Status: Continued (is not sure what to write here)

The Super Hero That Stole My Heart

Chapter 6

/////////// Leanna's POV //////////

After ten minutes or so, Aiden appeared in front of me, coughing slightly. I stared at him, now sitting on his bed and crossed my arms. He saw me and looked down.

"Can we do this later please? I need a shower and something to eat." He said and I shook my head.

"So you're a super hero right?" I asked and got a good look at his 'hero suit'. Black jeans, black shirt, gloves, etc.

"Yes, and you can't tell anyone." He said and I nodded.

"Okay... so what's your name?" I asked and he gave me this stupid look.

"You can't be serious..." He said like I was stupid and motioned to his entire outfit and a movement on top of his head caught my eye. He had two cat ears on the top of his head and I raised an eyebrow.

"So you're Cat Boy?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Black Cat." He said and I nodded and walked toward him. He eyed me as I came closer. I touched one of his ears and it felt so real, but I knew it was fake. I grabbed it and tried to pull it off. "Ow!! What the hell are you doing Lena!?" He asked and he hit my hand hard and I jerked away. He rubbed the cat ear and the one I pulled twitched after he rubbed it. "That hurt Lena!" He said and I stared at him shocked.

"They're real!!" I gasped and he nodded. He grabbed my hand and the tail that I was supposed to be fake arched slightly as he made me run my hand along it. He closed his eyes, purring quietly, which was quite cute, but a bit awkward at the same time. I pulled my hand away and stared at him. He opened his eyes and smiled slightly.

"It's still me.... It's just.... Another part of me I guess... Will this change our relationship?" He asked, looking at me hopefully and I thought it over.

Who doesn't dream of having a Spiderman or Superman as their boyfriend...? It seems like it would be fine... I still do want to date him, so why not...?

"Good." He said and hugged me and I realized that he had been reading my mind. I sighed and hugged him back.

"Stop reading my mind... It's getting freaking annoying." I mumbled and he laughed and nodded.

"I'll try..." He mumbled and kissed my cheek. I pulled away and covered my nose after taking a quick wiff of him. He smelt like pure smoke and ash. I coughed and covered my nose and mouth as I stared at him.

"You really do need a shower... How about you go take one... And I go downstairs to watch your t.v." I said and it was more rhetorical than an actual question. He nodded and I went downstairs. The house wasn't very different from my own, besides the different furniture. I plopped down lazily on their soft couch and grabbed the remote from the coffee table. I pressed the on button and began watching Cartoon Network. Surprisingly, a good show was on. Adventure Time played on the t.v. while I watched it amused. When it ended, Aiden came downstairs, dressed in jogging pants and a t shirt. He smiled at me and went into his kitchen, beginning to make himself a bowl of cereal. I turned off the t.v. and went into the kitchen. Sitting on the cold granite counter, I watched him make his bowl of cereal. A question plagued my mind as I stared at him quietly.

"Did you save her?" I asked and he looked at me a bit confused, then nodded.

"Oh of course. She was under the bed." He said and smirked a bit after swallowing a bite of cereal. "Were you even worried about me?"

That was a good question.... I stared at him and shrugged. "I guess... But I was pretty sure you'd be perfectly fine.... You jumped out a window and survived, you can read minds and teleport and do... God knows what else.... So I guess not..." I said shrugging and he seemed pleased with that answer because he let out a chuckle and nodded. He ate quietly and I noticed that his cat ears and tail were gone.

"Where's your tail...? And your ears?" I asked and he smirked.

"I'll show you one day... But don't worry about them for now...." he said and smiled slightly. I nodded a bit confused and after he ate, he rinsed his bowl. He smiled at me. "What do you want to do?" He asked and I looked around.

"Well, we can't leave this house without my parents seeing that I ditched with you.... So why don't you show me some of your powers?" I asked smirking and he smiled.

"Sure.... Uh... What do you want me to show you?" He asked and I shrugged, curious about everything that he could do.

