The Black House

Oh Shit

Having to go to school and focus on anything but Kalona was difficult. Especially since Annie was desperate to make up for her parents kicking me out.

It's not like she could talk about it with Cassie around because then we'd have to explain everything and I wasn't sure Cassie was ready.

Zach decided to do some research on Kalona since he had a day off. He was taking it pretty well.

In fourth period, someone passed me a note. I frowned. Annie and Cassie didn't take any advanced classes so who would pass me a note in this one? I wasn't unknown or a loser but I did have a small circle of close friends and then some acquaintances. It couldn't have been a close friend or they would have simply texted me.

I opened the note and read it.

"Can you meet me at football practice? I really need to talk to you. It's important. -Wesley"

I looked over at him and he waved awkwardly. I had forgotten he was in this class. I nodded and he smiled as if in relief.

I put the note away and went back to my work. When the bell rang, I went to lunch as usual. Annie met me on the way.

She began to open her mouth and I dreaded her apology speech.

"Shh, shh! I don't wanna hear it. It's no big deal, Annie. I found another place to stay. I stayed with Zach." I winked.

"Zach? Hot Zach from the club?! How'd you manage that without getting raped? You barely know the guy." She whispered.

"I know him plenty. He's safer than Kalona." I muttered.

She nodded and let it go as Cassie came running up to us. No doubt, she had fresh gossip.

"Oh my gosh. Guess who's single? Wesley!" She squealed.

I frowned. That's odd. I shook my head and listened to her go on and on about how gorgeous his big blue eyes were. Annie watched me carefully.

The rest of the school day was bland. I went to football practice in my softball uniform and found Wesley under the bleachers where the stoners hung out. Strangely, no one was there but Wesley. I had to admit, he looked hot in basketball shorts and a black wife-beater. But he was no Zach.

"Why are we meeting here?" I asked.

He looked nervous and glanced around. He leaned closer.

"So, you probably heard I'm single, right?" He spoke quietly. He seemed embarrassed.

"Sure. Why?" I frowned, wondering where this was going.

" know I'm having a back to school party?, I was kinda wondering if you'd go with me?" He definitely was not used to asking girls out. He looked terrified.

"Oh...Wesley, I'm sorry. I have a boyfriend. And best friend Cassie has an enormous crush on you. I could never do that to her." I answered as kindly as possible.

Wesley looked heartbroken but he forced a smile anyway.

"I know the feeling...I've had a crush on you since the 8th grade." He admitted. He scratched his head and I smiled softly.

"You should ask Cassie. You might be surprised at how much you guys have in common." I murmured.

"It wouldn't be weird?" He frowned.

"As long as she doesn't know you asked me, no. Wesley, she's a great girl. And you're a great guy. My situation is complicated enough. You deserve someone less....difficult." I replied.

Wesley nodded and smiled again. I hugged him and he went back to football practice. I showed up at softball practice and my two best friends were frowning.

"Why are you late? You're never late." Annie asked.

"I had to pee first."

"Then why were you walking out from behind the bleachers with Wesley Shane?" Penny Young, a teammate asked.

Penny has always hated my guts so the fact that she outed me was no surprise.

"You're lying. Xylia wouldn't be under the bleachers with....right?" Cassie asked, hurt and fear in her eyes.

"Cassie, let me explain--" I stepped forward.

"It's true?!" She whispered.

Before I could say another word she turned and ran off the field. I glared at Penny. She smirked and went back to stretching.

"You like sticking that fake ass nose in everyone's business, don't you?" I stepped forward.

She turned and looked at me in shock and confusion. She wasn't used to being challenged and she hadn't been in any fights. I had been in plenty.

"She deserves to know her best friend is a backstabbing slut." Erica, Penny's best friend chimed in.

"Oh yeah? I wasn't the one sucking off Sam Moore in the boy's locker room...while Penny was dating him." I sneered.

Cassie's gossip was paying off. I'm glad I paid attention. I knew this rumor was true because Erica turned paper white.

"What? Is that true?" Penny turned and glared at Erica.

"Penny, I'm sorry--" Erica shook her head.

"And Penny, the next time you wanna put your nose where it doesn't belong, I won't hurt you through Erica. I'll hurt you through your fucking face." I turned to go find Cassie but I heard footsteps after me.

Someone shoved me. It was Erica. I turned to face her. I smiled and took off my gloves. I wanted to feel my knuckles connect with her face.

