Sequel: If I Let This Go

Situations Are Irrelevant Now

Something Suspicious

This has gotta be one of the greatest accomplishments of my life…I finally got to Ronnie Radke, finally embarrassed him as he has embarrassed me. Max jumped out of the car and yelled, “I feel so ALIVE!”

Then he ran around the car until Bryan held him back and dragged him inside saying, “I think you’re high…”

Max smiled really big and said, “YES! I’m high on LIFE!!!” and Bryan just rolled his eyes.

Ronnie walked silently and angrily inside and went into our room and locked the door. Luckily, I wasn’t tired at all, so it didn’t really matter to me anyway, I mean Max had a freakin’ key!

We started a little party downstairs, with loud music and drinks. Ronnie eventually came downstairs and had a glare on his face. As soon as we had eye contact, it almost seemed like his glare got even harsher, if that’s possible and, it was one of those situations where if looks could kill, I’d be dead 10 times and brought back for more.

“Uh, I’ll be right back…” I said to no one in particular as I ran up the stairs to my room, now that Ronnie was out of there. I didn’t need to turn the radio on, because the music downstairs was loud enough. I changed into some more comfortable clothes, looked over my shoulder, locked the door, and grabbed my diary out of its new secret hiding spot – underneath the nightstand. I wrote a new entry:

Dear Diary, 8/31/05

Today was maybe the best day of my life, or at least of the year….ok maybe just of the month, but still it was amazing! I got to see MCR, Alkaline Trio, and Reggie and the Full Effect from side-stage, got most of their screen names or numbers and pranked Ronnie so good that he’s still probably sulking about it! He really doesn’t have any right to be mad at me, though, I mean he does this crap to me all the time! It would be so great if he could just act like nice, like normal people, and then living with him could just be regular and not planning every move beforehand or thinking of a prank to trip him up. Ok, I know that I don’t like him…I’m not gonna argue with myself, but I have to admit, tonight, despite my joke, his voice sounded amazing and he looks amazing in eyeliner. I’m not going to say that he’s ugly, but I’d never admit to anyone, even myself that I like him, because it would never work between us – he’s too much of an insensitive asshole, anyway. But somehow, I think I still have feelings for him…

I closed the cover on my diary, slid it back into its sliding place and fell asleep, peacefully for once.

*Ronnie’s POV*

Megan left the room as soon as I came down – good, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I just hate her so much right now! All she ever does is get in the way and I can’t believe that she’s still even living here. I’ve got to think of someway to get her to move out…

After a couple good drinks and no laughs, I went back upstairs to our room and saw that Megan already went to bed. Suddenly, I got a really good idea. I searched for her diary in all the common places, but couldn’t seem to find it. Right before I was about to just give up; I saw that her pen was on the floor near the nightstand. Maybe her diary is nearby?

I looked all around it and finally found her diary. Perfect. I flipped through the pages and saw that she had an entry for today. I read through it over and over again, smiling. So, she does still have feelings for me? Hmm I think I can make this work.

Let’s just say that tomorrow night we’re gonna party and that might just accidentally lead to Megan moving out the next day. She’ll be sorry that she ever tried to prank me.

*Megan’s POV*

I was still sleeping around 10 AM because I was so worn out from last night, when suddenly someone kicked me off the bed causing me to fall into a tangle of sheets onto the floor. “What the hell is your problem? I was trying to sleep there!”

Ronnie shrugged, “So? I was trying to make the bed and you were in the way.”

“Since when do you make the bed or even care about that shit?”

Ronnie paused and said, “Since now. Now, leave!” He pointed to the door.

I laughed and said, “Um fat chance, this is my room too.”

“Well, this is my house.”

“So? If we have to share this stupid room then I can be in here whenever I want!”

“You know what, you’re right Megan. You can stay in here, and I’ll leave.” Then he smiled a little at me as he walked out the door and across the hall to Max’s room. That wasn’t weird at all….

In fact, all throughout the day, Ronnie was happier than he’s been all month. I swear, I really think he has PMS – no joke. He took care of any random chores in the house, helped me work on this one song I was learning on guitar and even rented out a bar for us to go party and ‘celebrate the right way.’

At first, I thought ‘Now, if only he could be like this all the time…then he might be close to perfection.’

But then, I realized, what if this is all just an act? What if he’s just being nice to mess with me and then get revenge for yesterday? I argued with myself for a good ten minutes over whether to trust him or not, and of course I gave in to my heart and decided to go party with him.

I had no idea how much of a mistake that would be.
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sorry for the delay on this story! and thanx to everyone who commented :)