"Something you haven't shown me." I said and he smirked and nodded. He closed his eyes and I watched as he cupped his hands. It looked like he was going to receive something. Suddenly, his hands sparked with a blue light and I stared at them. His hands twitched gently and suddenly a sphere appeared in his hand and he spread his palms away and the sphere grew. It got brighter and it created a little breeze and it made his hair blow out of his face and wave gently. He opened his eyes and stared at the sphere and it split in two and one floated toward me while he held the other one gently. I backed away as the sphere floated toward me.

"Don't worry... It won't hurt you... You can touch it..." He said and I put my hand on it gently. It was really cold and it made my hand glow slightly as my hand grazed it's smooth surface. I stared at it and slowly it faded and I looked at Aiden, who looked as confused as I did. His sphere diminished and he walked toward me. "Where.... Where did it go?" He asked and I shrugged. He flipped my hand to see my palm and it was glowing a light blue. It slowly faded and I raised an eyebrow.

"What happened?" I asked and my hand felt a bit tingly.

"I think.... it's fine... nothing will happen... I'm sure of it..." He whispered and looked at me quietly. "Don't worry..." he said and kissed my forehead. "I'm about to go back to sleep, are you coming?" He asked and I sighed and nodded. We shuffled upstairs and he laid down and made room for me. I yawned and laid down in the bed with him. I moved close to him and his arms wrapped around me, securing me against him. I closed my eyes comfortably and eventually fell asleep.

I didn't feel good when I woke up. I whimpered from a intense cramping pain and Aiden yawned and nuzzled me. I opened my eyes and stared into his.

I sat up and he looked at me confused. I held my stomach and ran to the bathroom. I slammed the door and crouched near the toilet, prepared for the worst. After a while of nothing, I sat down on the floor and massaged my stomach gently. The pain started to cease and I took slow deep breaths.

"You okay in there Leanna?" Aiden asked and I sighed and he opened the door, peeking in.

"Fine..." I said and he opened the door more, stepping in.

"Good, I was worried.." He said and walked toward me. He sat next to me and cupped my cheek. "You're really pale... like you're going to barf..." He said examining my face. I pulled away and sighed.

"I'm fine.... You just make me sick..." I said and he pouted at my joke.

"Cruel..." He said and I stood. I walked back to the room and I saw the time 11:08. I was crazy late for dinner!!

"Why didn't you wake me up!?" I asked looking back at Aiden who simply shrugged.

"I wanted you to eat dinner with me and my mom." He said and smiled at me, raising his eyebrows at me. "Is that fine with you?" He asked and I frowned.

"Now you ask me! When it's eat here or starve." I said and he chuckled.

"You were asleep and I didn't want to wake you. You get up extra early everyday and I think that you deserve more time to sleep." He said and I sighed and nodded.

"What are we eating?" I asked and Aiden shrugged and walked out of his room. I followed him quietly.

"from the smell of it... I can guess chicken biscuits...." He said and shrugged.

"Cool..." I said and went into the kitchen with him. His mother was down stairs and she looked back at us and her eyes widened.

"AIDEN NICHOLAS PHILLIPS!!!!! I GOT A CALL FROM THE SCHOOL SAYING YOU SKIPPED SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!! AND DRAGGED POOR LEANNA DOWN WITH YOU!!!!!" She screamed and plucked the toaster from the counter and threw it at Aiden. He blocked it and laughed, staring down at the big dent in the toaster.

"She came willingly." He said smirking and I hit him on the head. "What? You did, and we slept the entire day..."

"Leanna, don't let stupid boys like Aiden ruin your education. He's a very stupid lazy boy." She said and Aiden smiled and hugged her.

"But you love me!" He said grinning and she snorted out a laughed.

"Mmhmm, yeah." She said and started taking out a bunch of food out of the bags from Chick-fil-A. "Umm... you can take some of Aiden's food, honey. I'm sure he won't mind since he kidnapped you."
I giggled and Aiden rolled his eyes and took five of the biscuits and then gave me one. I stared at him and frowned.

