Status: Continued (is not sure what to write here)

The Super Hero That Stole My Heart

Chapter 4

///////////// Leanna's P.O.V /////////////

I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face. I got dressed and ate quickly, hugging everyone before rushing to Aiden's house. I knocked on his door and he opened it and stared at me. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was messy and that's when I realized that he was still in his pajamas.
"It's too early. I'm not going to school today." he said and I raised an eyebrow.

"You can't just not go, I already missed the bus for you to drive me. And who's going to talk to me during lunch...?" I whined and pouted at him, disappointed.
"I would come, I really would... But I live on nine hours of sleep, and I only got three." he said and shifted a bit, as if he would topple over at any moment.

I sighed and looked away. Well there goes my ride, and my happiness. Thanks jerk. I turned on my heels and his hand landed on my shoulder.

"Wait... I'll drive you at least..." He offered and I really didn't want him to do that. If he was tired, he shouldn't take me to school and not sleep. Well it was that and the fact that I didn't want to talk to him after he put me into a bad mood.
"No, it's fine... I'd rather walk. Go rest up." I said and he sighed. "Bye." I said leaving quickly. I walked down the street and to school, which I ended up being extremely late for, then student government didn't let me in so I had to call the front office. The receptionist opened the door for me and tried to give me a stern talk, but I didn't listen to her. I ran into the wrong class room multiple times and the day only got worse from there. Iris wasn't even in school today because her boyfriend got hurt and she ditched to see him. We had P.E. today and when I entered the locker room, the girls were talking about me and how I hurt Jason. Then they saw me and glared before continuing their conversation. Overall, this was the worst day I've ever had. I walked home from the bus and went straight to my room. I sat down at my desk and face-planted onto the hard room. I sighed and I heard knocking from a bit far away. I stood and looked out the window. Aiden stood there, still in his pajamas, staring at me. He moved away from the window and I sighed and crossed my arms, not really in the mood for him. He came back to the window with a piece of paper with a sheet of paper with a drawing in sharpie marker on it. There was a peace sign on it and he looked at me and I sighed and grabbed my own sheet and drew a huge frowning face on it. I smacked it against the window and stared at him. He nodded and moved away to draw something. When he came back he opened the window and threw a air plane that flew straight into a slight crack in my window. I carefully opened my window and grabbed the plane quickly. I closed the window and opened the folded paper. There was a well drawn a picture of a guy on his knees in front of a beautiful girl. 'Forgive me, Lena?' is what it said under the picture. I smiled and wrote on the back, 'convince me to forgive you, Denny.' I put it against the window and he pouted and then smirked. He nodded and walked away from the window. I stared at the window for a few minutes, wondering what he could be doing. He ran across the room sometimes, but for the next ten minutes I didn't see him. I sighed and as I got ready to move away from the window, a huge white sheet covered the window. Drawn on the sheet was a huge heart that had a huge sorry written inside. I smiled and blushed looking at the heart more. He went under the sheet and smiled at me. He made a heart with his hand and I blushed and made one back. He blushed and I giggled and pulled away closing the curtains.

"Awww!!! That was so cute!!" My mom squealed and I screamed and backed against the window, staring at her.

"You scared me!!!" I yelled and whined, sliding down the wall.

"You like that Aiden don't you??" She asked and I blushed and covered my face.

"DAD!! HELP!! MOMMY INVASION!" I yelled and my dad walked into my room, holding a half naked jasper who was in a pull-up diaper.

"Caroline... can you come and help me choose clothes for Jasper...?" He asked and she pouted and walked to my dad and kissed his cheek. He blushed and looked at me and smiled and walked out with her. I smiled and peeked out the window. Aiden's curtains were closed and I sighed.

Oh well, I guess- My brain froze when Aiden's curtains opened slightly and he stared at me grinning. Was he a mind reader? It seems creepy... First the M and M's then this... Hmm... As I thought to myself, Aiden's face became worried and a bit afraid. AIDEN!!!!! I gasped as Aiden covered his ears and collapsed.

"No way...." I whispered from shock. I backed away from the window and fell onto my bed. "W-what the hell....?" I asked myself and I heard a sigh behind me.

I looked back shocked as Aiden stood there. I squeaked and he advanced on me and covered my mouth. I stared at him as he told me to calm down repeatedly and I kicked him hard in the stomach. He fell onto the ground then jumped back up quickly.

"Stop Lena, I'm trying to explain!" He yelled and I ran around my bed and he walked after me. I grabbed my softball bat from under the bed and put it on my shoulder. "Whoa... please... put that down... I don't want to hurt you..." He whispered and I got even angrier.

"Hurt me!? I have the bat damn it!! I can squish you like a spider!!!" I yelled and he put his hands up in surrender.

