Sequel: If I Let This Go

Situations Are Irrelevant Now

Something To Somebody Else

I have always been told that I am an easy person to read – like just by looking at me you could tell I was upset, confused, happy, etc. Of course, I always thought they were wrong…but I guess not. “You look like you’re really confused about something,” Ronnie observed, moving his chair closer to the bed. “What is it?”

I’ve never in all these years that I’ve known Ronnie see him be so caring like this. It’s weird. And to be honest, I don’t know if I should actually come out and say that he is the one confusing me, or if I should just pretend like nothing’s wrong. Screw it, I’m going to tell him the truth, because if I don’t, then none of this will ever be resolved.

“It’s you,” I whispered, “it’s you who’s confusing me, Ronnie. I mean, really, one day you act sort of nice like we’re totally best friends or something and then the next day you ignore me completely, or like today, attempt to shoot some people…”

“Is that it?” he laughed. He actually laughed at me…see, I knew I never should have told him. I’m guessing that my slightly angered look told him I was serious.

He grabbed onto my hand and said, “Sorry for laughing, Megan, it’s just I can’t believe that that’s all that’s bothering you. If you’re worried about my different behavior, don’t be. Just like every other person, I have my ups and downs and I often just take them out on the people I’m closest to. Look, Max is my best friend…and well, I’m sure you already know that I’ve started to like you as more than just Max’s friend.”

I felt my heart flutter a bit at what he was saying. He must’ve really been serious about what he had said – that we’d be together after all this ransom business was over. This just feels way too real to be true! “Do you really feel that way? I never would’ve thought I’d see the day when you actually said something like that to me…”

“I know we’ve had a rough past, but that’s all the more reason to work hard to improve the present. Megan, will you be my girlfriend?”

I felt possibly the biggest smile ever appear on my face as I leapt forward and wrapped my arms around him in a big hug, despite the wires attached to my arms pulling me back. “Yes, Ronnie, of course I’ll be your girlfriend!” I practically shouted.

From that moment on, I knew that for once my life would be the way I wanted it. At least…that’s what I hoped for.

“Look who’s home!” Ronnie shouted, kicking the front door open as he walked inside, carrying me in his arms bridal style.

All the guys, who were sitting around the living room playing video games, jumped up from their spots to come say hi. “It’s been weird without you two here, I gotta admit,” Robert said.

“Yeah, and whoa it looks like you two got close overnight,” Bryan smirked.

“You’re definitely right about that. Guys, meet my new girlfriend, Megan,” Ronnie smiled.

“Alright so there won’t be any ransoms with this new girlfriend, right?” Omar laughed.

“I’m pretty sure you guys should be happy with the…large amount of cash that you just got. Besides we all know money is something that I don’t have,” I replied.

“Don’t worry,” Ronnie said setting me back down, “I’m not going to do anything illegal to you.” We all laughed and really for the first time…I was happy to be me.

*Max’s POV*

Well I honestly don’t believe what I’m seeing…I didn’t think Ronnie was really going to ask Megan out. Is he up to something again or is he actually serious this time? Oh what am I saying? I’m probably just over thinking things, and I’ve noticed that lately I’ve felt pretty pessimistic. As long as Megan’s happy then that’s all that matters. She’s spent so much time being unhappy that it’s about time that something actually works out for her.

I got to admit, we do have quite a few things to look forward to – spending all that money, recording our first record, and eventually getting a chance to tour. Who knows, maybe things will finally turn out the way they’re supposed to be…then again, all good things come to an end eventually, it’s only a matter of how long till that moment.

*Normal POV*

Since everything was suddenly amazing, we decided to spend the rest of the night partying at the local bar. By the time we made it back home, Ronnie and I were totally inseparable. I jumped onto our bed, waiting for him to follow, and giggled as I bounced up and down a little afterward. Ronnie practically pounced on top of me and pinned me down to the bed. “I’m so fucking glad that this worked out between us,” he said with a goofy grin.

Then he decided to be sneaky and start tickling me until we were tangled up with each other in the sheets. We were so close together, I could feel his warm breath on my neck. If felt as if I was in some sort of dream, only this time I was actually living it. I smiled to myself a little and soon I felt his lips on mine, sending waves of excitement through my body. I’ve never been so happy.

~*~ Fast Forward 2 Months ~*~

I don’t think I’ve ever been so bored in my entire life! The guys left for their very first headlining tour, leaving me home all by myself. I would’ve loved to have gone with them, but my final year of college is starting up and now and I don’t think it’s such a good idea to skip the first month and a half of classes.

We’re still living in this same house, but we improved the basement a lot. There’s a movie theatre down there, and an actual stage for the guys to practice. Plus we added sound-proof walls so they play as loud as they want and I can still get homework done. Speaking of homework, I’ve already gotten all mine done – and most of it’s not even due for another week.

I cleaned up the house a little bit and I’m sure I’ve watched nearly every single movie we own. I never realized how much more fun the guys make life. At first, Ronnie and Max called me at least twice a day…now I barely hear from either of them. I know that touring is a lot of work and you’re always busying, but they both promised that no matter what they’d call me. I miss them, I’m not gonna lie.

My computer looked just about as lonely as I was, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to turn it on and check if anyone is online to chat with. Surprisingly, I had an email from someone under the name Hmm I wonder who that could be?

Hey there Megan! I know that this is super random, but I’m actually in Las Vegas right now. I remember way back in like 4th grade when you said you were moving to Vegas…I was so jealous that you got to leave Arizona and go somewhere cool like that. Anyway, I was wondering (if you still live there) would you like to hang out sometime? I know it’s been like 11 years since I last saw you…we should make up for lost time! –Craig.

I finally figured out who it was from – Craig Mabbitt! Him and I were best friends back in elementary school, when I used to live in Arizona. Wow that is so funny hearing from him! I emailed him back instantly, telling him of course that I would love to hang out with him. We ended up talking for a good two hours, and it turns out that he’s in a band, blessthefall. I checked them out on youtube and I was impressed, to say the least.

Well, since nothing incredibly exciting has happened to me recently, I decided to fill him in on my situation with Ronnie. He assured me that Ronnie and Max are just busy and would call me they can. He said from personal experience, touring is hard on relationships at times, but it usually works out in the end.

We decided then to meet up 2 days from now and just kind of hang out. I was super excited, but nervous at the same time…and I’m not sure why.

My phone began vibrating against my leg in my jeans pocket. I glanced at the caller ID to see that it was Ronnie. Even though I was totally happy…I should’ve realized that even though I’m talking to him on the phone, I couldn’t exactly see what he was doing.

And believe me, I wouldn’t want to have seen what he was doing…
♠ ♠ ♠
ooh what's Ronnie been up to? In the next chapter Max finds out something about Ronnie, Megan sees Craig for the first time in 11 years, and begins to feel torn between Ronnie and Craig!

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and WOW this will be my first story to get over 400 readers!! :D thanx so much everyone