Sequel: If I Let This Go

Situations Are Irrelevant Now

He Doesn't Know It's Me

At first, I considered all that just happened…and reconsidered everything that Max had just said. Although it is true that I’ve always wanted a ‘new’ look, I should have done it for myself, and not for Ronnie or any other guy. Maybe I should just call of the mission, and stay here with Max…save my friendship with him?

But, I just couldn’t bring myself to stop now when I’ve come so far. I shook of my feelings of doubt and guilt and called Omar to see if he knew where Ronnie was. “Hey, Omar, it’s Megan,” I said.

“Oh, hey! Man, I haven’t seen you all day.”

“I know, I was hanging out with my cousin Lynzee, who I haven’t seen in a while.”

“Nice. Is she hot?”

“Uh, I guess, but sorry she’s not single.”


I laughed a little, “Anyway, do you know where Ronnie’s at right now?”

“Um, I wanna say he’s at the grocery store.” I started laughing extremely hard trying to picture Ronnie in a grocery store.

“Has he ever even been in a grocery store?!” Omar asked, laughing along with me.

“My guess would be probably not. Anyway, I had a busy day today and I haven’t eaten yet so I’m gonna go get something to eat.”

“Ok, well I guess we’ll all see you when we get home then.”

Wow, who knew I’d be showing Ronnie my new look at a damn grocery store?

The drive to the store took a little under ten minutes. I was extremely excited, and for two reasons, too: obviously, so Ronnie can see the new me…and just the fact that he’s in a grocery store. I walked in through the electric doors and started to scan up and down the aisles, looking for him. I finally found him in the candy aisle.

I walked slowly down the aisle, looking like I was looking for something specific. Ronnie was standing by the M&M’s…trying to decide between Peanut Butter and Peanut, from the looks of it. He glanced up, just to see who else was in the aisle with him. It was just a short glance, but then all of the sudden he did a double take, and was shamelessly staring me down.

I smirked a little once I saw that I had his attention and stretched for the Dark Chocolate M&M’s. And I just so happened to bump into him. “Oooh, sorry. It was kind of a stretch,” I laughed.

Honestly, I thought by now he would have said something about how different I looked, but he didn’t say a word. He just kept checking me out. Finally he spoke.

“A-are you new around here or something? I mean, how else can you possibly explain the fact that I haven’t seen your gorgeous face before?”

I could feel myself blush a little…he doesn’t even know it’s me?! Ok, I guess I could play this out for a little bit. “Oops, you caught me,” I said, flashing him a smile, “I just moved here about 4 days ago from Seattle. I’m…Alicia.”

He smiled back and said, “Nice to meet you, I’m Ronnie. I’m actually the singer of the band Escape the Fate.”

“Oh no way! The one that got to play with MCR? I heard about you guys.” His face brightened up even more, thinking that people in Seattle know about ETF.

“And what do you think?”

“You guys are so amazing. And you’ve got a unique sound, which is always a bonus.”

“Well you know what I think?” he asked taking a step closer to me. “I think you and I should get a little more acquainted.”

“Oh really? And where exactly do you plan to…get acquainted?” I challenged, taking one more step forward, eliminating all space between us. I could tell that his breathing had become irregular and that I was turning him on big time.

He tore his eyes away from me for a split second as he scanned the grocery store, searching for a place for us to go. “There,” he nodded his head in the direction of the storage room.

“Lovely,” I said sarcastically.

He held my hand as he lead me there. “Oh, trust me, Alicia, with me there, you’ll completely forget where you are.”

“I’m gonna hold you to that,” I said once we entered the room…and breathed in the smell of beef. Yummy.

Ronnie found room inside a random closet that was big enough for the two of us. He quickly pushed me up against the concrete wall, standing so close to me with one of his legs in between mine and the other one to the side. He leaned down a little so he was closer to my height. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up a little bit.

The moment our lips touched sparks flew. It was like something was ignited inside me. I mean, sure I’ve made out with Ronnie before, but nothing felt like this. We both wanted each other and there was so much hunger and passion between us. Desire was taking over.

I dragged my finger nails down his back slowly, causing him to moan into the kiss a little bit. He in turn slowly moved his hands up my tight fighting shirt and to my back, fumbling with my bra clasp. He finally got it undone and my bra fell to the floor.

He grabbed each of my breasts at the same time and squeezed gently. Then it was my turn to let out a moan, only mine came out much louder than his. He smirked a little at that. My fingers finally made their way down to his belt and I started to absent-mindedly play with his belt buckle. His smirk grew wider. “I say you and me take this business back to my place.”

