Love is Nothing


Name: Jessie
Age: 15
You probably don't care though, no one else seems to. Anyways, I was told to write this, so I'll get on so i don't bore you.

Fave color: Um, I'm supposed to have one? I don't know what I like. I never get to choose.
I guess black, since that's what is mainly in my closet.
Hobbies: Um...I've been told I'm good in bed. Does that count? Probably not. God, that makes me sound like a complete whore. I guess I am though...
I like to sing and write and draw, but I'm not allowed to. I'm not allowed to do anything. Daddy's rules.
Music: I like old rock. But I'm not supposed to listen to music. Can you please not tell???

I'm totally boring the hell out of you now...Just another thing I'm not good at. I have to go...

My daddy is calling me.