Sequel: If I Let This Go

Situations Are Irrelevant Now

What Have You Done Now?

I’ve never felt more determined in my life than how I feel right now. Sure, some of you might think I’m crazy for not beating the crap out of Ronnie for what he just did to me. But somehow he had the opposite effect on me.

I’m so tired of him thinking that he knows everything and that everyone loves him. If he didn’t notice me or like me before, then he definitely will now. I don’t know know where he went after he left me…all I know is that for the first time in a very long time, I had a bed to myself.

The next morning, I got up before anyone else did and sat on the front porch. This was the only place I could think of where I might have some privacy. I don’t want anyone to know about what I’m planning.

I whipped out my cell phone and dialed my cousin’s number. It rang four times before she groggily answered, “Hello?”

“LYNZEE!” I practically screamed.

“Whoa, Megan? It’s great hearing from you and all…but why are you calling at 7 AM?”

I laughed, “Cause I really need your help.”

“Oh God, don’t tell me you’re in jail and I have to bail you out or something.”

“No! It’s not anything bad really…it’s got to do with guys though.”

“Ronnie Radke, still?! Girl, you need a life…”

“Man, am I really that predictable? Anyway, it does have to do with him, and if I remember correctly you were the one always saying ‘Megan, you’ve gotta get with that guy sometime.’”

“Ok, that might be true. And I guess I’m glad that you’re finally admitting it. So, what does this have to do with me?”

“Um, do you still work at that hair salon?”

“Of course I do! That’s like my passion.”

“Well, then I have a favor to ask of you…”

“Ok, shoot.”

“Can you, um, give me a makeover or something?”

“Hold on, is this all for Mr. Radke.”

“Maybe…ok, yeah. Look, something happened between us last night and –.”


“Almost,” I said so quietly, I didn’t even think she heard me – but of course she did.

“Oh you have to give me the details!”

“Fine, I’ll tell you the story when I come to your place. What time do you open?”

“For you, I can open it in an hour.”

I smiled, “Thanks, you’re the best!”

“I know. Ok, I’ll see you in a little bit.”

This was gonna be great…Lynzee will help me change my look for Ronnie and with a few attitude adjustments, I’m almost positive he’lllike love me.

I went back inside and got ready to go see Lynzee. I was kind of surprised when I saw Max sitting in the kitchen eating a poptart. “Wow, I never thought I’d see the day when Max Green was up before noon!” I laughed, startling him.

Once he saw it was me, he laughed too and said, “Um excuse me, the same goes to you! What are you doing up?” Quick, think of an excuse!

“Um…I’m going to Starbucks! I gotta have my coffee if I’m gonna be up this early.”

“Bring me some!” he shouted like a little kid.

“Are you serious? After last time, I don’t think I’m ever gonna give anything with caffeine in it,” I laughed remembering this one time I gave Max some coffee and then a couple minutes later he started running up and down the street shouting “I LOVE MY LIFE!” It was hilarious…but the neighbors weren’t too happy, considering it was 4 in the morning.

“You’re so mean,” he pouted.

“So I’ve been told. Anyway, I’ll see you in a little bit!” I shouted as I ran out the door.

Lynzee’s hair place, called Wycked, looked completely deserted, except for the one car in the parking lot. I walked inside and admired the kick ass décor, wondering why I don’t come here more often.

“Lynzee?” I asked, seeing that the place was pretty much empty. It was too quiet in here. All of the sudden some A7X started playing loudly from the speakers, making me jump.

“Haha you should have seen your face!” Lynzee laughed as she gave me a hug.

“That was so mean!” I said, walking over to one of the styling stations.

“Ok, so what can I do for you today?”

I thought about it for a minute, looking at my plain straight brown hair – holy hell, no wonder he didn’t like me, I look so boring! “Ok, I want something extreme. You’re the expert here, what do you think?”

Right away she answered, “I’m thinking lots and lots of layers, take about 2 inches off, dye it black with some purple?”

“YES!” I said with a smile. She nodded and got to work right away.

Two hours of hair-cutting, hair-coloring, hair-styling, and catching up with each other flew by extremely quick. And during the entire time Lynzee refused to let me look in the mirror, making me way more nervous and anxious than I should’ve been.

Finally, she turned the chair around and I think my heart stopped beating the minute I saw my reflection. “So, what do you think?” she asked with a smile, at my completely speechless reaction.

“It’s…I’m…that doesn’t even look like me!” I managed to say.

“So I take it that means you love it, right?”

“Hells yeah!” I shouted.

“Alright, anything else you need help with?” she asked, referring to my mission.

I thought about it for a minute and said, “Well, I was thinking about getting something pierced…and getting some new clothes.”

“Then it’s settled. I’m taking off today and coming with you. After all, you’ll need some expert advice!”

She quickly ran over to the receptionist and told her to cancel all her appointments today, or give them to one of the other stylists. We both ran to her car and took off for the mall.

*Ronnie’s POV*

I heard some weird noise coming from an alarm clock, and I knew that I wasn’t in my room. I opened my eyes a little, but immediately closed them when I saw huge rays of sunlight pouring in through the windows.

I rolled over and tried to remember what happened last night…oh yeah, Megan thought she was gonna get some from me. I laughed a little to myself. Well, it looks like I still ended up getting something after all…too bad I can’t really remember it. After about 10 minutes, I decided it was time to get up and find out who I banged last night.

It wasn’t a very far walk from the bedroom to the kitchen…they were practically the same room. Wow this house is small. Anyway, I saw a girl in the kitchen who was making some breakfast. She looked over her shoulder and said, “Oh hey, Ronnie! I’m making omlets.”

If she’s making me food, then that must mean that she’s got the wrong idea.

