Status: Better than my other Brian daughter story. Trust me. Read this one.


Chapter 4

Dad helped us carry our bags in. We didn't notice the blonde haired girl, who must be Michelle, sitting on the couch until she looked up, and screeched. ''What the hell is this?''

''Michelle.'' Brian flinched. ''I would like you to meet my daughter Serenity, and you already know Alyssa.''

''Hello, Michelle.'' Mom smiled at her, trying to be friendly. Michelle rolled her eyes, and ignored her, then they bulged out. ''Wait? Did you just say you have a kid with her?'' He nodded. She turned to mom, with narrowed eyes. ''You slut!'' She screamed. ''Stay away from my husband!''

''Michelle!'' Brian yelled, glaring at her. ''She's the mother of my child, she isn't going anywhere. If you don't like that, then get out.''

''What?'' She screeched. ''Brian, baby. You don't mean that.''

Brian snorted. ''The hell I don't. If you don't mind, I'm going to show Serenity and Alyssa where they're gong to be sleep-''

''What? They're staying here? You can't do that without telling me first! I don't want them here.'' She whined, stomping her foot down, like a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum.

''Tough shit. This is MY house.''

''I'm going to Matt's.'' She huffed, pushing past mom and me. ''Bitch.'' I muttered. ''Whatever, go. I don't really care what you do.''

She left, slamming the door behind her.

Brian turned to us. ''I'm really sorry about her.''

''She's still as bitchy as I remembered.'' Mom said, shaking her head. ''When will she ever grow up?'' Dad laughed. ''Yeah, right. I was wondering the same thing. Anyways, come on, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping. I don't want Michelle to come home bitching.''

''How can you put up with that?'' I asked, following him up the stairs. He sighed. ''I really can't.'' We walked down the hall, and he opened up a door. ''This is your room.'' He smiled. I walked in, and looked around. ''Wow.'' I gasped. The walls were painted red with black stripes. There was a desk over by the corner with a black laptop on it. A gigantic bed, facing a large plasma screen TV which was hanging off the wall, with the shelf underneath with the DVD player and all those things. A walk in closet. A balcony, facing the beach.

''Woah, Brian. This is amazing.'' Mom gasped, looking around, wide eyed. ''Do you like?'' He asked me, licking his lips.

''Like? I fucking love it! Thanks daddy!'' I grinned, hugging him. I never wanted to let go. He kissed my forehead. ''Daddy?'' He said, smiling.

''Well you are, aren't you?'' I asked. He laughed, kissing my head once again. His phone started ringing. ''Oh shit. That's probably Matt wondering why Michelle is over there.'' He chuckled, answering his phone. ''Hello?''

''Haner.'' A voice growled. ''Why is your bitch over here ruining Val and I's evening?''

''Sorry, Matt. Aly, and our daughter Serenity are here, and she got mad and threw a fit, and left.''

''Aly's there?''

Brian nodded, smiling over at mom. ''Let me talk to him!'' He nodded, and gave the phone over to her. ''Hey, dork.'' Mom smiled.

''Aww, I missed you too.'' She laughed. ''How's Val?''

Dad and I sat down on the bed, knowing this was going to be a while. ''Yeah, her name's Serenity.'' Mom smiled. ''She's 13. Yes, she's a fan of you guys. She's exactly like Brian, she plays guitar. Jesus, stop asking so many questions, and just come over and see her for yourself. We're at Brian's.''

''Who's Val?'' I asked dumbly. I felt like I should know who the guys were dating or married to.

''Matt's wife, and Michelle's twin sister.''

''Oh. Is she nice?''

He nodded. ''Yeah, you'll like her. She's nothing like Michelle.''

''Val!'' Mom squealed. ''How are you? You and Matt married? I knew you guys would! Yeah, Brian and I have a daughter! She's 13. Just wait until you meet her, you'll fall in love with her.!'' I never seen mom this happy before. It made me happy to see her happy again. She finally got her real family and friends back after her parents wrongfully took her away from them for the past thirteen years.

''She's so happy.'' I smiled.

''Yeah.'' Brian smiled over at my mom.

After a while, mom was still on the phone with Val, the door downstairs slammed close. ''Brian!'' Michelle's snotty voice yelled. Brian sighed. ''Be right back.'' He stood up, and walked out of the room.


Brian's POV

''What, Michelle?'' I asked annoyed. She was standing over by the door, her hands on her hips, and a bitchy pout on her face. ''Matt kicked me out.'' She whined. I rolled my eyes. ''I wonder why.''

''Are they still here?''

''They? You mean my family, yes they're still here. I told you, they're staying here.''

''Well, I want them gone.'' She snapped. ''I don't want Alyssa around you. I don't trust her.''

I laughed at her. ''Are you serious, Michelle? Alyssa is going to be in my life more now, we have a daughter.''

''God, stop saying that. I wanted to have your kid. She just had to go and ruin everything, didn't she?''

''You can leave then.'' I snapped back. ''I want a divorce. I can't be with you when you're going to be like this. Hell, you were just a good fuck, I could care less about. I only married you because you wouldn't shut the hell up about it.'' I pinched the bridge of my nose, and paced back and forth.

''It's really because of Alyssa, isn't it?'' She asked softly, tears beginning to roll down her face. I almost felt bad. Almost. ''You still love her, don't you?''

I sighed. I knew I had to tell her the truth. ''Yes, I do.''

''Fine.''' She yelled. ''I'll pack my shit up, and leave. You'll never see or hear from me ever again. I hope you guys have a nice life together.'' She tore off the expensive ring, she had begged me to get her, off her finger, and threw it down on the ground. ''I'll be back later to get my stuff and I'm taking Pinkly with me.''

''The hell you will.'' I snorted. Pinkly was MY little white___. ''You don't give a shit about her, and besides I bought her, so she's my dog.''

''We'll see about that.'' She said, before leaving.

I picked up the ring. Maybe I'll give it to- No, I'll get Alyssa a even better ring when the time is right. I put the ring in my pocket, and took off my wedding band. I twirled it around in my hand before putting it in my pocket. I was finally free. Alyssa and I could finally make up the time we had lost, and raise our daughter together from now on.

I walked back upstairs. Alyssa was still on the phone, and Serenity was texting someone. I sat down beside her. She looked up. ''You okay?''

I smiled at her. ''Yup.''

''Are you sure? I heard the yelling...''

''Don't worry about it.'' I told her.

''Alright Val, can't wait to see you girlie. Bye.'' Alyssa hung up, and tossed my phone back to me. ''Sorry about that.'' She blushed. Oh how, I missed that blush so much. I laughed. ''It's fine. They missed you.'' She walked over, and sat down on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her tightly, never wanting to let her go ever. ''You're not wearing your wedding ring.'' She mused, noticing my bare ring finger.

''Nope. Michelle and I are getting a divorce.'' I smiled, kissing her. ''She's moving out tonight.'' She grinned. ''Really?''


''Okay guys, even though I'm like really happy right now, I don't want to see my parents suck each others face off.'' Serenity said. We laughed, and I reached over and messed her hair up. She hated that.