Status: Continued (is not sure what to write here)

The Super Hero That Stole My Heart

Chapter 11

//////////// Aiden's POV cont. //////////

I shook Leanna slowly and she stirred slightly, whimpering for me to go away. I pulled her out of bed and she was already dressed and her ears were out and so was her tail. I gave her a once over and froze. Her outfit.... was so hot...
She had on a short frilly black skirt, high black leggings, and a shirt that showed off her shoulders. Her sleeves started after her shoulder and the sleeves were black and tight around her arms. She looked so hot. I blushed and she opened her eyes and stared talking. I covered her mouth and pinched her hard. She gasped and I apologized quietly. She stood from her bed and she yawned, rubbing her eyes sleepily. While she put on her mask, she whispered about how unnecessary my pinch was. I grabbed her hand and I dragged her to the window, partly ignoring her complaining. I jumped and she looked down and jumped. She landed on her feet and I grabbed her hand and teleported to the bank that was being robbed. It was worse than I expected, the officer had miscounted by a lot. There were dozens of people in the bank. I looked at the police and moved into the light with Leanna. They looked at me and nodded. I pulled Leanna to me and walked slowly to the bank.

"Don't say a word, they can't see us.... You'll go to the children...." I whispered and she nodded and we walked slowly, phasing through the door without a problem.
Leanna was taking this pretty well. She stepped silently and her breathing was slow even after she saw the robbers with the pistols. She stared at them and looked at me as I walked her to the back. The children were silently sitting there, shaking and crying. They couldn't have been more than five... this was just cruel. I made myself visible and put my finger to my lips. They stared at me and nodded eagerly. I gave Leanna two bandannas for the children. She nodded and took slow silent steps toward the kids. She sat next to them and tied the bandannas around their necks lightly. She looked at me and I nodded. I walked around the corner and the robbers stared at me. I waved and two of them pointed their guns at me and another cocked his gun at an innocent man. The man stared at me in amazement and fear, but I knew he would be fine. I could sense the robbers hearts racing, they were scared of me.

"You don't want to do that...." I said frowning and the guy gripped the gun tighter and one of his friends took a step toward me. My heart skipped a beat and I smiled slightly. "I said you don't want to do that." I made a motion and their guns flew from their hands and they floated around me. I smirked as the guns were crushed like foil. I dropped the guns and walked toward them they backed away. "Toward the door." I snapped and growled viciously. They nodded and they ran for the door. They walked out and were arrested. People stood and a mother and father looked at me frantically.

"Sir!! Our daughters!!" The mother cried frantically. Leanna peeked around the corner and walked out with the girls, hand in hand with them. They ran toward the parents and giggled and hugged them. The girls showed the parents the bandannas and Leanna walked to my side smiling slightly. She grabbed my hand and I kissed her cheek. We walked out and the police walked toward us.

"Black Cat!! You're a hero!!" They cheered and Leanna smiled and didn't say anything.

"Is that a girl next to him?" One questioned and they looked at Leanna, who blushed and looked up at me. I smiled and took a few steps.

"I have a coin ... your dad told me to leave it where you took me...." She said and showed me a coin. It was gold and had a cute cat on it and the initials TK. I smiled and nodded. She pulled away from me. She laid it onto the ground and looked at the officers silently. They stared at her as she moved quickly to my side and grabbed my hand. I smiled and teleported back to her room with her, smiling slightly. "That was fun..." She whispered, grinning at me.

"I know... but now you have fewer hours to sleep." I reminded her and she looked at the clock. It was past midnight already. She sighed and nodded. She got into her bed and I stroked her cheek. "Tell me something before I leave.... What is your name? The one that my father called you by?" I asked her and she giggled.

"The Twilight Kitten." She said and I laughed and covered my mouth. That was so cute.... I smiled and hugged her tight before laughing and going to my room. I turned on my new alarm clock that my father bought me. I got into my bed and fell asleep.
When my alarm clock went off, I groaned and sat up. I cut it off and went to the bathroom, taking my shower and getting ready for school. I sat at my desk and looked over my notes for Spanish to see what we would be tested on today. I heard Leanna downstairs and I smiled and went down there. I put my book bag down at the door and I saw my dad smiling at Leanna. She was controlling water from the tap. She stared at the water and made it flow slowly through the air. I smiled and watched her as she moved her hands slowly. She shaped it into a cat and grinned at it. She made it walk to the sink and it went down the drain and she turned off the tap. I smiled at my dad and waved and grabbed her hand, pulling her to the car. I opened her door for her and she got in. As I closed the door, the hairs on the back of my neck stood with the feeling of being watched. I paused then whipped around and looked from where the staring was coming from. I saw a shadow. It stood on my roof then disappeared. I raised an eyebrow and sighed.