"Okay... Okay... I just want to talk... To explain...." He whispered and sat on my bed and I stayed against the wall, choking the neck of the bat. I stared at him as he sighed. "Okay... I can read minds obviously...." He said and smiled sheepishly. "But that's it." He said and I glared at him. "Don't read my mind ever again or I will come into your room while you sleep and beat you to death." I threatened him and he smiled and he held out his pinky, standing in front of me. Did he really think I would pinky promise with him??? I swung the bat at his pinky and he jerked his hand back before I could hit it. I really didn't want to hit his hand, but I needed to work out the anger by swinging at something. "And if that is the only thing you can do how did you get here?!" I asked and he sighed and looked away.

"Well I can also teleport..." He mumbled and I clenched my fists tighter around the bat. "So you lied just now?" I asked angrily.

"It's for your own good! People will be after you!" He yelled and I swung the bat at him and he caught the top and snatched it from me. He threw it onto the carpet and grabbed my wrist. He yanked me against his chest and stared down at me. I blushed and glared at him through my glasses for making me act like a love-struck girl. "Stop questioning me. Trust me. You don't want to know." He said sternly and I looked away.

"Whatever. You will tell me sometime." I mumbled and tried to pull away but he held me even closer. He leaned down slightly and stared into my eyes. I froze as he pressed his soft lips against mine. I didn't get to register the kiss before he was gone. I touched my lips and slid down the wall. I pull my knees to my chest and sat there thinking about Aiden until my mother called me for dinner. We would have a lot to talk about in the car tomorrow.

///////////// Aiden's P.O.V. /////////////

"Aiden!! You just put her on their wanted list!!! How could you do this to that innocent girl?!" My mother screamed at me and I sighed, looking down at the kitchen table. I felt guilty and queasy on top of that.

"I know... But I didn't tell her... She figured it out... She's really smart an-"

"This is what I was afraid of!! You weren't careful!! What did I first tell you before we even moved?" She asked and when I opened my mouth to answer, she interrupted me again. "Exactly!!!! I told you not to slip up or we'd move back!!" She screamed and my ears rang.

I growled with annoyance. "Stop mom. Just stop. I know what I'm doing. I know." I snapped and stood and went back upstairs and slammed my door.

I wasn't one for getting angry, but I hated it like hell when she was right. I went over to my window and was shocked to find Leanna's curtains wide open. She was sitting on her bed with her earphones in her ears. I ran and turned off the lights before going back to the window. I put my arms on the window sill and stared at her. She was so cute... The way she bobbed her head and mumbled the words. I could hear every word because of my hearing.

It was a cute song and she sounded happy to be singing it. "Me and you. You and me. Let's go back. Let's go back. 1983 is calling. I've been on my knees and crawlin'. Back to you. It's coming all back to me. Oh oh oh.1983." She mumbled and I sighed. My mom was right, I screwed her life forever.

Sometimes I just wished I could be normal...

///////////// Leanna P.O.V. /////////////

When I woke up the next morning, I felt anxious for the car ride with Aiden. I looked out the window and his window was open. AIDEN!!!! I heard a scream and I smiled slightly. He got up and glanced out the window.

"How much do you like hurting my brain!?" He yelled and I pouted and slammed the window closed, crossing my arms and turning away from the window. He appeared in front of me and I stared at him.

"At least I got you up before you were late for school." I said and he rolled his eyes. He looked me up and down and I blushed. I looked down at my short basketball shorts and my huge t-shirt and blushed. I glanced up at him and then pushed him toward the window. "Out. Out. Out!" I yelled and he chuckled and disappeared and reappeared in his room. He smirked at me and took off his shirt and I blushed and closed the curtain so fast that it nearly fell off the wall.

I got dressed quickly and went downstairs. My mother cooked earlier today so I ate and ran outside with my bag and Aiden was already outside. I got in and he did too and we started the drive to the school.

"Any questions?" He asked and I smirked.

"One, Are you a demon, spirit, vampire, faerie, wizard, or a werewolf?" I asked and he glanced at me shocked before looking back at the road.

"That was quite fast.... No." He said and I nodded, pushing up my glasses. "More?" He asked and I smirked.

"Of course." I said and smiled. "How did you get your powers?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Invalid. Try another." He chuckled and I laughed.

"Whatever, um... Weaknesses?" I asked and he called that one 'invalid' too and I sighed. "Do you ever hate your abilities?" I asked and he nodded.

"Everyday. It's why I couldn't go to public school or even go shopping. My mom did that for me." He said and I sighed and nodded. Before I could ask anything else, he parked and put his finger to his lips. "No more." He mumbled and I pouted and got out. He walked with me into school and grabbed my hand. I blushed slightly and intertwined our fingers. He looked down at me and smiled. "What do we have first?" He asked and I pulled him into the Calculus class.

