Did I not mention it was a time machine?


When I woke up that morning, I knew something was wrong. It wasn't the fact that most of my furniture was broken or missing, and it wasn't the fact that I wasn't in my bed. It was more of the fact that there was a large dog like creature sitting outside of my window, staring at me. My first instinct was to scream, but I found that due to the shock of having a large domestic pet pressed against my window, I couldn't. So I went with my second.

"Clifford?" I asked, although now that I think about it, that wasn't a very accurate assumption. The creature wasn't very red, it wasn't smiling and a little blonde girl named 'Emily Elizabeth' wasn't sitting atop it's head.

In answer to my misguided assumption, the creature barked and my room shook with the force of it's...Well rage, I'm assuming. Perhaps it had been mistaken for a certain big red dog, multiple times before this.

But before I could fall to my knees and beg for forgiveness (and to not be eaten or torn to pieces), my door opened and a small green man entered.

"Oh, Case 08 you are awake!" he exclaimed in a nasally voice. "Would you like bread? Milk?" As he listened a bunch of food options, I took the time to notice a few things.

For one thing, he was green, and the man was abnormally small, I mean he wasn't even the size of a little person! He was like...Toddler size! And for another, he blinked sideways! And...Why was he calling me Case 08?

"Case 08? What do you mean 'Case'?" I demanded as the man creature attempted to prick my finger with a very long needle like object. It was funny how I had only begun to notice things when they happened to be right in front of my face.

The man smiled at me, displaying three rows of blunt little teeth. "I must take blood pressure! See how Case 08 reacts to environment." he said as he reached for my other hand. I held it above my head and stuck my tongue out, which was really quite mean and uncalled for. After all, he only reached my shin; simply placing my hands on my hips would have been enough, but I always had to rub it in didn't I?

"Cooperate, please Case 08!" The little man complained and I shrieked as he began to change colors. First blue then orange then an angry fiery red. Looks like I'd pissed him off.

"Stop calling me Case 08!" I snapped. "Why should I let you take my blood pressure? Why should I let you do anything to me!" I retreated back a few steps until my back hit the wall.

The little, now red man glared at me and his once blunt teeth turned into sharp little daggers.
"COOPERA-ACK!" Suddenly the door swung open and smacked the little man across the room, knocking him out immediately.

"Oh, oops, I didn't mean to do that..." The opener of the door murmured, then turned to me.

"Hello there, I'm the Doctor, who're you?" he asked, sticking out his hand.

I shook it and almost burst into tears at the site of him. Somewhat curly brown hair, glasses, a suit, two rows of normal teeth. A human!

I flung myself at him and wrapped my arms around his skinny frame. "I'm Cassandra Williams." I said, and pulled back just to take in the sight of the man again.

"O-okay." The Doctor said slowly, and wriggled out of my hold and approached the little man on the floor who had turned yellow upon impact with the door.

I cowered behind The Doctor, and peered over his shoulder at the little man. "So w-what is he?" I asked

The Doctor stood up and stretched. "A Fruicknar, nicknamed the children of the universe. They're curious creatures, and will do anything to get answers to their questions. They often bug and transport species of alien to their labs, so they can study them in foreign habitats with foreign creatures, hence the gigantic dog outside your window."

I frowned, "I'm not alien."

"Well you're alien to him." he pointed out and I nodded.

"True, but you said bug? What do you mean by that?" I asked

The Doctor pointed at my shoulder and I craned my neck to see what he was pointing to.
A large bug shaped rock or maybe it was a rock shaped bug, was latched on to my shoulder. How in the world had I not noticed something like that before?

The Doctor plucked it off and shined a skinny flash light thing over it. "Hmm, relatively harmless, so there will be no side effects after removing it from it's host."

I blinked slowly and narrowed my eyes at him, "So you didn't know that before you took it off me?" I demanded, crossing my arms and tapping my foot. He could have blown me up or killed me!

"Oh...Yeah, now that I think about it that wasn't very thought out."

"You think?" I snapped but then shook my head and pointed to the little man- No the Fruicknar who had started to come to. "Anyway, you said that, his kind are the children of the universe, yeah?"

The Doctor nodded.

"So where are they're parents?" I would love to tell that Fruiknar twerp's mother what he tried to do to me!

The Doctor's face lit up immediately and he grinned wildly. "Brilliant! Oh Cassandra Williams, I like you!" he said and grabbed my hand along with the hand of Fruiknar who had turned a delightful mix of pink and yellow.

I smirked as we ran down the hallway, Oh so now you're scared? Scared of what your mum's gonna have to say about your behavior? I thought gleefully.

We stopped at a large archway, that seemed to be shimmering and flickering all at once. The Doctor laughed loudly and began keying in something on the keypad next to the archway.

"I was wondering what this was, when I came in, and now I know! It's a portal! A great big portal for Freiknars but can also be used to transport their children, Fruiknars!" he clapped his hands as he keyed in the last bit, and the portal began to hum.

He pushed the Fruiknar into it and held his hand out to me. "Come on now, you don't want to be left behind do you?" he asked and I shook my head and took his hand.

After we returned the Fruiknar to his parents who were very very angry at their daughter, (Yeah, even the Doctor didn't see that coming.) we returned to my bedroom, so that the Doctor could get his spaceship.

"Spaceship?" I exclaimed

The Doctor nodded as we walked down a series of hallways.

"So you're an...Alien?" I said slowly and he nodded once more.

"Alright then." I breathed and the Doctor frowned at me.

"You know, you're taking this all in stride. Most humans would be screaming and crying by now, but you're just prancing along with me after seeing three different species of aliens in a time span of thirty minutes."

I shrugged, "Well after all those alien attacks, like the Christmas star, Sicorax and all, the government decided to make HDWAE schools." I was top in my class actually, but no need to brag.

"HDWAE? What's that?" The Doctor asked

"How to Deal With Alien Encounters." I responded as we reached a large blue police box from the 50's. I frowned but didn't even ask about it. That was lesson one in HDWAE class. 'Never ask questions, because then you'll seem weak'.

"Well it would be HTDWAE thought wouldn't it?" he asked and I laughed.

"Nah, they thought it'd be too wordy if we added the T."

We shared a laugh about that and as The Doctor began to unlock the police box he turned to me.

"You know, Cassandra Williams, I could do with a companion like you. To travel with me through space, seeing all type of planets, getting into all sorts of trouble."

"Oh! Well I don't think," I began. Travel sounded really nice but I had a lot on my plate back at home already. Tests, dentist appointments, my job.

"Did I not mention it was a time machine?"

Well alright then.