/////////// Aiden's Dad's POV //////////

I'm not stupid and I'm not blind.... Stavius thought I didn't know he was sending him. I knew and sadly.... Aiden would learn of his arrival soon.... I wasn't going to stop this from happening.... They both needed to learn the dangers of this life.

////////// Leanna's POV //////////

Aiden was behind me, already done with his Spanish test. I felt his eyes on me and I smiled and tried to concentrate. Once I finished the test, Aiden and I left the class for the remainder of the time. Since we finished the test early, the Spanish teacher sent us out the class for free time. I walked through the halls with Aiden and he smiled.

"Hey, can you wait out here?" I asked and he looked at me confused. I put down my backpack outside of the girl's bathroom and Aiden pouted.

"Really? Can't you just wear a diaper??" He asked and I laughed and shook my head.

"Gross... and for that reason, I shall stay longer." I said and he whined. I smirked and went into the bathroom. After the door closed I went to the bathroom and checked myself out in the mirror. I smiled quietly at my reflection, then I saw something that confused me... The bathroom vent in the mirror was open, the hatch hanging down. I turned around and looked at it. The bathroom door under the open vent was closed. I backed away and suddenly a guy appeared in front of me. I looked at him and he had a smug grin on his face. His light brown hair was tousled slightly above his light brown eyes. I opened my mouth and he covered my mouth swiftly. I squirmed and backed him hard into the bathroom wall. He grunted and leaned down to my ear.

"Shhhh..... sleep.... you're so tired..... just sleep..." He whispered and I felt my lids become heavier. I yawned against his hand and passed out in his arms.
When I woke up, I was in a bed. I sat up slowly, not remembering what happened. I stood and stretched before walking toward a door that could have been an exit. I touched the cool metal handle and twisted it. It clicked loudly and I flinched when I heard loud footsteps toward the door. I backed away from it and the door opened. A guy stared at me with brown eyes. They had an odd pink and purple tint to them... I blushed slightly as I stared at him. He smiled at me and laughed. Was I funny to him?

"Hello my dear.... You've been sleeping for so long... I made breakfast for you Candice...." He said and I stared at him confused. Was I Candice?

"A-Are you talking to me?" I asked, trying not to seem stupid in front of this cute guy.

"Did you lose your memory?" He asked worriedly and touched my cheek staring into his eyes. I nodded and he sighed. "You hit your head hard.... We were playing at the park and you tried to jump off the swing, but you hit your head...." He said and I nodded, acting as if I remembering it.

"Oh... right... what's your name again?" I asked and he sighed quietly, a bit disappointed.

"I'm Feliks...." He said and smiled, blushing. "Your boyfriend..." He said and pulled me close. My face turned bright red. I had a boyfriend? I hugged him tight and buried my face into his chest. I smiled and nuzzled him and he pulled away after a while, grinning happily. "Come on, let's go downstairs.... I made your favorite breakfast, Candy, pancakes, bacon, and eggs." He said and I was pretty starved, so that sounded delicious.
I walked downstairs with him and to the kitchen. He made my plate and I ate quietly and he smiled and ate too. I drank my orange juice and smiled, feeling good since I was now full.

"Feliks.... what are we going to do today? Like are we going to go on a date or just stay here...?" I asked and Feliks smiled.

"I'm going to take you to the mall... You remember? You need clothes since we ran away together. I had this house planned for us to stay in when we both decided to run..." He said and I nodded. I thought to myself.

I wonder what made me leave..? Why did I run away with Feliks?

He stood and went to the sink with out dishes and washed them. When he finished, he walked to me and helped me up. I blushed and thanked him. He walked with me back to my room and opened a wardrobe in there. There was one outfit in the closet, it was beautiful. Feliks pulled it out and held it out for me to take.

"When we ran away together, you were wearing this...." He said smiling and kissed my cheek. I smiled and blushed.