“That was very…nice of you, but I’ve got to get moving, um…”

“Trisha,” she said filling in the blank. “Why do you have to leave so soon, and after that great night we had last night too?”

“Uh I don’t know how to say this…ah, screw it. Trisha, last night wasn’t anything special. It was just a one-night stand.”

Her eyes grew big and I was just waiting for her to either start yelling and throwing the frying pan around or burst into tears. Either way, she wasn’t gonna keep me here and she wasn’t getting my number.

“H-how could you say that?” she said quietly.

I shrugged, “I thought that’s what you were thinking too. Sorry, Trish, but I don’t do long-term relationships. Thanks for the good time last night though.”

And then I walked to my car and left her behind.

By the time I got home, everyone was up and doing their own thing. “Well look who remembered where he lives!” Omar teased as he glanced up from the magazine he was reading. I rolled my eyes and just trudged to my room.

I was kind of expecting Megan to be in there…but to my surprise the room was empty. Bryan was passing by, so I asked him, “Hey dude, do you know where Megan is?”

He shrugged, “I think Max said something about her going out to Starbucks?” I nodded and closed the door behind me wondering why I even cared where she was in the first place.

*Normal POV*

Lynzee led me through the mall until we reached this cool looking tattoo and piercing shop. I’ve always wanted both tattoos and piercings, but I think for today it’d be best to start with a piercing, and I knew exactly where I wanted it. “I want to get one of those bull-rings!” I shouted.

Lynzee laughed and said, “Oh, you mean a septum? That’ll look pretty sweet on you. Good choice!”

We walked over to the counter and this really hot dude with shaggy black hair, tats, and piercings said he’d be the one to give me my septum piercing. “Ok, this might hurt a little, since it’s in an area with cartiledge, but I promise to make it as pain-free as possible,” he said with a smile. I nodded and held onto Lynzee’s hand as tight as I could without breaking it.

The needle went through and I screamed bloody murder. Luckily, the place was empty so no one really heard it. The hot dude handed me a mirror to admire my new face metal. I chose a black bull-ring to match my new black hair, and now I really didn’t look like myself, which I guess technically was my goal in the first place. I smiled and thanked the guy before we left.

“Ugh, do we have to go shopping now, too? I mean I know I need some better clothes, but my nose is on fiiiiire!” I complained once we left the store.

“Well, I do have a few sexy outfits I could let you borrow. Yeah, that would be best…I can guarantee you’ll have Ronnie dying to get in your pants when he sees you in my clothes,” she laughed. We decided to drive back to her place and get me all ready for tonight when I make my move on Ronnie.

About an hour later, I found myself wearing a black and red plaid mini skirt, black leather boots, and a tight fitting, low-cut black tank top. “My God, if he doesn’t make a move on you now, then he’s sick in head!” Lynzee gasped as she took some pictures, which she said she wanted to expand and frame so she can display them in her hair salon.

“I feel so amazing…so confident,” I admitted, while staring at myself for the millionth time today.

Luckily, my nose adjusted to its new addition, and it barely even hurt anymore. I thanked Lynzee and promised her that we’d hang out sometime very soon as I left her house.

Words cannot describe how excited I feel right now. I mean, even if by some weirdness Ronnie still doesn’t give me a shot, then at least I know pretty much every guy in their right mind will be checking me out! So this is what it feels like to be beautiful.

As I pulled into the driveway, the house looked and sounded abnormally quiet. Maybe the guys all went out or something? I shrugged to myself as I walked inside and heard the TV on. Well, someone’s here. I tip-toed into the living room to see Max sitting there.

I was heading toward the hallway when all the sudden I heard a huge gasp/potential girly scream and Max then yelled, “Oh my God, who the hell are you?!” I almost started laughing on the spot.

“Uh, Max, it’s me,” I said simply.

He stared at me for a couple of seconds before he slowly sat back down and said, “M-megan? It doesn’t look like you went to Starbucks to me…”

I sat down next to him, “Well it’s not gonna take me all day just to get a coffee…”

“Yeah, but all of this?! I mean holy hell Megan, you don’t even look like yourself.”

“I wanted to try something new, so I called my cousin Lynzee who owns a hair salon and she kinda gave me the works.”

“It looks…great, really. But c’mon, Megan, people don’t just wake up at 7 AM and decide to drastically change their look.” It’s times like these when I really hate keeping anything from him…he knows me way to well and I think I should tell him about Ronnie.

“Ok, Max, you’re right. I changed my look because something happened between me and Ronnie last night and it kind of woke me up to reality and I wanted to look…pretty.”

“YOU HAD SEX WITH RONNIE?!” he practically screamed. Why does everyone keep thinking that today?!

“No…well, I almost did. He kind of lead me on and then turned me down and I didn’t stop myself ahead of time because I was way more drunk than he was. Normally, I would’ve been pissed off at him for doing something like that, but I know I still like him and I want to prove to him that I’m worth his time.” Max was starting to look pissed off.

“Megan, he used you and took advantage of you, so you go and get a drastic make-over?! That’s messed up.”

“Why?! You of all people should know that first of all, I’ve always wanted to color my hair and I’ve always wanted a piercing! And you’re always pushing me, teasing me about liking Ronnie every time that I would deny it, and now that I’m admitting it you’re telling me that I’m making a mistake!”

“I’m just trying to help you out, Megan. Ronnie’s not into relationships. Even if this new look of yours wins him over, he’ll still only use you for one night and then move on!”

“You know what I think Max?! I think you’re just jealous that I want to be with Ronnie so bad instead of with you!” That was it.

As soon as the words left my mouth, I wanted so badly to take them back. He glared at me for a few more seconds before he stood up and stormed out of the room.

What have I done?
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whoo-hoo 100 readers!!!!!!! thanx for reading everyone.

Comments would be great!!