Status: Better than my other Brian daughter story. Trust me. Read this one.


Chapter 1

''Serenity, time for school! Get up!'' I heard my mom shout up at me from downstairs. I groaned, sitting up. Today was the last day of school before winter break. I didn't really want to go even though it's a half day. I got up, and pulled on my Avenged Sevenfold tshirt, and a pair of black skinny jeans. I grabbed my purse and iPhone. I quickly fixed my hair, and went downstairs to the kitchen.

''Hey hunny, you excited that it's the last day before winter break?'' Mom smiled, pouring some orange juice for me in a glass. She set the glass down on the table. ''Yeah, but do I really have to go? I mean nobody is going to be there.'' I whined, pulling on my converse.

''Yes, you do.'' Mom laughed, and ruffled my hair. I groaned, and smacked her hand away. ''Mom! You just messed up my hair!''

''Opps! Sorry hunny.''

I rolled my eyes. I loved my mom, I really do, but she can get very annoying sometimes. I picked up the glass of orange juice, and took a long sip. I sighed as it went down my throat.

''Oh! You know what? I almost forgot! I have a surprise you.''

I looked up at her, and grinned. ''Really?'' I gasped. ''Mom, are you feeling okay?'' I pressed my hand to her forehead. ''You never let me open a present early before!''

She laughed, taking my hand and kissing it. ''I'm fine, hun. You'll see what this present is after school.''

I groaned. I really hated having to wait for something. ''Oh mom. Why can't I just open it now? At least give me a hint at what it is!''

''It's not here, and you don't open it, but I think you're going to like it.'' She smiled, taking a sip of her coffee. ''Oh, look at the time. 7:45, it's time for you to go to school. You don't want to miss the bus.''

I sighed. ''Fine. See you later.'' I stood up, and walked to the door. Mom followed behind me. ''Have a good day hunny. I'm probably going to pick you up. I'll text you.''

''Okay, but you're so cruel to me. Making me wait all day to get my present. I'll die.'' I sniffed dramatically. Mom laughed at me. ''No, you won't.''

''Yes, I will. And It's going to be all your fault for my death.'' I smiled, shaking my head. ''Love you mom.'' I went out the door. ''Love you too, sweetie!'' Mom smiled, closing the door. I shivered as the cold air hit me. I shoved my hands into my pocket. Who knew it could get this cold out in the mornings. I met my best-friend since prek, Ellie, where we get picked and dropped off to and from school.

''Well, look who finally decided to show up!'' She gasped. ''What took you so long to get here?''

''Sorry. I woke up a little late this morning. Damn it's freaking cold out.'' I shivered again, pulling out my iPhone and headphones as the bus arrived. We got on, and sat down in our usual seat in the back.

''What do you think your surprise is?''

I shrugged. ''I don't know, but I hope it's good. Now let me listen to my beautiful music.'' She rolled her eyes at me. She didn't really like Avenged Sevenfold as much as I do.

~ ~

The school day passed by very slowly. So when the last bell of the day rang, I was the first one out of the classroom. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out, and looked at it. New Text message from Mom flashed across the screen. I opened the message up.

Don't get on the bus. I'm outside in the car waiting. Love, Mom.

I replied with ''Okay'', and shoved my phone back into my pocket. I walked out to Ellie who was waiting for me over by the bus ramp. ''Hey, my mom's picking me up. Think you can handle riding on the bus without me?'' I teased. She rolled her eyes at me. ''Haha. I'll text you later.'' She quickly hugged me, and I watched as she got on the bus before going off to find my mom.

''Hey.'' I said, as I got int o the car. Mom looked over, and smiled at me. ''Hey sweetie, how was school today?''

''The usual. Long and boring. So, what's my surprise?'' I asked, smiling at her. ''You'll see in a few minutes.'' She laughed, pulling out of the school parking lot.

''Umm, mom?'' I said, noticing we passed our turn to go home. ''Our turn was back there.''

''I know. We're not going to the house.''

''What?'' I frowned. ''Where are we going then?''

''To your surprise.'' She smiled.

I groaned, throwing my head back against the seat. ''Mom, why can't you just tell me what it is?''

''It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?''

I sighed, and pulled my iPhone back out, and started texting Ellie. After a while, we pulled up into a driveway. I looked up. ''Uhh, mom, where are we?''

''Your surprise is in the house.'' She grinned, unbuckling her seatbelt. I stared at her blankly. ''You're really starting to freak me out.''

She laughed. ''Come on, let's go see what it is!'' She got out of the car, and went around to open my door. ''Come on, Come on slowpoke. You're really going to like this.'' She was giggly.

''Mom, did you have too much coffee again?'' I asked, shaking my head at her. She just laughed. I unbuckled my seatbelt, and got out. I looked around.

