Sequel: If I Let This Go

Situations Are Irrelevant Now

It Happens All The Time

Every now and then, depending on the scheduling of rehearsing, we'd get a break to chat with whoever else wasn't doing anything. I found myself sitting on a couch backstage chatting with James Diweese from Reggie and the Full Effect and Matt Skiba from Alkaline Trio. "I gotta admit something...I never would have thought that your two bands would be on the same tour!"

They laughed and agreed and told me all about what's been happening on the tour and that Matt was going to get married as soon as the tour was done and how all three bands have grown really close. "Do you want to hear our special mixed up mashed up mix tape?!" James asked with way too much excitement.

"I have no idea what the hell that might be, but it sounds like fun, so sure!"

Matt laughed and said, "Just wait till you hear this. It basically shows that either he has too much time on his hands, or just pure talent!"

I laughed and watched as he plugged in a boom box and put a cassette tape in. I soon realized that they mixed all of their bands' songs together as if it were one song: Long ago, just like the things that go bump in the night that you can't see. Is it getting better, is getting worse? Please turn that fucking radio off. So long not good night, so long not it's our love reality, it's our love reality buy and sell for time to waste and I'm not sorry. (etc...)

Needless to say, after a minute into the song, I was falling off the couch. "Is there any way that I could get a freaking copy of that?!" I asked anxiously.

James smiled and said, "Well, duh! I wouldn't have just made one copy of this masterpiece!" And then he pulled one out of a box labeled top secret and gave it to me. After all of that, I met the rest of their bands and even got some screen names out of the exchange, which was definitely more than what I thought I would get!

*Ronnie's POV*

Once I was done practicing a couple songs vocally, I went on a mission to find Max ASAP to find out what the hell happened last night. I found him talking to Mikey Way, and pulled him away...I didn't care if I was interrupting their conversation - Max knew what I wanted.

"Ouch, dude, a little more careful on the collar next time!" Max complained as he straightened out his shirt.

I rolled my eyes and said, "I don't really care right now! I just want to know what happened last night, ok?"

Max nodded, but before he started, asked, "Are you sure you want to know?"

Fearing the worst, I answered, "Yes!" impatiently.

Max took a deep breath and told me that once I got drunk last night, I wasn't anti-social anymore and was talking to everyone, even Megan, who was also drunk. All the guys in the band went to go looking for girls, but for some reason I stayed there with her and made out the rest of the night, and even when we got home still! But the worst part was when Max told me that since Robert was the one who didn't drink, he walked up and down the halls that night to make sure everyone was in bed ok, and he heard me tell Megan that I loved her. How could I say something like that?!

Max said seriously, "You know when people are drunk they tend to speak their thoughts, thoughts that couldn't be spoken when they're sober..." Was he seriously trying to tell me that I really love or even like Megan?!

I just laughed sarcastically and said, "Nice try, Max, but never in a million years would I think that!"

I couldn't believe that that shit happened last night! I stormed out of the hall and into the closest room; luckily Megan was in there, and she was laughing with the singers from Alkaline Trio and Reggie and the Full Effect. Well, her party's about to crash.

"Megan, I need to talk to you now!" I said. She looked up to see who was calling her and frowned when she saw it was me.

"What the hell do you want? I'm busy!"

I knew I wasn't going to take that. I went into the room and lifted her up saying, "This can't wait!" She rolled her eyes and told the others that she'd be right back.

Once we were out of the room, I shoved her into the wall and said, "Just want to clear something up - what happened last night was all a joke, ok? I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing..."

She laughed and said, "Or what you were saying! Do you even remember what you said to me last night before you wrapped your arm around me?!" She doesn't need to know that Max filled me in.

"Yeah, I remember. I told you that I loved you...and I bet that it made your life so much better, right? That's all that you've wanted to hear from me! Well, I hate to burst your bubble, actually not really, but I didn't mean any of that shit so don't get your hopes up and think that we'll ever be together!"

She couldn't believe that I even remembered that, even though I really didn't. I just felt good to get all of that off my chest and see how she likes it.

*Normal POV*

As soon as he told me that he remembered what happened last night, I just wanted to cry or something, but of course he had to make it worse by saying all of that other shit to me at the end. I guess it didn't really bother me that much because I don't love him and I don't want to be with him, but he did just basically tell me that he hated me, which isn't too great.

I walked back into the room with the other guys and it turns out that they (they as in Alkaline Trio and James) heard everything. They all had either shocked or sympathetic looks on their faces, but I just told them, "It's ok guys, I really don't like him like that...he just likes to play some kind of roller coaster game with my emotions but it's fine!"

I don't think I was too convincing, but I'm just glad that I didn't cry. Conversation started up again, but it was still kind of awkward. Around 10 pm, when the rehearsal and set up finally ended, all the guys said goodbye to me and before he left Matt said, "Don't worry about what happened earlier, it happens all the time."

I smiled to thank him for his advice, and I kind of forgot about it all until we got back home and I was with Escape the Fate again. Maybe I should consider moving out?