Status: BxB dont like dont read:D

Just a Crush?

Forced to Come out?

Joey hears his alarm going off. He hits the snooze button of course and lays there for about five minutes. Then he gets up and grabs some cloths. A tie-dye shirt and some skinny jeans. Gets his towel from the closet and heads to the shower. He gets out and does his hair. Brushes his teeth and cleans his ears. Heads to his room and puts lotion on. He also puts his necklace and bracelets on. Zips up his back pack and puts his Converse shoes on. Then he heads to the car. To have his foster dad drive him to school. His first three periods are gym. Next two are Chem. Luckily he has his crush in those classes. Zack Evans, the high school quarter back and proud Soccer caption. Joey remembers the first time he saw him in chemistry. His medium blonde hair, green eyes and gorgeous muscles. Joey was late to school that day, it was his first day at South Beach High. So he missed gym and entered Chem. late. As soon as he walked in, he saw Zack’s beautifully tanned hotness in the back of the room. He begins to hear his foster father’s voice saying to get out he’s at school. there fore eliminating his chance of finishing his memory. Joey gets out of the car. He begins to head to class when he see’s his friend Ashley. He nods his head to her. Her signal for not walking up to him because he just wants to be left alone until lunch. He heads to his gym locker. While he walks in he see’s Zack changing. He cant help himself and looks at him while he is changing. Zack catches him but doesn’t say anything. Joey doesn’t notice Zack looking at him stare. But he quickly reaches his locker and begins to change. Once he is done changing he heads to the gym. He forgets to put his backpack in the locker. So David, Zack’s best friend, looks through his backpack to see if there is anything to humiliate Joey with. He catches the journal out of the corner of his eye. While he is zipping the bag back up. He quickly grabs the journal and puts it in his locker. Then heads out to the gym. Joey notices David getting in class a little late. But doesn’t say anything. Assuming he was just making out with his girl toy in the stall. Class begins to start. This week we are doing volleyball. Which is about the only sport I play. Joey serves the ball and the game starts. Of course at the end of class Joey’s team wins because he is the only one good at volleyball in the class. So they go back to change. Then he begins to head to Chem. He doesn’t notice Zack looking at him. While he is walking into class. He sits in the front where his normal seat is. Class begins and he zones out. It goes like that for the rest of the day. Until lunch. Where he meets with Ashley and gets lunch. He grabs his plate and puts on a BLT sandwich along with an apple and Gatorade. Pays for his lunch and heads to the table. Ashley is sitting there waiting for him so she can eat.
“What was wrong this morning?” She says, with a voice of concern.
“Nothing. I just didn’t want to talk. I promise nothing was wrong.”
“Okay.” She says.
Joey notices David looking at him and pointing to the table. Joey takes a quick glance and notices his journal. Then he remembers he never took out his journal from his backpack and begins to walk up to him to grab it. David gets up and stands on the table. Grabs the journal on his way up. Joey’s heart begins to race and remembers himself writing about his crush on Zack. David begins to flip to a page. Then he notices something and begins to widen his eyes. Then he says “ Everyone I have an announcement.” And claps his hands and yells hey to get everyones attention. At that moment Joey’s face turns red. Ashley knows about his crush on Zack. She also recognizes his journal because she gave it to him as a birthday present. She smiles because he actually uses it. But gets worried because she also knows what David is about to do. She quickly runs to Joey’s side. To hopefully help the blow that is about to come. She hears David mimicking a girls voice saying “ Oh my gosh, I like have this big huge crush on...” and he waits and looks up from the journal to make sure everyone is listening and says “Zack Evans.” Zack drops his fork and snatches the journal away. Looks to see a name and notices it says ‘Joey Garza’ Then opens back up to the page David was at. And he see’s his name along with the name ‘Joey Evans’ with heart’s everywhere on the page. Then he begins to walk up to Joey. Hands him his property. Then walks back to the table. Joey walks out the lunch room. Joey goes through the rest of the day with people looking at him weird. Ashley see’s Joey in the hallway and hugs him.
“Hey, I’m sorry. I know you weren’t ready to come out as bi. He didn’t have to be such a dick and read your journal like that” she said with sympathy in her eyes.
“ No, its my fault i left my journal in my back pack and forgot to lock it in my locker.”
“He shouldn't have gone through your stuff like that.”
“oh well its over and done with.”
“ good positivity thats what i love about you.”
Joey smiles and walks away.
“See you tomorrow!” Ashley yells at him while he walks away.