"I'll get dressed, shoo...." I said and he left and closed the door. I pulled on the jeans shorts and the cute sweater. I smiled and fixed my hair over my shoulder. I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded in approval.
I opened the door and Feliks was leaning against the wall. He looked at me smiling and I blushed. He handed me a pair of socks and after I put them on, he grabbed my hand and walked down the stairs with me, going toward the front door. He handed me a pair of shoes and I put them on. He smiled and put on his own shoes. He opened the door and it was beautiful outside. He smiled at my amazement and lead me out to a limo. I stared at it quietly and got in when he opened the door for me. He got into the car and I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. He chuckled and put his head on top of mine. On the way to the mall, we spoke quietly and Feliks was really nice.... no wonder he was my boyfriend.
Once we got out of the limo at the mall, we shopped for hours. He bought me everything that I wanted and I bought a lot of clothes and jewelery. He carried most of the bags and once we finished, we went back to the limo. He put the bags into the trunk and closed it. He looked at me and I giggled. He smiled and walked toward me. He pulled me close to him and he leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips. I cupped his cheek and kissed him back. He smiled into the kiss before pulling away. I blushed and grinned. He got back into the limo with me and on the way back to the house, we got fast food and ate some of it. I stole one of his fries and ate it. I smiled and he frowned. He stole my nugget and I gasped as he ate it.

"That's so unfair! I only took one!" I said and he nodded.

"And I only took one nugget Candy." He said and I grabbed six of his fries and stuffed my face. He stared at me shocked and I swallowed. "I should just eat your whole meal." He said and I gasped and shook my head quickly giggling. I held the bag to my chest and scooted away from him. He laughed and the limo stopped. I smirked and he got out with his bag and walked with me to the house.
I walked in once he unlocked the door and I put down my food to take off my shoes. He smiled and did the same. We went to the kitchen and he went to the living room and turned on the t.v. I followed him with our food and sat down next to him on the couch. I scooted close to him and gave him his food. We pulled the coffee table closer and set up our food on it. We ate and watched t.v. We watched Silent Library, where people were getting punished and paid. I giggled as the team was too loud to get money. Feliks laughed with me and smiled happily. After we ate and cleaned up, I went up to my room and Feliks kissed me gently before he walked back to his room. I smiled at him and looked through my new clothes. I put them up nice and neat and then picked out a pair of pajamas. I pulled them on and walked to my bed, laying down in it. I yawned and looked at the ceiling. I was quite tired.... but I couldn't stop thinking of Feliks... He was so hot... His personality was awesome. He was nice... apparently rich too... He liked me... I could tell by how much he seemed to enjoy the mall trip.... I let out another yawn and closed my eyes, falling asleep.

//////// Aiden's POV //////////

I paced my room for the fifth hour. I was exhausted, but Leanna was gone. My dad was refusing to help me.... He said maybe she just was tired of me.... I hated the thought as I paced restlessly. My dad came upstairs and I stopped to glare at him.

"It's eight at night and you're still doing that... Just communicate with her through her mind." He advised as if I was stupid! I've done that. Every minute of since I found out that she was gone.

"It doesn't work. It hasn't worked since she got my powers." I grumbled and stared at him annoyed. "Please just... leave me be...." I begged and he nodded. He left and I collapsed onto the bed. I let out a sigh and allowed my longing for Leanna get the best of me. A tear rolled down my cheek and I tried hard not to think of her, but the more I tried forced her out of my mind, the more she came back. I sobbed quietly and wiped my eyes furiously. I didn't cry. I never cried. I shook helplessly and got under the covers of the bed. I cried until my body gave out from exhaustion. Even in my dreams, Leanna was still there. She haunted my dreams and made me cry even more there.

///////// Feliks' POV ////////

I smiled as I left Leanna in her room. She was so gullible. She didn't remember anything. I didn't expect her to, but it would have spiced up the entire plan if she did.... I sighed and called my father.

"Hello? Feliks?" He quizzed.

"Dad, I have her... She's a pretty one.... And she doesn't remember a thing.... Just as you asked." I said and he chuckled darkly.

"Good son.... Good...." He said and I could tell that he was beyond pleased. I smiled slightly. He wasn't hard to please, a little help here, a little move there and he was proud of me. This plan however, benefited me too. Leanna was now in my hands... She was my toy to play with... That Aiden would have to find himself another girl.
After I got off of the phone with my dad, I strolled down the hallway to her room. I opened the door and looked at her. I leaned against the door frame and smirked. She was a looker, definitely. She was beautiful, much better than my other toys. Aiden must be heart broken without his amazing girlfriend. I would kill to see his face.... or at least have seen it after he found out she was gone... It must have been priceless.
Leanna shifted in her bed and yawned adorably. She grabbed the pillow and nuzzled it gently. I smiled and walked to the bed. I took off my socks and got into the bed with her since I was already in my pajama. I got into the bed with her and snuggled close to her. She moved closer to me and I smiled. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with her. This plan was going to work out perfectly.