Imprinting Gone Wrong

The Pack's Reassurance Isn't Needed

My date with Jasper ended late because I didn't get home until after midnight. I totally forgot that I had school the next day. So I woke up around midday. It was going to be an “I don’t care at all” day. I wore some skinny jeans, a band shirt, little make up, and a messy bun. On my way to school I got a late breakfast at some fast food place.

Once I got to school it was already lunch. I went straight to my group of friends and Jensine wasn't there. It was only Karen, Alyssa and Hayley. I wasn't as close to them as I am with her. She needed to tell me about her date though.

“Have you guys seen Jen?” I asked while my eyes scanned the cafeteria for her.

“We haven’t seen her all day,” Hayley answered.

That’s odd that she isn't here and didn't notify me about it. For the rest of the day I’ll be worried about her. I sat in silence most of lunch because frankly the girls are boring.
It was a few minutes before lunch was going to end. I looked across the room and saw Jasper with his “family.” He looked so handsome with his navy blue sweater. He looked my way and smiled. I gave a subtle wave. There was a loud vibrating noise and it was my phone ringing on the table.

It was a text message from Jasper. It read, “Even when you’re dressed like that you look as beautiful as ever.” I blushed. I replied, “Aww thank you. Can’t wait to see you after school.” I placed my hair behind my ear and saw Jasper staring at his cell phone screen.

“You know you could sit by Jasper. He is your boyfriend and it would be better than texting,” Alyssa stated.

“Oh it’s alright. I’ll see him later,” I answered. If only she know the back-story to why I can’t sit with him.

Right as school ended Jasper and I met at my car. I expected him to look tired but then I remembered vampires don’t need sleep. He towered over me as I leaned against my car. He kissed me with so much passion and it felt wonderful.

“So my family is going to be out doing vampire stuff tonight I was wondering if you wanted to come over and we’ll be alone,” he mentioned. I gave him an “Are you serious?” look and he laughed. Alone in his house? Where there’s a bed to do more than makeout.

“Well uhm I gotta go see where Jen is and it’s probably with the pack. Then I’ll let you know,” I replied unsure.

“Okay and I’ll make you some sushi,” he added. I shook my head and kissed him.

“So now you’re trying to bribe me huh?” I asked.

‘Is it working?” he questioned as he kissed my lips and moved down to my neck then my collar bones. Those were my sweet spots. Once someone kisses me there I give into them. I moaned lightly with pleasure.

“Okay Jasper I’ll go but you better make me food,” I groaned while pushing him off. He had a huge smirk on his face.

“See you tonight,” he said with a grin on his face as I drove off.

It was important that I go see Jensine. She needs to tell me about her date and I have to tell her where I’m going tonight. When I entered her house her dad was passed out on the couch. Once I got into her room she greeted me while on her laptop. But I wasn't too happy with her.

“Dude why weren't you at school? I was all alone,” I exclaimed. She closed her laptop and put it to the side as she sat up. I eased into bed next to her.

“Stop thinking about yourself anyways I had a huge migraine,” she responded.

“Well I was worried about you. So how’d last night go?” I asked nudging her leg. Jensine glanced down smiling it also seemed like she blushed.

“It was fun. We went to the fair and he got me a stuffed wolf,” she answered.

“That’s ironic because you love wolves and he is one. But tell me all the good stuff. Did he kiss you?” I mentioned. In that moment she turned red.

“Uhh- yeah. It was nice but you know he has cooties,” she replied. I laughed as I went into hug her.

“You’re such a child. Well I hope you guys end up together,” I muttered.

“Yeah hopefully he asks me tonight at the beach bonfire,” she mumbled.

“Beach bonfire?”

“Oh yeah if you didn’t spend so much time with Jasper you would know. But the pack decided it would be fun,” she replied. I rolled my eyes. It made me feel bad that I didn’t know this was planned. They’re my best friends and no one ever told me about this? I still love the pack but Jasper is my boyfriend so they have to come to terms about it.

Later that evening we went to our usual beach spot. We haven’t had a bonfire in a long time. It was the same thing as always the guys squished Jensine and I in a group hug. What’s odd about it is that Paul even joined in.

He pulled me aside from the group and honestly I was scared. There was Goosebumps all over my arms and sweat in-between my fingers. “Miranda I’m not here to hurt you. I want to apologize,” he said in an apologetic tone.

“Well I’m happy with Jasper so I’m not getting back together with you,” I retorted. He shook his head.

“I know I’m accepting that he makes you happy instead of me. I always love you, I would take it back if I could but I’m sorry,” he stated.

I could tell he was being one-hundred percent honest. The way he looked at me, his body language, and tone. I half smirked. “I forgive you Paul,” I whispered.

He smiled and whispered, “Thank you.” Something came over me and I hugged him as if nothing ever happened.

It made me glad to have one of my good friends back. Now there won’t be any tension in the pack. Both of us walked back to the bonfire and everybody was staring. Seth got up and put his arms around Paul and I. “Finally you guys made up. It’s great to have it back to normal,” he murmured. The group shook their head in agreement.

We sat in a circle around the fire. I sat next to Jensine. Billy Black started to tell one of the old legends and I was always mesmerized by the bravery of the wolves. When he tells the stories there’s a mental picture of it in my head. As I looked up I could see Jacob and Jensine eyeing each other. They are such little kids. He needs to make the next and ask her to be his. After story time ended we ate. Emily made burgers and lots of them and each one of us made our own smores. Looking at everyone and they were smiling, laughing, and having a great time.

The elders left and it was just us teenagers. I remembered that I had to go to Jasper’s soon. Its nerve-wracking thinking about what could happen when were alone in a bed. I went over to Jen and dragged her to the nearest log.

“So tonight I’m going to Jasper’s house and were going to be alone,” I stated. She opened her eyes wide.

“Ohh. So do you think you guys are going to bone?” she asked.

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” I mumbled.

“Why? You’re not a virgin,” she responded. I sighed out loud.

“I know that but it hasn't even been a week. Would it make me look a whore if I do?” I questioned while I cupped my face.

“Not at all. If it feels right to you then who cares,” she replied.

Before I could even tell her about Saturday she got up to get more drinks and food. It took her forever and I really needed to go. As soon as she came I just blurted it out, “Jasper is taking me to meet his family this weekend.”

“You’re going to get killed,” Paul said as him and Jacob sat next to us. I rolled my eyes. Of course they heard what I said.

“No I won’t. I’ll be careful I promise,” I snapped back.

“Babe tell her it’s a dumb idea,” Jacob said to Jensine. What? Wait they’re TOGETHER now. I smiled and hugged them.

“I’m glad you guys are together but now I have to see my boyfriend,” I stated.

I don’t think I’ll ever be left in peace about the Cullens. I know they’re not friends or anything near that but they should be civil for me. Before I went to Jasper’s I stopped at my house to fix myself up. I had to look my best.

When I drove into his driveway Jasper was standing there. I sat there for a moment thinking if I was ready. There’s nothing wrong if we go all the way.

“Hey love,” he said and kissed me softly. I smiled.

“Hi. Gosh your house is huge,” I muttered. He chuckled.

“I know. Well were only going to be in the kitchen and my room,” he replied.

He grabbed my hand and took me inside. I just hope our intimacy doesn't turn into a disaster.
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So it's pretty long. Enjoy and leave some comments!:)