Sequel: If I Let This Go

Situations Are Irrelevant Now

Pre-Show Prank War

The next day was the real concert. Ronnie forgot to turn the alarm clock on in our room, so Max (who was unnaturally hyper) came running into our room and jumped up and down on our bed to wake us up. Ronnie didn't bother to open his eyes, but just assumed that I was the one doing that. "Hey, Megan stop bouncing on the bed damn it, I'm trying to sleep!"

I growled, "It isn't me you dumbass! It's Max! And also you forgot to set the damn clock this morning. Crap, it's already 10, we have to leave in 30 minutes!"

Ronnie rolled out of bed, "You mean you forgot to set the clock..."

I stopped what I was doing. Was he high or something last night when he said, "I'll set the clock?!" I somehow managed to control my anger and just ignored him. He better watch his back once we get there because I'm gonna get some revenge. I got ready for the day in 15 minutes and then we all got in the car to go back to the venue.

As soon as we walked in there, a bunch of clipboards and cords were thrown into my face. "Uh, what's all this for?" I asked, confused.

The person replied, "You're the guitar tech aren't you?! Now, get to work!"

I sighed, "Man, I already have to work?"

Ronnie laughed, "Haha, have fun with that!"

I flipped him off as I got to work over by the equipment. Well, at least this work will give me time to get to know the stage and plan the perfect prank for Ronnie. "How's it going?" James asked as he stopped and sat down next to me.

I looked up, "Oh hey James! I'm good...just trying to think of some really good prank for Ronnie."

James smiled, "Oh, do you mind if I help??"

"Yeah, that would be good actually!"

James and I talked for a while about things to do with Ronnie. We'd do some little ones first and then some at intermission. I anxiously ran down the halls to go find where his room was. I couldn't wait to get back at him for what he said yesterday. But, of course, I saw Gerard on the way down and stopped for a minute, "Hey Gerard, good luck tonight!"

He smiled, "Aw, thanks Megan! You're gonna watch the show right?"

"Hell yeah! I can't wait!"

"Good to know. I'll see you then!"

I waved him off and then got my camera out of my messenger bag. I saw Ronnie and ran up behind him while disguising my voice as a fan-girl's. "Oh my God, Ronnie Radke, is that really you?! Can I please get a picture?"

Ronnie stopped the conversation he was in and turned around with a smile on his face, and came face-to-face with my camera right in his eyes. I quickly snapped the camera which caused a huge white flash to go off right in front of his eyes. He practically jumped back and held his hands over his eyes yelling, "Ahhhh! My contacts are on fire!"

I had to lean up against the wall because I was laughing so hard and Omar and Max were laughing pretty hard too. Ronnie pulled his contacts out and said, "Was that you Megan?!"

"Well, I am standing right in front of you!"

"Oh, you'll pay!"

"Wow, I'm so freakin scared!"

I ran back over to the stage and heard him yelling for someone to get him a new pair of contacts. I hope he doesn't get any before the show. Otherwise that would just ruin my fun.

As I was watching Alkaline Trio's amazing set, Ronnie came running over to me holding my cell phone saying that something happened to my sister. At first, I doubted him because c'mon, it's Ronnie. But his face was so damn serious that I don't think I could doubt him. "Give me that!" I said as I snatched the phone away from him and said, "Hello?" into the phone.

I heard a guy's voice say, "Yes, Ms. Collins, we have called to inform you that your sister is ill. It's terrible. She's...she's...beginning to look like you!"

I could feel my hand squeeze around the phone. "Ronnie, if this is you, I swear I will injure you so bad that they won't be able to identify your fucking body!"

I heard him laugh and break the cover on his voice, and he said, "Gotcha," and then he hung up.

I slammed my phone shut. How dare he make a joke like that about my family?! He really pissed me off this time. I ran looking for James. "Hey, we've got to do the last prank now!"

James turned around, alarmed, probably because I'm so angry, and said, "Why, what happened?"

"Ronnie just pushed me over the damn edge! C'mon, let's get to it!"

He nodded and we set up a bunch of chords across the stage while the curtains were down and no one could see us. Once the finishing touches were done, we ran off to the side to watch our masterpiece. Escape the Fate was announced and Ronnie walked out last with a smug look on his face. He kept looking out at the crowd instead of where he was going and tripped over the cords and fell to the ground causing the audience to laugh.

Then, a huge banner dropped down over the original ETF banner. It was a picture of Ronnie when he was totally wasted a couple weeks ago and he was making out with a sandwich. We spray-painted on there, "Ronnie likes sandwiches, not sluts."

It took everyone by surprise that at first the entire crowd was speechless until Max began to laugh uncontrollably and then everyone else joined in. Ronnie was laughing too until he realized what they were laughing at.

He stared wide-eyed at the picture, but kept his composure. I knew that I got him, he just didn't want to seem embarrassed in front of his fans. I watched the rest of their set and Reggie and the Full Effect's set with a smile on my face for being able to get at Ronnie not once but twice.

The score for the prank war is now 2 to 1 with Megan in the lead! As soon as ETF's show was done, Ronnie stormed off stage and slammed the door to his room, meaning that the mission was accomplished.