Classes passed fast and soon it was time for lunch. I pulled him through the line and sat down at our own table. We talked about random things until Iris came over to our table with her boyfriend, who was awkwardly walking with crutches. She put down his tray and helped him sit down and she sat down next to him.

He smiled and looked at me then at Aiden confused. He looked even more confused when he saw our hands. I realized what his reaction would be immediately and yanked my hand away. Aiden glanced at me and then to Iris' boyfriend and grabbed my hand again. I face palmed and Iris' boyfriend glared angrily at Aiden.

"Who are you to my baby girl?" Eskil asked and his Norwegian accent was so thick, I thought Aiden wouldn't understand him.

Hell was I wrong... "Kjæresten din? Hun er kjæresten min." [Your girlfriend? She is my girlfriend.] He snapped in Norwegian, glaring harshly at Eskil.

Eskil looked baffled and blinked and shook his head quickly. "nei! Det er ikke hva jeg mente! Jeg har en kjæresten, men jeg la for et par dager, og hun får en kjæreste. Hun er som min yngre søster!" [No! That's not what I meant! I have a girlfriend, but I leave for a few days, and she gets a boyfriend. She is like my sister!] He said quickly and smiled sheepishly.

"She better be." Aiden said and grabbed my hand. I wondered what he said, but by the way Eskil stared at him, I could tell that he didn't really want to argue.

"So what happened to you Eskil?" I asked smiling and he looked at me and grinned. "Some guy broke my ankle in soccer and I punched him in the nose!" He said proudly and I laughed.

"You're such an idiot!" I said laughing and Iris kissed his cheek.

"But he's a cute idiot...." he smiled and he kissed Iris on the lips and I looked away as they made out in front of Aiden and I.

"That's gross!!! STOP!!" I yelled and peeked and they were still kissing. "Iris!" I whined and she pulled away pouting.

"You know you'd kiss Aiden like that if you weren't so shy." Iris said and I shook my head and covered my face.

"I wouldn't while people are eating-"

"But you would?" Aiden asked looking interested in the conversation now.

"N-no.... w-well.... yes-"

"Do it immediately." Iris said and Eskil looked unhappy.

"No. Don't listen to her. I refuse to watch my little girl to kiss a boy in front of me." he said crossing his arms.

"Thank you Eskil." I said and Iris rolled her eyes. I looked down at my food and saw that half of it was gone. I gasped and looked around the table. Aiden smiled and reached for my plate and I slapped his hand hard. "What are you doing?! I'm hungry!" I yelled and he whined.

"I'm hungry and in pain, I deserve your food now." He said and grabbed my hamburger and took a bite out of it. I decided quickly to cry and make him feel guilty. I smirked and looked down. My stomach growled right on cue and I felt tears stinging my eyes.
"Okay.... Just take it...." I said in a shaky saddened voice. I scooted over a bit and put my head down, hiding my face.
"Leanna...?" he asked and shook my shoulder. I moved farther away and lifted my head. I looked at him and tears were already streaming down my cheeks. "What?" I asked and Aiden stared at me shocked.
"I-I'm sorry... I'll go get you another one...." he said and I looked away and he stood and left quickly. I looked at Eskil who smirked at me.

"That's my daughter." he said smiling and I smiled.

Aiden came back and set down my tray down on the table. He hugged me tight and apologized quietly to me. "I'm sorry... I really didn't mean to make you cry...." he whispered to me and I moved my glasses to wipe my tears.

"Thanks for the food Denny..." I mumbled and looked up at him with a smirk and pushed him away. "I'm a good actress aren't I?" I asked and began eating.
"No... You were acting?" he asked and I looked up from my burger and nodded. I continued eating, and I ignored his stare of shock. Aiden yanked away my tray and glared at me. "Then this is mine!" he said and I pulled it back and I moved to another table and ate.
After I finished I threw away my tray and sat down next to Aiden at the now empty table.

"We have P.E. today again right?" He asked and I nodded. "And you can ask more questions if you wa-"

"Are official? Dating I mean..." I blurted out blushing and he blushed and nodded and touched my hand. "And another question.... with your powers, are you like a super hero or a villain or something?" I asked and he froze and sighed, relaxing a bit.

"Invalid." He said and stood as the bell rang.

"That's totally valid!" I said and stood up too. He grabbed our bags and turned the wrong way when he walked out of the cafeteria. "You're not even going the right way!!" I yelled and he spun around and came back toward me and he stopped in front of me.

"Let's go Lena, I don't want to be late for my first P.E. class." He said smirking and I pouted and we walked to the gym, little did I know, this would be an extremely interesting day of gym class.