''Come on!'' Mom grabbed my hand, and practically dragged me into the house. It was completely empty. ''Mom-'' She shushed me, and led me into an empty bedroom. I didn't get it. What was my surprise? We bought a new house? I don't get it. What was wrong with the house we have now? I looked at her. ''Uhh, mom, slight problem here, I don't see anything. Am I supposed to because I'm really confused here.''

''Wait.'' She smiled, and walked over to the closet. ''I know you always wanted to meet your father since you were little, so...'' She slowly opened the closet door, and out stepped... oh my god. Synyster fucking Gates was standing right in front of me.

'' Serenity, I would like you to meet your father, Brian.'' Mom smiled at him. He smiled back. I blinked a couple times to make sure I wasn't just seeing things. Realization soon dawned on me. My eyes widened. ''HOLY SHIT! SYNYSTER GATES IS MY DAD?!''

''Language, and yes he is.'' Mom warned. I looked at her shocked. ''Sorry. I can't believe this though.'' I said, shaking my head. I looked up at Brian, or well dad. ''A-are you really my d-dad?'' I stammered, feeling the tears in my eyes. ''This isn't some sick joke is it?''

''No, this isn't a joke. I'm really your dad.'' He smiled, pulling me into a tight hug. ''And it's so good to finally meet you! You're so beautiful and grown up now.'' I hugged back, before pulling away after a minute or two. ''Wait, if you're my dad, why haven't been in my life for 13 years?'' I know I should be angry at him, for not being in my life at all, but I wasn't.''

He sighed, and looked at mom. They both exchanged silent nods. Brian turned and looked at me. He sighed. ''I only just found out about you.'' He said, feeling guilty. ''And I apologize for not finding out about you earlier. I really am, but we'll explain everything to you so you can understand.''


''Yes, everything.'' He nodded, looking at my mom. She nodded, and spoke up. ''Sweetie, I dated Brian back in high school. My parents, your grandparents, didn't approve of him. They hated him. They didn't like me going out with him, but I didn't care.'' She looked over at Brian, and smiled. ''I loved him enough to go behind my parents back.'' He smiled back at her, but then frowned. ''Yeah, until they caught us.'' He whispered, looking down.

''Wait what?'' I asked, looking back and forth between them. ''This is too much. What do you mean they caught you?''

''They found out we were still dating, after they told us to end the relationship. So they sent me to a girls only boarding school in New Jersey, and then while I was there, I found out I was pregnant with you. I had no way to tell Brian, we lost all contact with each other, my parents made sure of that.'' Mom whispered, a tear falling down her cheek. Brian pulled her in for a hug. ''It's okay.'' He whispered. ''I'm here now.''

I nodded, taking this all in. How could my grandparents be so fucking selfish like that? They kept my father away from me. They pulled away after a while, and looked down at me. Mom smiled. ''She looks exactly like you, Bri.'' She wiped away the tears from her eyes.

''How could mommom and poppop be so fucking selfish like that?''

''Hunny, don't talk about them like that. What they did was wrong, yes. But they love you. They're still your grandparents.'' Mom sniffed, looking at Brian. I then notice the ring on his finger. ''You're married?'' I asked.

''What?'' He looked down at the ring on his finger. ''Oh, yeah I am.'' He bit his lip. I looked at mom, and she looked jealous. Really jealous. She obviously still loved him.

''Really? To who? She must be a lucky girl then.'' Mom smiled fakely. Brian sighed, and looked at her. ''Michelle. Remember her?''

''Dibenedetto? Yeah, I remember her perfectly well.'' Mom growled.

''I really love her a lot.'' He smiled softly.

Mom was heartbroken, I could tell. That smile on her face was fake. I immediately didn't like this Michelle chick. She still loved Brian, my d-dad a lot. She was hurt that he had moved on from her, when she hasn't moved on from him yet, and I don't think she ever will. She's had boyfriends in the past, but none of them lasted very long.

''How long have you guys been together?'' She asked.

''7 years.'' He told her.

''Wow.'' She said.

He nodded, and none of them spoke after that. I decided to break the awkward silence after a while. ''So am I going to meet the guys or what?''

''Yeah, you will.'' He said, smiling. ''Be careful when you meet Jimmy, he's a little crazy.''

''Oh, I know.'' I laughed. ''I watch interviews of you guys.''

''It's so fucking awesome that you're a fan of us. I was afraid you were going to be into that Bieber or whatever the fuck his name is kid.'' Brian smiled.

I laughed, shaking my head. ''Eww no, I hate him.''

''I guess I'll leave you guys alone to talk.'' Mom said, smiling a little.

''Mom, wait. Can we please go back to our house? It's kinda boring here. I don't know why we couldn't just meet at our place.'' I said, shaking my head.
She laughed. ''Of course.''

''Come on, dad. I'll show you my room and everything.'' I grinned, grabbing his hand. He laughed. ''Okay.'' I still couldn't believe Synyster Gates was my father.