"Why do you get five you fatty?" I asked and he stuck out his tongue.

"Because I'm cooler than you." He said and I snatched another one. "Hey! Mom!! She stole from me!!" He yelled and she shrugged and took her food upstairs with her.

"I like your mom, she understands that everything you say is invalid." I said and smiled.

He frowned and began inhaling his food. I watched him with shock after he finished the fourth one. "Are you going to eat?" He inquired and I ate one then half of the other, then my stomach was yelling at me to stop. Aiden watched me put the biscuit down and he scoffed. "Wow, how do you survive?" He asked and devoured the biscuit whole. I stared and gagged.

"How are you not five billion pounds?" I asked and he smirked.

"Super hero workouts." He said and stood and walked over to the fridge and his hand glowed as he lifted it high off the ground.

"I see, my boyfriend is a hunk." I said and laughed. He nodded and put it down and kissed my forehead. I looked at him and blushed before sighing. "It's so late.. and I'm definitely grounded... so I might as well face my parents now...." I said.

"Do you have to go home?" He asked and stood. "Can't you just sleep over?" He asked.

"We're not five, my parents most likely think you kidnapped me and if I stay over, they'll think you raped me." I said and he blushed.

"But it wouldn't be rape technically... right?" He asked and I smacked his arm.

"Pervert!! My gosh." I said and he laughed and followed me as I walked to the front door.

"I'll call you babe!" He said and I looked back at him.

"We live next to each other and you don't even have my number!" I said and he smirked.

"I have a pen if you'd like to donate your number to a poor child...." He said and searched and eventually found one, holding it out for me. I nodded smirking and walked toward him. I got the pen and wrote 'Never on your life', on his arm.
I skipped away smiling and went into my house as he started running after me. I laughed quietly and locked the door, staring through the peep hole while he crossed his arms and pouted. He stared directly into the peep hole and we watched each other until I heard a cough behind me. I spun around quickly, seeing my mom and dad stood there looking disappointed.

"Where have you been, Leanna?" My mother asked and I looked down.

"I was over Aiden's house.... he didn't feel that good, so I decided to take care of him.." I said and shifted my feet. "I didn't know that would be so bad." I said and my dad touched my mom's hand.

"I told you they weren't doing anything bad honey..." He said and I sighed.

"A little faith mom...." I said looking up at her quietly before going upstairs and closing my door, exhaling deeply. I smiled and laid on the bed. I stared at my ceiling and thought of Aiden. I blushed and smiled a bit more. I glanced at the window and he wasn't at the window like I expected, but his light was on. I sighed and checked my school website and did my homework before going to sleep.
I woke up extra early the next morning and it was because I was in an extreme amount of pain. I whined and sat up, tears rolling down my cheeks as my back burned and felt like someone was stabbing it. I covered my face and let out a quiet shriek from the pain. Or at least, I thought it was quiet. My father came into my room and he had a pistol. He flipped on the light and looked around the room quickly before he ran to me, setting down the gun.

"What's wrong baby girl?" He asked worriedly and crouched in front of the bed, cupping my cheek. I sobbed and my mom ran in.

"Are you okay Leanna?" She asked and I shook my head and reached for my back, the movement making it hurt even worst. I cried out and my father helped me turn around slowly. He lifted the back of my shirt and my mother and father gasped.

"What...? What is this?" My father asked and I yelped as they touched it. It burned more and I moved away.

"Stop! That hurts!" I said and they got quiet, so quiet, that I wondered if they had passed out.... I glanced at them over my shoulder and I saw my dad taking a picture with his phone. I sniffled and said nothing to them as they stared at my back.

"You're going to the doctor today honey.... you need to be examined... But for now, go back to sleep.... and I'll take you to the doctor when you wake up...." My mother said and I nodded and the pain faded slowly. I got under the covers and they left, shutting off the light. I fell asleep and dreamed of a painless world.
When I woke up, I sat up and ran a hand through my hair. I yawned and got off the bed. I walked to my bathroom and closed the door before turning on the lights. I brushed my teeth and splashed my face before drying it and putting on my glasses. I sighed and the memories from this morning came flooding back. I took off my shirt and turned around slowly, trying to see my back in the small mirror, but I could only see my neck. I sighed and nodded before putting back on my shirt and heading to my room, which had a full length mirror. I closed my door and took off my shirt again and faced my back toward the mirror I stared at myself shocked, not prepared for what I saw.... I had a tattoo... two actually....

