The Black House


My classmates stared in horror as I was being choked to death. I was confused when he dropped me.

But then I saw him. He was at least 6 feet tall. He was a beautiful but yet hideous monster. His body was large and scaly and he wore a loincloth. His eyes were red as blood. He had small horns and long talons.

And just like that, all of it transformed into the most beautiful man I had ever seen.

His hair was blacker than night. His eyes were a bright light blue. He was so pale, he was nearly translucent. But it completed him.

I stared in awe as he leapt at me and his body pinned me to the floor. He smelled like fire smoke and roses. Two sickening scents.

I struggled beneath him as his eyes traveled my body. Was he seriously going to rape me in front of my classmates and friends?

I yelled in outrage. Kalona jumped to the ceiling and crawled all over it to avoid my illuminating hands.

He cringed as he tried to find his way around it but managed to make it behind me.

Cassie screamed as he grabbed her and put her in front of him. He used her as a shield and I dropped my hands, killing the light. It could burn her. I reached forward and slid her back and stood between him and my classmates.

My hands lit up but not just my hands. My whole body was illuminated and the glow didn't just aim straight. It fanned out to each wall, building a barrier of light between Kalona and my classmates and me.

He transformed back into the beastly creature and roared as holes burned into his body. I groaned as I pushed my hands out and hit him in the chest with them, causing him to explode into a million particles.

The barrier collapsed and I fell to the floor, panting. Zach was already beside me, holding me up.

" saved me." Cassie murmured.

"Of course, retard. We're best friends. And you know nothing happened--" I replied.

"I know. Wesley told me before this started. Thank you." Cassie smiled.

I nodded in exhaustion as everyone stared at me. I sighed.

"Let's all keep this quiet unless you wanna be mysteriously incinerated." I announced.

They all nodded, wide-eyed. I rubbed my throat as Zach pulled me into a hug.

"Let's get the hell out of this creepy house." I sighed.

I didn't have to tell anyone twice.

Later on, I returned to the Black House and started fires in every room, hearing the haunting creaks and whispers.

I burned it to the ground and went home, surprised to see my mother and father home. They hugged me tight and I told them it was over.
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Short but you get the idea.