Sequel: If I Let This Go

Situations Are Irrelevant Now

Tricks of the Trade

If I were to become a doctor someday, I would have to diagnose Ronnie Radke with a bad bad case of bi-polarism. I swear it isn’t normal for a person to send death glares across the room at me, leave the room, and then come back all smiles and wanting to party. He must be up to something – I mean that’s the only logical reason I could come up with, either that or he’s crazy and both options make sense to me.

As good of a mood that I was in after beating Ronnie at his own game, I wasn’t so much in the mood to go drinking. All the guys were cheering when Ronnie announced that he’d even pay for everyone’s drinks. I thought I could make a sneak exit, but of course Max had to see me leaving. “Megan, where are you going?! Did you not hear the man – he said free drinks!”

Everyone else turned to look at me, so I just gave a little fake laugh and said, “I know, and I must be crazy to be saying this, but I’m really not in the mood to go drinking. Sorry, guys.” I returned to the stairs but something held me back yet again, only this time someone was physically holding my arm.

My eyes scanned down my arm and up the arm of the person stopping me and then I instantly locked eyes with Ronnie and was reminded how completelyhot evil he was. “Don’t stay home, Megan. I really want you to come with me tonight.” Just the touch of his skin on mine sent electric jolts through my body.

I’ve wanted to be with him for so long. Key word there is wanted, as in not anymore…or at least that’s what I kept telling myself. “I-I find that hard to believe, considering I know you’re still pissed about what I did to you.”

He shrugged, “At first, you’re right, I was extremely pissed, but as I spent some time upstairs by myself, I realized that that was just your righteous vengeance for all the things that I’ve said or done to you. I’d say we’re even now.” He smiled when he was done talking and it made me want to melt right there on the spot.

I couldn’t say no to him.

“Alright, I guess I’ll go. Just give me a minute to fix my makeup and stuff.”

An hour later, I found myself locked in an intense drinking contest with Omar. It was kind of funny because have the band was on my side and the other half was cheering for Omar. We were taking shots of straight up JD, which was always a little hard for me. I hate the taste, but I love the feeling afterwards.

I really didn’t want to get completely wasted tonight, but as soon as someone said the words ‘drinking contest,’ my competetive side took over and I began my shots. Omar was beating me by about 2, so I knew if I tried hard enough I could bypass him. I slammed my current glass on the table and reached for more shot glasses. In a weird twist of fate and 21 shots later, I claimed my victory. I was completely out of my mind, but it felt so right.

I stumbled over to the longue to take a break, and possibly look for someone I actually knew because we all went our separate ways a minute ago. I heard the leather couch I was sitting on make a squeak kind of noise as someone sat down, extra close, next to me. I looked over to see Ronnie sitting only centimeters away from me. “Heyyyy Ronnie! Wow I am soooooo glad you made me come tonight. I’m having a great time.”

He smiled, “Wanna make it even better?” I nodded my head and smiled really big as he led me toward the dance floor.

A remix of ‘Bite to Break Skin’ by Senses Fail began to play from the massive speakers and I shouted over the music, “I LOVE THIS SONG!”

Ronnie smiled and I could’ve sworn that he said something along the lines of, “I LOVE YOU!” but it must’ve been the alcohol.

I danced in front of him and together we moved to the beat of the song. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I started grinding up against him and I could tell he was enjoying it.

He leaned down so that his head was resting on my shoulder. “Why don’t we get out of this place?” he whispered seductively. His warm breath tickled against my skin and at that moment I was totally horny, and I think he could tell too. I agreed and followed him out to the car, assuming that the other guys would figure out where we were.

Ronnie sped all the way home, and luckily the bar was only 10 minutes away from our house. Even though I was drunk, I still knew that I finally about to have sex with Ronnie Radke, after 4 years of waiting. Talk about a dream come true. Wait – did I just really think that?! That can’t be right; every time I’m sober I outright deny my feelings for Ronnie, but times like these when I’m wasted, I have no problem admitting that I wish he would love me as much as I love him. What is wrong with me?!

I didn’t say much on the way home because I had to deal with the butterflies in my stomach and the war raging inside my head and my heart. “We’re finally here. I’m not sure how much longer I could’ve waited,” Ronnie said, eying me up and down.

“I know, so stop staring at me and show me some action instead!” I said taking him by the hand and leading him inside.

Before we could even make it to our bedroom, he had me up against the wall; his lips were attached to mine and our tongues were roaming back and forth in each other’s mouth. My hands wrapped around his shoulders and my fingers got tangled in his long, sweaty black hair. He rested his hands right under my ass and gave an occasional squeeze here and there.

When he pulled away from me, we were both gasping for breath, panting, and staring into each other’s eyes. I wanted it to last forever…it was everything that I ever wanted, and I finally was willing to accept that I am still madly in love with Ronnie.

“Maybe we should take the rest of this to the bed?” I asked with a smirk as I slowly walked to our room. I stood by the edge of the bed, squinting in the darkness trying to see if Ronnie came in the room yet or not.

All of the sudden, someone basically jumped onto me and tackled me down onto the bed. “Ronnie, you scared the shit out of me!” I laughed as my eyes adjusted to the darkness and looked up at him.

“You just make it too easy,” he defended.

After that, we didn’t talk anymore…we were too busy taking deep breaths between intense, heated kiss and rolling around in the bed, the sheets were wrapping themselves around our legs with each move we made. We broke apart for a brief minute and I pulled his shirt off over his head as he unbuttoned my shirt and threw it aside.

We kept that whole routine up for a good 20 minutes before we took a break. I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me, absent-mindedly stroking my arm. I felt like I was finally in heaven. But apparently I’m not good enough for heaven, yet…

“Are you sure you…want to go further?” he asked, knowing that I haven’t had sex before – and for good reasons too: I’ve just been friends with Max and the guys and Ronnie was the only one I could picture myself having sex with. That’s why.

“Yeah, why not? Are you ready?” I asked, making sure he still wanted to. He sat up unexpectedly, causing me to sit up as well and turn around so I can look at him. As I looked at him, it almost looked like he was laughing?! What was going on? Even in my drunken state, I could tell that I may have just made a mistake and embarassed myself.

“No, I don’t think you’d be any good, and I need somethinggood right now. You just won’t get it for me. Maybe sometime when you’re…more experienced.” I sat there in complete shock. Did he just say that to me?!

“B-but you’re the one who suggested all this in the first place!” I shouted, feeling the anger and hurt take over the alcohol.

He shrugged, “So? I thought I’d give you a shot, and you failed. Trust me, I think I’m doing both of us a favor.”

“Oh really? And what make you think that you’re such an expert.”

He looked at me like I was stupid, “Are you kidding me? With these looks I can get whoever I want. You of all people should know that.”

I glared at him in the dark as he put his shirt back on and threw mine at me.

“Hmm maybe next time? Or maybe not. You see Megan, I knew you still liked me. This proves it even more. Maybe you shouldn’t have had all those shots and you would’ve been thinking a little clearer. That’s why I only had 2 beers.” He only had two?! Usually he has around eight or nine.

I wanted to go punch the shit out of him right here and now. He walked out of the room, but not before turning around and smirking at me.

I didn’t realize how stupid this would be, but at that moment the only thing I wanted to do was prove him wrong and show him what he’s missing out on.

I’m going to make Ronnie Radke love me.
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I apologize for the extreme lack of updates! But the good news is, I now know where this story's gonna go, which means I'll be updating more ;)

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