When we got to our house, I dragged Brian up to my room, mom following behind us laughing. ''Brace yourself, Brian.'' She told him. ''For what?'' He asked, confused.

''You'll see.''

I opened my door, and we walked in. ''Holy shit.'' He gasped, looking around. I had posters of mostly Avenged Sevenfold covering my entire walls, including the ceiling. I blushed. ''Well? What do you think?''

''This is fucking insane. I never been in a fan girl's bedroom before.''

I giggled. ''Well, you have now.'' Mom leaned against the door. ''So, how has Jimmy been, Brian?'' She asked.

''Oh fine. He's still the crazy motherfucker he was in high school.'' Dad grinned, still looking around in awe. ''Shit, you play guitar?'' He noticed my custom guitar back in the corner. I grinned, and nodded. ''Yup. I started playing since I was 6.''

''She's really your daughter, Brian.'' Mom laughed. Dad agreed with her. ''I'm so fucking proud of you.'' He said, hugging me. He kissed the top of my forehead. I blushed. ''I'm going to make up all of the years I missed out to you, okay?''


This was going to be fucking awesome.

''Can you stay over tonight?'' I asked. We were sitting down on the couch in the living room watching ELF. Mom had ordered us some pizza, and went to go pick it up.

''If it's okay with your mom, of course I will.'' He smiled, putting his arm around me. I nodded, grinning. ''So, how's your mom? She dating anyone?'' He asked. I shook my head. ''No. She hasn't dated in a while. She had boyfriends in the past, but none of them lasted very long.''

''Oh.'' He frowned.

''Are you really happy with Michelle?'' I asked him. He looked at me, a little taken back that I had asked him that. ''Are you?''

He sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. ''Not really.''

''Then why did you lie to mom? You still love her, don't you?''

He sighed. ''I do. Things between Michelle and I are so complicated right now.'' He put his face in his arms. ''You know.'' I said quietly. ''Mom still loves you.''

He looked up. ''How do you know?''

''Because, I see the way she looks at you. She was jealous when you told her you were with this Michelle chick.''


I nodded. ''Yeah.''

He frowned. ''I can't just break up with Michelle though. I've wanted to get a divorce for a while now, but I don't know how to bring it up to her. I really love your mom though.'' He groaned. ''Why does love have to be so complicated?''

I shrugged. ''I don't know. I'm only thirteen. I never had a boyfriend yet.''

''Good.'' He said. ''You don't need one or else I'll beat their asses up.''

I rolled my eyes. ''Being overprotective already?''

''Of course.''

Mom came back a little while with the pizza in hand. ''Come eat guys.'' We walked over to the table, and sat down. I made sure Brian sat in the middle so mom could sit next to him, and I could as well.

''So Jimmy finally have a girlfriend?'' Mom asked, with her mouth full. I looked at her in disgust. ''That's gross mom.''

''Shut up.'' She told me.

Brian laughed. ''Yeah. Her name is Leana.''

''About time.''


''Hey mom, can dad stay over tonight please?'' I begged. ''Yeah, please?'' Brian begged as well. Mom sighed. ''I don't know...''

''Please!'' We whined.

She sighed, and smiled. ''Fine. How could I resist?''

''YAH!'' We grinned.
Mom was showing dad pictures of me when I was baby after dinner. I groaned in embarrassment. ''When she was two, she hated taking baths, so she ran around the house butt naked'' She giggled. ''I had to chase after her, and force her into taking a bath.''

Dad looked over at me with raised eye brows. He chuckled, and I blushed. ''Shut up.'' Mom laughed, ruffling my hair. ''Stop doing that!'' I whined, fixing my hair. ''I hate it when you mess up my hair.''

''Anyways, so this is her on her first birthday. Look how cute she is.'' Mom gushed. I leaned over dad's shoulder, and looked down at the picture. I had cake all over my face. I groaned. ''Oh my god..''

Brian chuckled. ''What did you do? Smash your face into the cake?''

''Yes, that's exactly what she did.'' Mom giggled,smiling at me. ''You were a goofy baby, Serenity'' I blushed. ''Shut up, mom.''

''Oh look at this Brian. A picture from our prom.'' Mom gasped, smiling. She held up the picture. ''Oh yeah.'' Brian smiled. ''I remember that night perfectly.'' He took the picture from her, and looked at it.
I looked down at it, and smiled. ''Aww. You guys looked so cute together. Wow mommy, you were so beautiful.''

Mom smiled at me. ''Thank you, Sweetie.''

I smiled, and we continued looking at more photos of me when I was younger.
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This is my new Brian daughter story I just came up with literally. I think it's way better than my other one. You should give this one a shot because I think it's worth your time. Anyways comment, subscribe, whatever. I'd like to hear feedback :-)