I nodded eagerly and picked up my bra, not really bothering to put it back on.

All of the sudden, the door to the closet was opened, and a shocked janitor and manager stood before us. “See Mr. Jones, I told you something was going on back here!” the janitor announced. The manager rolled his eyes and then glared at us.

“You two get the hell out of my store!” he shouted.

We had no problem getting the hell out of there as fast as we could…not because of the ‘scary’ manager…more along the lines of we needed each other right then and there.

As we were walking out into the parking lot, I stopped suddenly and said, “Damn it, I didn’t even get to buy my M&M’s!”

Ronnie laughed and said, “As tragic as that is, I can guarantee that by the end of tonight, M&M’s will be the last thing on your mind.” I smiled and began walking to my car, with him following.

“Uh, do you mind if I ride with you to my place? I kind of walked here earlier so…”

“Not a problem,” I smiled. He gave the address I knew all too well, and he was amazed that I ‘found’ it so easily. I just told him I was good with directions.

I really hope – as bad as this sounds – that Max isn’t home right now, because he could ruin my cover. I was able to breathe a sigh of relief when I noticed that the house was unusually still empty. Ronnie led me to his room, even though I already knew where it was.

Realizing that I could probably hear what he has to think of the real me, I decided to seize the moment. “This is an interesting room,” I began.

He was busy putting on a CD or something, but he replied, “What makes you say that?”

“Well, maybe the fact that there’s girl’s and guy’s stuff in the closet over there…Ronnie, do you have a girlfriend?!”

He laughed, “Of course not. Relax, Alicia, I’ll tell you the truth. I share this house with all my band-mates, and there obviously aren’t enough rooms so some people have to share. One of Max’s friends that live with us, Megan, had to share a room with me because it was the only spot left. I swear we are definitely not dating.”

I was about to tell him right then that I really was Megan, but then I stopped myself. I bet if I tell him the truth, he’ll just walk out on me like he did last night. I don’t know why he would, but I just know that that’s what would happen. Against my better judgment, I decided to keep up this charade until morning.

It didn’t take too long for us to pick up where we left off at the grocery store. Except now we were in the bed, both of us completely shirtless. We haven’t even gone all the way yet, and already sweat was dripping over our bodies. See that Ronnie, I am better with this stuff than you think.

As we continued making out, he lazily reached over to his nightstand to pull out a new condom. Then, he worked his way down to my mini skirt. With barely any effort at all, he managed to slip it off.

It was my turn next. I tugged at his belt buckle, teasing him a little first before removing it and pulling down his pants. My eyes scanned over his body and I know that his eyes did the same to my body. “Ready when you are,” I said seductively. He grinned and quickly removed his boxers as I removed my panties.

Before I could say – or do – anything else, he inserted himself inside of me. At first, it hurt like hell, and I was almost regretting it. But that all changed quickly. The greatest pleasure I’ve ever felt rushed through my body, sending ripples of ecstacy through me. I arched my back as a reaction to the pleasure and heard myself screaming Ronnie’s name. “Faster, Ronnie! Oh God, I’m almost there!” I shouted. He shouted similar things, and the only thing that kind of made this ‘experience’ not so fun…was the fact that he was screaming a name that was not mine.

Once we finished, he collapsed on the bed next to me with a huge smile on his face. “That has got to have been one of the greatest nights of my life!” he said.

I couldn’t believe it. Ronnie Radke just told me that I was one of his best. If only he knew the truth! I smiled and said, “Oh, me too, baby. We should definitely do this again sometime.”

By then, we were both extremely exhausted. He pulled the sheets up a little more to cover us up. Then, he wrapped one of his tattooed arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. This was everything that I’ve ever wanted…almost like a dream come true. But when he whispered, “Good night, Alicia,” I knew it wasn’t really what I had wanted. It was almost like a tantalizing joke.

“Good night, Ronnie.” I whispered back.

As soon as I knew for sure that he was asleep, I manuevered my way out of his grasp and crawled around on the floor looking for my stuffed Simba (from the Lion King) animal that I slept with every night. I finally found it underneath the bed.

I crawled back into bed, pulled up the covers, snuggled with my stuffed animal, and thought about today. With some luck, he’ll still feel the same about me tomorrow morning when I tell him the truth. It’ll never be perfect for me until it’s really me, Megan, that he says he wants to be with.

I guess all I can do for now is hope.
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So...what's gonna happen next?! Will Ronnie finally see that he likes Megan? Or will he automatically ignore what just happened between them? Or will something else happen?

If I get lots and lots of comments...then you'll get to find out in less than a week! :]