Sequel: If I Let This Go

Situations Are Irrelevant Now



awesome banner by: bangxcrashxkillx

yet another amazing banner by: kcxmonte

great banner by Waltz Moore

Have you ever loved someone so much, but the feeling was only one-sided? You know when everyone in the world knows you have a crush on that person and things just aren't the same with that person ever again because they always think that every time you're around them you want to start kissing or whatever. We've all been there before, unfortunately, and we've all moved on, well everyone except for me.

Hi, Im Megan Collins. I just turned 19 yesterday on January 24th. I have choppy brown hair, brown eyes, my ears pierced and a couple of small tats. I have a major crush on my friends friend, Ronnie Radke, age 23. I'm best friends with Max Green, 22, and that's how all of this madness started.

Max and Ronnie started a band over myspace and met Robert, Omar, and Bryan, aka Escape the Fate. I got along fine with everyone except for Ronnie. Sure anyone can handle a couple pranks every now and then, but eventually pranks turned into other things...and I think that you get the idea.

Let me back up to the beginning though, and let you know how my life went downhill the day I met Ronnie...the guy that I can easily love and hate at the same time and how its starting to take its toll on me.
  1. He Loves Me Not
    Megan meets the rest of Max and Ronnie's band
  2. Living in a Full House
    Megan finds out that the rest of the band is moving in...and she's not happy
  3. I'm Doing Him a Favor?
    Megan decides to enter Escape the Fate into a contest to play with MCR in concert
  4. You Don't Really Mean That
    Ronnie shocks Megan by telling her something unexpected
  5. Two Can Play That Game
    Megan decides to give Ronnie a taste of his own medicine
  6. It Happens All The Time
    Ronnie finds out what he did the other night, and ends up hurting Megan's feelings
  7. Pre-Show Prank War
    Megan outsmarts Ronnie for once, and Ronnie takes it like a sore loser
  8. Something Suspicious
    Ronnie plays nice...sort of
  9. Tricks of the Trade
    Ronnie has Megan right where he wants her
  10. What Have You Done Now?
    Megan gets a drastic make-over and her new attitude may just cost her her best friend, Max
  11. He Doesn't Know It's Me
  12. Only In My Dreams
    Megan's lies result in some harsh consequences
  13. Why Can't I Be Who You Need Me To Be?
    Megan realizes that there is no chance for her to be with Ronnie
  14. My One Second Of Happiness
    Megan is falling into depression, and experiences a seemingly romantic night with Ronnie
  15. He's Still My Best Friend, Afterall
    Max finally decides to stand up for Megan
  16. So Many Questions
    When Megan meets Ronnie's new girlfriend, nothing makes sense to her
  17. Good, Better, Worse
    The band gets signed to a record label, and Ronnie reveals the truth behind his relationship with Liza
  18. The Joker
    Megan thinks Ronnie is just kidding around...but is he really serious?
  19. Convincing Eviction
    Ronnie tells the guys about his ransom plan
  20. Captured: The Ransom, Part 1
    Ronnie captures Liza and everything goes according to his plan...for now
  21. Finger on the Trigger: The Ransom, Part 2
    Ronnie takes the ransom to a whole new dangerous level
  22. Hospital Beds & Words Unspoken
    Megan ends up in the hospital after the ransom goes bad
  23. Something To Somebody Else
    Ronnie finally asks Megan out and life seems to be perfect...
  24. Someone Had To Go This Far
    Ronnie tries to please Megan and himself all at once...will he get away with it?
  25. Tug of War on My Heart
    Ronnie tries to get out of the trap Max is setting and Megan has a bit too much fun with Craig
  26. Jealousy
    Both Craig and Ronnie surprise Megan
  27. Clear Competition
    Ronnie and Craig compete for Megan's attention
  28. From His Point of View
    A set of events change Megan, Craig, and Ronnie's lives...they just don't realize it yet
  29. Rain
    Ronnie returns with a desire for some revenge...but will he get it?
  30. On His Own
    Ronnie runs away from home and meets up with his brothers, while Megan & Max plan to save him
  31. Failed Intervention
    Ronnie turns his back on those closest to him
  32. Situations
    The big fight comes to an end, everyone deals with the complication Ronnie has made