sketching. It was my plan in life. But that still wouldn't have been my future because of the war going on. Wasn't I suppose to turn into candy or something? I mean my mom did." She spoke as I thought of something to say. "I'm glad you didn't turn into candy, and even if you couldn't go to what ever college is, you can still be and artist and a musician here and have a great job. In this time period. Annie I have to tell you something." I finally said. "Finn, what is it." she looked shocked. "I feel a certain way towards you. It was different than when I was with Flame Princess. And I just want to be with you all the time and make you happy. I always want to see your smile and hear your laugh. And when I see you hurt or crying, it hurts me, it breaks my heart and makes me cry and cry like a little boom boom baby that fell on a leaf while going potty." I blushed and successfully pushing that memory out of my head. "Finn, I don't know what the heck a boom boom baby is but I know what your saying and it's crazy cause we barely know each other but I feel the same about you I like you a lot and I don't know why I feel this way but I do and to be honest I like it... A lot..." She replied looking down and trying to hide her blush. There was nothing left to say so I turned her head towards me and I planted a gentle kiss onto her lips. She kissed me back and scooted closer to me. I placed my hand on her arm and she immediately pulled back and pushed my hand away from her arm. "ow Finn that hurt." She told me. Then it hit me I touched her burn. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to!" she laughed "It's ok, lets put some of that stuff on it." she laughed. "Ok sure." I laughed as I opened the bottle and put some of the Cyclops's tears on it. We watched it as it healed automatically. "Wow! It's gone! And it doesn't hurt anymore!" She sounded amazed. "Annie, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her. "Heck ya dude!" she exclaimed and kissed me happily.
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If you want to see her outfit its here http://www.polyvore.com/rainbow_bvb/set?id=83115697
Sorry I haven't posted in a while I'm trying to look for a job :/ but I'll upload soon