"Oh my god..." I whispered and stared at the cat tattoo with detailed piercing eyes. It stared at me and it's paw was lifted slightly, pawing at a word... or a symbol. 猫 What did it mean...? I wondered quietly and I put back on my shirt as I heard my mom walking toward my room. Usually I wouldn't be able to hear her walking, but I could. I heard a door open, and it wasn't my own. Her footsteps became louder, more prominent in their destination. I heard her hand grasp my door knob and there was a pause. I heard her knock and I told her to come in.

She poked her head into the room and smile. "Hey sweetie, are you ready to go to the doctor?" My mom asked and stared at me. I smiled and nodded. "Get dressed and I'll take you there and take you out for breakfast..." She said and I nodded quietly. I closed the door and got dressed. I went down the stairs and my mom drove me to the hospital. When she got there she went to the reception desk and asked for a doctor examination and I sighed and looked around the busy hospital. A little girl stared at me grinning and she had a slight burn on her arm. I frowned and wandered over to her as my mother talked to the receptionist.

She giggled and stared at me as I got closer. "Hi!" She said happily, staring up at me innocently.

"Hello cutie, what happened to you?" I asked crouching down to her eye level.

"My house started burning!" She said and made exaggerated motions with her hands. "And the hero! He came and saved me from the fire!" She said clapping and I remembered Aiden saving a girl from a burning building.

"Did the hero look like a cat?" I asked and grinned at her.

"Yeah! He didn't speak though...." She said frowning. "But he gave me a cool bandanna! And my mom lets me wear it to school sometimes!" She said and I smiled and I said good bye to her when I heard my mom calling me. I stood and walked away as she waved at me.

My mom put her arms around my shoulder and walked with me to a room. "The doctor is going to look at that marking..." She said and I nodded my head quickly, ready to see what was going on with me.

I sat on the chair with the noisy tissue paper on it and sighed. The uneasy feeling came back as it always does in hospitals and I shifted slightly. My mother stared at me, worry clear on her face, and I said absolutely nothing. I sighed and the door opened and a female doctor came in and smiled at us.

"Hello, Mrs. Evans... You requested an examination? May I ask what for?" The doctor asked glancing up at my mother and I.

"Well, my daughter woke up with an intense back pain... and... I guess it will be a lot easier if you take a look yourself..." My mother said quietly, looking at me.

"Can you pull off your shirt for me dear?" She asked and I nodded and pulled off my shirt, shifting so my back was to her. She stared at my back and looked at my mom. "It's a tattoo, it must just be sore, has she cleaned it with alcohol?" The doctor asked and my mother shook her head quickly.

"No. My husband and I thought that too until we watched the rest of it appear. It happened right in front of our eyes." She said and the doctor looked at her like she was crazy.

"Ma'am, you need to leave. You're wasting my time." She said and started to leave.
I wanted her to believe my mom. She was being such a bitch. My anger boiled and I stared at her. Suddenly, my back began hurting and I let out a loud yelp from shock. The doctor turned and looked at me and I doubled over. My back felt as if it was on fire. The doctor gasped and I whimpered and cried quietly, begging for help.

"My god...." The doctor said and I whimpered and shook uncontrollably.

"Help.... Help me please..." I begged and the doctor pulled out something and told me to lay back.
When I laid back, I found that she had put a cold compress on the chair now. I relaxed as the pain disappeared. I closed my eyes and sank into the chair. I heard my mom and the doctor talking, but I was too relaxed to try to pay attention. I took a deep breath and fell asleep. I hoped when I woke up... All this would be over....

All this unnecessary, unbearable pain...