I swung up and almost instantly, blood spurted from her nose. She stumbled back in surprise. I guess she thought I would hit like a girl. But I had taken boxing classes as a kid so she was out of luck.

"Hahahaha, now you and Penny can have matching nose jobs." I laughed and picked up my stuff and left.

I texted Cassie and told her the truth. She didn't reply. How could she doubt me? We've been best friends since the first grade.

I sighed and found Zach surrounded by books in his apartment. He was reading intently.

"Anything good?" I asked hopefully.

"Oh, hey. No, not yet. I'm still looking though. What happened to your hand?" He asked, frowning.

I looked down. My knuckles were bruised. I told him everything that happened and he smiled softly.

"You're a good friend to Cassie. She'll come around soon. So...who's this boyfriend you told Wesley about? Won't he be upset that you're staying here?" He chuckled.

I blushed furiously and bit my lip.

"Actually, it's not official yet but we're supposed to be going to the beach tomorrow and I was going to ask him to this party on Sunday." I smiled.

"Oh? Tell me more." Zach put his arms around my waist and kissed my knuckles gently.

"Well, the party is at The Black House so I hope he's not too scared to go..." I laughed.

"I think he could manage to ignore his fears for you. I think he'd love to go." Zach grinned.

He was leaning in closer and I stood on my toes and just as our lips brushed, someone knocked on his door and opened it.

"Zach, you didn't answer the phone so you deserve this." A guy yelled as another laughed.

Pete and Luke were in the bedroom doorway, laughing.

They saw me and froze.

" bad, we'll come back." Pete muttered politely.

"No, that the chick from the club?" Luke smirked.

"Yeah. What do you need, Luke?" Zach subtly pulled me behind him.

"She looks different. Anyway, you're sposed to come out with us tonight. Come on." Luke replied.

"I can't. I have plans all weekend." Zach stated in a quiet voice.

"With her? You're already screwing her? Props to you. It usually takes you a bit longer than a week. Haha. I can understand though. High school girls put out way easier. You look pretty flexible in that sports uniform, Xylia." Luke sneered.

Before anyone knew it, he was on the floor, holding his face.

"Ow, fuck!" He yelled.

"That's been a long time comin'. You have no respect for women and it's disgusting. Get the hell out of my apartment. And forget coming back." Zach spat.

I stared in shock as Luke hurried out. Pete apologized and left and I put my arms around Zach. He held my face in his hands and pressed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Now our knuckles match." He whispered, laughing.

That night I slept with no visit from my invisible stalker.

The beach was just as glorious as it was all summer. The sun shone brightly and I got to stare at Zach's amazing abs and biceps.

He bought me lunch and we acted like a couple. It was nice. I felt normal. My hands didn't need to light up and protect me. No demon rapist was throwing me around.

The only thing that made me sad was that I couldn't get Cassie to talk to me. Annie said she was still upset and she would try to talk to her but there were no promises with Cassie. She was stubborn and needed proof to be disproven.

When Sunday rolled around, kids showed up at The Black House around sunset. Zach and I showed up at around 9 o'clock. Wesley, Annie, Cassie, Penny, Erica, Sam, and many other familiar faces were there.

The music was turned low so if any spooky noises sounded, we would hear them. There was no power in the house so someone had lit a lot of candles and had started a fire in the fireplaces.

Everyone was a bit on edge. As the party went on, things got strange. The music stopped and no one knew why. No one had been near the iPod that was playing. We all froze and listened. Then the fire in the fireplace flared up and then went out.

Several girls screamed and Zach clutched my hand as the fire just came back to life. Several people left. I couldn't if I had wanted to. Cassie and Annie were on the far wall with Penny, Erica, Sam and Wesley. They all looked terrified.

That's when we all heard the loud demonic voice speaking in a low growl.

Suddenly, Annie was thrown at the ceiling so hard that when she hit the floor, she was unconscious. I charged forward and before I could help her, I was grabbed by the throat and lifted in mid-air. I kicked but my feet made no contact with anything but air.

"Kalona! Let her go!" Zach yelled and tried to reach me. He was thrown completely across the room and landed next to Cassie. She helped him up and suddenly the fire wasn't in the fireplace anymore.

It had spilled onto the floor and was surrounding about twenty or thirty of my classmates. Now none of us could leave.

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